Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hello all!~

I figured I might as well introduce myself. Hello, world!

You can call me either Inariko or Inari - it's a nickname I chose based off Inari Okami of the Japanese Shinto religion, who has foxes as messengers. As my name and avatar implies, I love foxes. They are just too cute. Especially the white ones. <_<

I am a high school senior who feels like she is constantly busy fulfilling the laborious decrees of slavedriver teachers, but in reality, probably wastes a lot of time lazing about, daydreaming, and making mountains out of molehills. I lament. Just where does my all time go?

Anyway, this is my first time role playing online. I've done about three years of D&D on and off with my friends in real life - overwhelmingly hectic gatherings of crazy fantasy-obsessed people - so I'm pretty decent at creating characters and stories. I am a relatively good writer and a stickler for mechanics (delighted to see that everyone on this site expects proper, literate English as well). I'd probably join a plot-driven RP with fantasy elements.

Here are some of my various hobbies...
I've danced classical ballet for about 11 years now. Still dancing and loving it.
I enjoy listening to music and can sing in about five different languages, although I'm only fluent in two and am learning a third.
I do both traditional and CG art, usually drawing people or dragons. Self-taught, and recently trying to go for a more realistic style rather than anime. I still doodle anime, though. Check the artwork forum! I'm sure I've got something on there somewhere.
I like to ski, although I seldom get a chance to go because I'm so busy and skiing is expensive. Winter break, however, offers a tempting, excellent opportunity...
I like reading fantasy/fiction. I check out books from my library in towering stacks of ten. I obsessively horde collect bookmarks, too. :3
I like to write stories, but I never finish them...writer's block and procrastination, you see, is a deadly and fatal combo.
I like frozen persimmons. Random, yes. But if you send me frozen virtual persimmons instead of setting out the usual plate of internet cookies, I will love you forever.


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