Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Relationship violence? | Awesome Faces!

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Question by Joshua: Relationship violence?
Im doing a paper for my english class on relationships, i was curious, I know that its known as domestic violence now, but can anyone tell me the percentage of abuse/violence or a.k.a. domestic abuse that occurs over the phone? and inluce the source you retreived it from? Thank You!

Best answer:

Answer by John 63
I?ve never seen it in a catigory for stats ?.. most are all rolled into ?Domestic? proplems or the ?Domestic Battery? slot on the graph.

You could check under Harrasment or Threatening Phone calls ?. but most of the minor stuff like that isn?t tracked.

Excellent Luck??.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Source: http://www.awesomefaces.net/family-relationship/relationship-violence/

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