Monday, November 19, 2012

Pregnancy Diary: Baby 12 in 2012 ? Week 38 ? Larger Family Life





It is funny to think that this is the last count-up. ?There will be no week 39 or week 40 update. ?On Thursday, when I am 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant our new addition will be delivered.

That?s just three days away.

Even though these posts are scheduled to go out early on Monday mornings I actually write them up on Sunday evenings ? Sunday being the day that the new pregnancy week begins. ?Today has seen me catching my breath at intervals where both regular and not so regular twinges have been making their presence known. ?I have been flitting between the quite relaxed ?Ah, if this is really it then they?ll just get stronger? to the ?Oh goodness! ?What if it?s all starting? ?I still have things to do!? mini-panic. ?Seriously oh Threat-of-Labour, Monday is not a good day for me. ?I have an appointment with the accountant in the morning. ?I can pencil you in for the afternoon, however.

I am also flitting on a grander scale. ?A grander scale of the now-feeling-very-uncomfortable stage of the end of pregnancy and wanting it all over with, to the opposite end of the once again ?Am I ready?? feeling. ?Despite yet another easy pregnancy with no complications or worries I am finding myself becoming more nervous at the thought of the caesarean. ?I would love to have a natural, normal labour. The recover is far easier and much preferred than the weeks of soreness and limited mobility you have with a c-section. ?I truly do not understand those who think a caesarean is the easy option. ?I honestly feel that it?s not.

Still, we are three days away and I think I?m just about ready now. ?I am certainly feeling uncomfortable enough, especially at the end of the day when I cannot relax. ?I can?t get comfortable and I spend the last two or three hours of the day fidgeting and hovering and pacing about. ?I get on my own nerves so have no idea how Mike must feel at my constant restlessness. ?Did anyone else experience that?

Three days.

Just three days.

How about a little fun to pass the time? ?Shall we use them to get our guesses in for the gender/weight of the baby?

My guess is that Baby 12 is a boy weighing in at 7lbs 2oz.

Please leave your guesses in the comments below. ?I?d love you to join in!


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