Saturday, September 3, 2011

Meditation Tools You Should Have | Self Improvement Articles and ...

Everyone is different, so the meditation tools that work for one person might not be the same ones that help you meditate. But when you?re first starting to meditate you will probably need a little extra help getting your mind to focus and getting your body to relax into the meditation. These tools are great for beginners who need that little bit of extra help while they are training their minds and bodies to meditate more effectively:

The flame of a candle can be a very effective tool for focusing your mind. Some New Age practitioners say that different candle colors have different meanings, so you might want to pick a neutral color candle like white, or a candle color that is associated with meditation and relaxation. According to New Age philosophy the candle colors and their associations are:

? White- Balance, truth, spirituality, peace
? Yellow- Concentration, imagination, creativity
? Gold- Deeper understanding of the Universe or the Divine
? Orange- Creativity, intelligence
? Pink- Love, friendship, feminine energy
? Red- Passion, energy ? not a great choice for meditation because it encourages activity.
? Silver- Improved mental abilities, clarity, concentration
? Purple- Power, action, passion ? Not a good choice for meditation unless the color is quite pale.
? Brown- Concentration, telepathy or other psychic abilities
? Dark Blue- Deep meditation. Blue is a very good color for meditation.
? Light Blue- Peace, tranquility, spirituality
? Green ? Rejuvenation for the mind
? Grey ? Neutral color great for meditation
? Black- Deep meditation or spirituality

If you?re not going to use a guided meditation then using music can be a really effective way to get your mind to focus. Pick something instrumental or without a lot of words so that your mind doesn?t get distracted by the words. There are some great meditation CDs on the market that are specifically designed to be used during meditation. You should buy a few of them or make your own that have different artists and songs on them so that you will have the right music to listen to no matter what mood you?re in.

You can use a special meditation incense blend or you can use a scented candle if you prefer but the right scent really can make a big difference when you?re meditating. If you use the same incense or the same scented candle every time you meditate then your mind will start to associate that scent with meditation and you will start to relax every time you get a whiff of that scent.

A floor pillow
If you?re going to be sitting on the floor to meditate then you will definitely need a big comfortable floor pillow to provide some support. You can use a rolled up towel in a pinch but a big comfortable pillow is what most people prefer.

A way to make your space private
If you are using a corner of your bedroom or a section of the living room make sure that you have a way to block out the distractions of other people or other things while you meditate. You can hang fabric from the ceiling and make curtains to give yourself a private meditation spot or you can use moveable screens to create a private space within a room. Another idea is to use large houseplants to section off a corner of the room. You can even use baby gates covered in paper to create a private space. The possibilities are endless once you start getting creative.

Background noise
Some people meditate best in a silent room, other people like a little background music, but some people find music too distracting and need some other type of background noise in order to really sink into meditation. You can use a fountain to provide soothing water noises, or a fish tank creates a nice low sound that is relaxing. You can also use a white noise machine or a special machine that mimics natural sounds like the sound of rain or the sound of waves hitting the shore.

Comfortable clothing
You need to be able to totally relax when you?re meditating so invest in a pair of luxuriously comfortable pajamas, or buy some comfortable cotton yoga clothing to wear while you meditate. The more comfortable you are, the easier meditation will be. So don?t skimp on your meditation clothes.

Related posts:

  1. Choosing a Meditation Space
  2. 10 Tips for Setting Up Your Meditation Space
  3. How to Getting Started With Meditation
  4. Types of Meditation
  5. Create A Meditation Space Using Feng Shui
  6. 10 Props That Can Help You Meditate
  7. Meditation: Tips to Help You Breathe More Effectively
  8. The Top 5 Most Common Mistakes That People Make When Starting a Regular Meditation Practice
  9. Simple Meditation Techniques for Memory
  10. Top Ten Excuses Not to Meditate
  11. The Medical Benefits of Meditation
  12. Meditation in the Modern World
  13. Meditation for Kids
  14. How To Have a Calm Mind With Meditation
  15. A Brief History of Meditation


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