Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Getting International Business Experience through Volunteer Work

It is the age-old ?Catch 22? ? how do I get a job without experience and how do I get experience without a job? Many job seekers find themselves in this situation regularly. Volunteer work can be an excellent way to gain experience in international business without getting a new job. If you are looking to gain some experience for your resume, considering volunteering your services in international business is a good way to be on your way to a job in international business.

  • Small Businesses ? As a job seeker looking to gain experience in the international business field, it can be important to approach small businesses in your area and offer your services for free.? Small businesses typically have smaller budgets and will likely have more experience to offer you. In addition, they may have more time and flexibility to train you in the work as well, which can only be beneficial to you in gaining valuable experience.
  • Large Companies ? Though large companies may seem difficult to approach, you may find that they have volunteer opportunities or non-paid internship openings that will give you a wonderful chance to acquire experience in international business. Many times these types of unpaid positions can lead to a paid position if all goes well.
  • Not-for-Profits ? Another excellent place to volunteer your time and services is with your favorite not-for-profit organization. Charitable organizations typically have plenty of work for a volunteer and welcome the assistance. Many times, you will find that you gain a lot of experience and quickly with a not-for-profit and will come away with some excellent references as well.

Getting experience and buildings skills is very important to landing a international business job. If you are just graduating from college or making a career change, getting experience in the field of international business is important so be creative in how you attain the experience and do not wait for just the right opportunity, jump right in and get some experience. You will be glad that you did!

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