Thursday, April 12, 2012

An Agricultural Service Business You Can Start ? Tractor ?nd Farm ...

admin April 12, 2012 Uncategorized

Looking for ? new agricultural based business to start? Why n?t start an agriculture equipment ?nd tractor cleaning business us?ng ? trailer ?r truck mounted steam cleaner ?r hot water pressure washer? With su?h a unit y?u ??n also clean concrete, construction equipment, and fleets ?f trucks. Other services ??u ??n provide include fence cleaning, dairy equipment steam cleaning, and even power washing stables, and chicken coops (just watch the smell).

Okay so, I am glad I d?dn't frighten ?ou away. Now then, ??u are prob?bl? wondering what thi? m?ght cost, and h?w to go ?bout setting up all the equipment right? Well, ??u'll f?rst need a large water tank, ?nd I recommend a polypropylene plastic tank, unl??s ?ou h?ve someth?ng els? lying ?r?und there. Perhaps, a 500-gallon tank makes th? m?st sense if ?t is g??ng to be on ? trailer. If y?u ?r? go?ng t? mount ?t in a truck n? more than 250-gallons, unl??? ?t ?s ? 2-ton truck.

Some operators will mount th? equipment in the truck and th? water tank ?n ? trailer. I don't recommend thi? be?au?e gravity feed i? b??t ?nd if the machine ?? higher than the trailer, ?ou ??uld have suction problems. So, it'? bett?r to k?e? th? wh?le system t?gether and on ?n? platform. For th? pressure water, ??u def?n?t?ly n?ed ? hot water unit and I recommend ? skid unit by Hotsy, Landa, ?r a comparable type unit.

The marketing of ?uch services ?s n?t hard, ?ust talk ?t up ?round th? community, ?nd offer y?ur services for a fair price. Perhaps, d? a littl? bartering al?o ? that alway? works nice. Anyway, th?? ?s ?n easy business t? g?t ?nto and s?m?thing ?ou c?n d? part time as ?t grows. I hope this idea h?s helped you, ?r leads you to th?nk of ma?b? a different type of agricultural service business that is easy to start. Please b? thinking here.

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