Thursday, September 8, 2011

Report: W.H. hopes to hush Petraeus (Politico)

Despite overwhelming popularity in Congress, retired General David Petraeus will be sworn in privately Tuesday as the director of the CIA because the White House wants to lower his profile amid concerns that he could be a loose cannon in the administration.

?Silent is what some in the White House want the well-connected former four-star general to remain,? writes the Associated Press Tuesday, according to three former and current U.S. officials.

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White House officials who disagreed with Petraeus on a counterinsurgency troop surge are concerned that the former four-star general will use his influence with the media and Capitol Hill to pursue policies at odds with their goals.

Petraeus, who retired last week after 37 years in the military, was confirmed as CIA chief by a resounding vote of 94-to-0, an overwhelming show of support from what has been a divided Senate.

Gen. Petraeus? influence was seen when he helped to persuade President Barack Obama to increase troops in Afghanistan - similar to Petraeus? successful counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq - over the doubts of other advisors, such as Vice President Joe Biden.

In addition, CIA officials are concerned that their analysis will be colored by Petraeus? preferences. The former general has publicly acknowledged disagreements with CIA analysis of conditions in Afghanistan.

Analysts have expressed worry that they may be forced to match their new boss? point of view, a current U.S. official told the AP.

Despite fears that Petraeus? views will flow counter to those of some top White House officials, his access is unlikely to be hindered. Petraeus has been promised weekly face time with President Obama to address concerns.

Recent CIA analysis has predicted a continued stalemate in fighting with the Taliban, something that intelligence officials say has invigorated the Afghan group ? especially considering that more U.S. troops are planning to leave within the next year.


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