Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Need For Sedation Dentistry | New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Sedation dentistry is dentistry using sedatives. Sedatives can induce a patient to experience a state of being that is calm and relaxed. Some of the sedatives used in this kind of dentistry include nitrous oxide, tranquillizers, and anti-anxiety medications.

Sedatives can be given to people using IV injection via the arm or hand or can be given orally through the nose or mouth. Oral sedation methods are the most common form of sedatives used for dental procedures in the United States and Canada. Oral sedatives make the patient comfortable and many do not even remember any aspects of the actual dental procedure. Although sedatives are used the need for a local anesthesia applied to the mouth may also be needed to block any pain from the affected teeth and/or gums.

There are a number of advantages to using sedatives while undergoing dental procedures. The first advantage is that the patient has no concept of the length of the procedure. When a patient is under sedation they experience the time period of the procedure as shortened. This effect allows a dentist to complete more difficult procedures like teeth reconstructing in a smaller number of visits because the patient can stand extended lengths of treatment at a time.

Another benefit of this type of dentistry is that people who are afraid or anxious of going to the dentist can now do so without anxiety. They can have dental procedures performed comfortably and won?t even remember undergoing the procedure. Patients can receive routine dental care and not neglect the health of their teeth and gums which can lead to more difficult complex dental procedures.

The levels of sedation used in dentistry can range from mild to moderate depending on the type of sedative used. In order to be able to be giving sedatives a patient must disclose their medical history and all the medications they are currently taking to their dentist. People with certain health conditions may not be able to be sedated.

Relieving apprehension by using low or average sedatives is known as anxiolysis. The customary form of sedative used to reduce unease about undergoing dental treatments is nitrous oxide. The drug is delivered by inhaling through a small mask situated on the patient?s face. The drug is given to the patient preceding and then continuously as the treatment is performed. Apprehension of dental procedures can also be relieved by taking caplets.

Moderate sedation is defined as a depressed level of consciousness. A person in this state can still respond to stimulation. A patient is awake during the procedure, but they may feel sleepy. The oral medicine is given to the patient before the appointment and the patient is supposed to take the medication prior to arriving for their procedure.

Taking sedatives by injection is also a type of medium sedation done by a sedation dentist. The effects of the medicine can be felt immediately and it is only administered for brief dental treatments. In-depth sedation is only used when a person is undergoing a dental surgery treatment. A patient under in-depth sedatives is in a state between consciousness and unconsciousness and does not respond to stimuli.

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