Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Full Moon in Leo February 7, 2012 ? Aloha Astro

A Leo full moon arrives today, bringing creativity and boldness with it. The moon opposes not just the logical, rational, future minded Aquarius sun today, but also Mercury, the planet of communication, thought and transportation, in Aquarius. Mars, the planet of action, is in the mutable earth sign of particular, detail oriented Virgo. This afternoon, Mars in Virgo also exchanges energy with the sun and Mercury in Aquarius via a quincunx aspect, and connects with the moon in Leo through a semi-sextile aspect. The image of an actor on stage giving a perfect performance comes to my mind, as does a prototype car that combines speed and driving precision with fuel efficiency. You can use the creative, dramatic energy of the Leo moon, mixed with the extreme genius of the sun and Mercury to manipulate a situation, invent a method, or create the right idea that solves a problem, takes care of a need or makes something possible that benefits not just you, but others, too. The full moon can also bring you to the point of knowing exactly how far you can go with something and still be within reason. Intelligent or inventive use of what you already have available in terms of tools, resources and alliances, can change how things have been and point them in a new direction. Just the right amount of bravery and heart energy can be mixed with cool logic so you can move a step beyond what is, to what can be. Look inside yourself. What objections to growth, or following what makes you feel vitally alive, have you been running in the background of your life? The energy to overcome those objections is with you today. As the full moon caps off a cycle of growth and you take stock of where you stand, make your plans for the future by following your heart or passion using what you already have, but applied in a more effective way. Here are the areas of life where you will feel the energy of the full moon in Leo and the sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius. If you know your ascendant, or rising sign, read for that sign as well, for greater accuracy.

Moon: 5th house of creativity, children, pets, the arts, fun, gambling, competitive games, crafts, hobbies, gardening, entertainment, vacations, cooking ? anything creative and pleasurable.
Sun: 11th house of friends, groups, organizations, wish fulfillment, social networking online, the stage, gallery or audience, fame, popularity.

Moon: 4th house of home, family, psychological foundations, core beliefs, sometimes the mother, but can represent either parent.
Sun: 10th house of career, reputation, titles and authority, success in society, mastery, your home away from home or here you express parental energy in an employment situation.

Moon: 3rd house of imagination, formative thoughts, communication, siblings, early childhood education, neighbors and neighborhood, local travel, politics and sales work.
Sun: 9th house of higher education, writing, publishing, teaching, philosophy, information gathering, foreign travel, other cultures, expanding personal horizons.

Moon: 2nd house of money, personal values and how you express them, self worth.
Sun: 8th house of sex, intimacy, death, taxes, insurance, investment, inheritance, business partnership, legal binding contracts and their undoing ? such as divorce, metaphysics and the dissolving of boundaries between people.

Moon: 1st house of self, the image you present physically and the energy you project to others, how you identify yourself.
Sun: 7th house of marriage, partnership, hidden enemies or hidden aspects of yourself.

Moon: 12th house of the subconscious, dream state, meditation, spirituality, the collective of society, addictions, places of retreat or healing such as prisons, hospitals, monasteries, ashrams, etc.
Sun: 6th house of health, hygiene, habits, dharmic work, purpose, service related work.

Moon: 11th house of friends, groups, organizations, wish fulfillment, social networking online, the stage, gallery or audience, fame, popularity.
Sun: 5th house of creativity, children, pets, the arts, fun, gambling, competitive games, crafts, hobbies, gardening, entertainment, vacations, cooking ? anything creative and pleasurable.

Moon: 10th house of career, reputation, titles and authority, success in society, mastery, your home away from home or here you express parental energy in an employment situation.
Sun: 4th house of home, family, psychological foundations, core beliefs, sometimes the mother, but can represent either parent.

Moon: 9th house of higher education, writing, publishing, teaching, philosophy, information gathering, foreign travel, other cultures, expanding personal horizons.
Sun: 3rd house of imagination, formative thoughts, communication, siblings, early childhood education, neighbors and neighborhood, local travel, politics and sales work.

Moon: 8th house of sex, intimacy, death, taxes, insurance, investment, inheritance, business partnership, legal binding contracts and their undoing ? such as divorce, metaphysics and the dissolving of boundaries between people.
Sun: 2nd house of money, personal values and how you express them, self worth.

Moon: 7th house of marriage, partnership, hidden enemies or hidden aspects of yourself.
Sun: 1st house of self, the image you present physically and the energy you project to others, how you identify yourself.

Moon: 6th house of health, hygiene, habits, dharmic work, purpose, service related work.
Sun: 12th house of the subconscious, dream state, meditation, spirituality, the collective of society, addictions, places of retreat or healing such as prisons, hospitals, monasteries, ashrams, etc.


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