Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bipolar disorder is a disability?

A recent study in the United States and the United Kingdom that the performance suggests a connection between the increase in false diagnosis of bipolar disorder and the payment of disability has caused a stir for.

Many people who actually suffer from manic depression (bipolar disorder) are insulting the suggestion that someone "wrong" state to receive social security benefits. Others deny the whole idea of ??a possible increase in the misdiagnosis of bipolar.

And then there are those whoExpressed doubt about bipolar disorder as a cause of disability in the first place.

There is a certain irony to these problems as the nature slow, complicated and frustrating for Social Security disability claim. It is a system that by its nature, against people with severe bipolar disorder. This is because navigation bureaucracy involved requires the ability to very severe case of bipolar disorder in patients eat one.We are 'little more talk about this in a moment, but we will first basic question: "bipolar disability? And"

In common usage is a disability usually present a health condition that routine daily tasks difficult or impossible to understand. However, social security, speak a language all its own. many nuances of our common use of certain words or to change intuitive, and the exact critical importance as we move into the mysteriousJargon of the Social Security Administration (SSA).

When it comes to Social Security disability claim, we find that the social security system's own specialization, the only definition of "disability" is used.

Those of us who can understand bipolar disorder, people with, like a very serious case of this disease makes it impossible for operations routine. But disability is bipolar, in the eyes of the Social Security Administration? AfterSSA:

"Disability" under Social Security is based on your disability. We believe that you disabled under Social Security rules if:

One can not work you've done before;
We decide that one) do not adjust to other work because of his disease (s, and
Your disability has lasted or is likely to lead to at least one year, or death take.

add When the SSA itself, which is a strict definition of disability!

Notice something different?Like so many others talk about Social Security, this definition requires some further interpretation. How can they decide that you can not do your past work or other to a job? What exactly is a "disease"? Since most cases of bipolar disorder managed with medication can, and that most people with bipolar disorder do not stay in the workforce, bipolar disorder, disability or not?

It turns out that the answer is complicated and is reduceda mixture of "sometimes" and "is it."

(By the way, please do not think I'm slamming the SSA. It is important to get eliminated false claims and that the SSA are cautious in the use of public funds. They are good people just doing their job, and most defects the system are the inevitable consequence of such a huge organization and complex mix of rights.)

To make things easier for everyone involved, some medical conditions were so serious asand have a significant impact on the lives of routines that are automatically classified as disabled. For example, acute leukemia and pancreatic cancer. This makes sense because the diagnosis can be made quickly, based on very precise and objective scientific data.

There is also a broad category of disabilities that the RSA be filled in a list system. These lists contain all the conditions are so serious as to automaticallyare disabled.

Good news! Bipolar in the list!

But as with many things in life that is not as straightforward as it seems. There are some "tricks" needed, meaning that just because you were diagnosed, which means in reality is not that they are automatically considered disabled and awarded disability pensions. For example, it is not as simple as a note from the psychiatrist, who says: ". Sarah was diagnosed with bipolar, and then is disabled"

Theirmedical records must indicate clearly described that the personal, individual case of bipolar exactly the symptoms and characteristics of the bipolar terms as in the SSA. Alternatively, you may need medical evidence that his condition as serious is the condition described in the lists. It must also be so severe that you do not only able, you already work ? it must be so severe you can not do any work!

At the end of Social SecurityAssessing the gravity and your ability to do work all you have to show that in addition to a bipolar care for diseases, you are affecting the point that it seriously limits their ability to remember instructions, and understand basic tasks such as maintaining concentration and appropriate social interactions with supervisors, employees and customers. It is not enough simply to say that ? like everything else, you need evidence of supportApplication.

The irony is that someone, the disorder has severe bipolar and that do not follow, therefore, can instructions, concentrate, or communicate properly is a lot of trouble to explain their situation and the compilation of the medical evidence and other documents that prove their assertion.

In short, yes, bipolar disorder is a severe disability. However, could prove his case be a challenge. Do not worry! You are not alone, and there are many resources andYou can send the experts. This increases your chances of success, and lower stress.



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