Saturday, September 17, 2011

Generate Leads From the Internet ? How to ... - Business Website

By leads, September 16, 2011

Knowing how to generate leads is a critical skill that online business owners should learn. There are a number of marketing strategies that are very effective for generating leads online for the multilevel marketer. Since there are so many different marketing strategies available online, I will be discussing two strategic ways inside this article. There will be a Part 2 article on Generating Leads Online discussing more on social bookmarking, social media, and video marketing.

Article marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate leads online for the multilevel marketer. Article marketing involves routinely writing 300-500 word articles and then submitting to Article Directories. These articles can be written on any topic, but it is best to write about topics surrounding your business (niche) interest since you are writing these articles to generate leads for your business. Submit your article to a minimum of 10 article directories so that you get adequate exposure across the internet. When you finish writing an article, you attach a link to the article called a resource box that directs the reader to your business where, hopefully, he/she will purchase your product or service. Article marketing is an excellent way to generate leads for any MLM business opportunity.

Another excellent method to generate leads online for your MLM is forum marketing. Forum marketing is similar to article marketing; however, here you are not writing articles, instead you are participating in forum discussions on the internet dealing with your niche. You want to first fill out your profile and give information about you, like what your favorite movies and books are that you enjoy, in an attempt to enable the people in these forums to warm up to you and; therefore, turn your cold market into a warm market. You never promote your business inside these forums because the primary purpose is to be friendly and helpful to those inside the forum. You promote your opportunity in what is called your signature. The signature works like the resource box in article marketing; in that, it directs these new friends, or leads, to your business. Forum marketing is another great way to generate leads online for your MLM.

In addition to article marketing and forum marketing, the multilevel marketer can use a method called social bookmarking. Social bookmarking is where you post your favorite websites and links, which in the marketers case would be a link to a blog post of your own blog site or to a very informative article you?ve written, or a very conclusive forum post of yours. On social bookmarking sites readers love to support and share information such as described. You want to post your site interests in as many different social bookmarking sites for maximum exposure. It is another great way to generate leads online; but be careful to be consistent with your professional image because you don?t want your lead to get the wrong impression of you.

For more information on ?How To Build Your MLM Business Online? and various other FREE lead generating tips, Go to [].


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