Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Top Network Marketing Guru: Tips, Ideas, Best Multi Level MLM Home


As this new digital age envelops us and the phenomenon of social media continues to amaze even the most forward thinking amongst us, more and more people are starting to understand the power and potential of a network and the search for the best multi level marketing opportunity is on.

In order to achieve multi level marketing success, one needs to understand how to: choose a?top network marketing company, avoid the scams that may be out there and hook in to an organisation that provides great coaching and support.

Here are the 4questions you should ask to ensure you make the right decision and enjoy huge success:

Q: How do I know that a network marketing business is best for me?

A: The short answer is: because anyone can do it.? Whether you have a PhD or no high school diploma at all, the desire to work for yourself and earn what you are worth is all you need. ?In this day and age of the social media boom, the time has never been better to engage in a home based network marketing opportunity.

Robert Kiyosaki, famous self-help author, says that network marketing is the perfect business in this modern technological world.

Billionaire investor, Warren Buffet says that the 3 top multi level marketing companies he has acquired are: ?The best investment I ever made!?

Q: How do I choose the best multi level marketing opportunity?

A: According to a Harvard Business School study, the first thing to consider is stability.? The suggestion is that the company backing the best MLM businesses have been around for at least 18 months to ensure that the compensation plan offered is sustainable.

The best network marketing business is backed by a company that has been in business for over 50 years, is completely debt free, had annual sales of $10.9 billion in 2011 and, in June 2011, they had their first $1 billion month. They have also not missed paying a single bonus in all that time.

The study also stated that the product (or products) offered by the company should be highly consumable.? The plan will never work if it involves a one off product and no repeat business is expected.? It also states that it really helps if the products come with a high endorsement value. High profile people endorsing the products lends immense credibility.

Q: How do I know it is not a scam?

A: First off, the compensation plan should be based on the volume of products moved through your business.? If the business plan does not involve the purchasing of products or services, you can be sure it is a scam.

The start up fee should also be negligible and paid to the backing company and not to the person sponsoring you in the business (or your ?up line? as it is called).? If you are required, in any way, to lay out a substantial amount of money to get started, beware.

Lastly, the longer the company has been in business the surer you can be that it is legitimate.? Any top multi level marketing company will have survived scrutiny by the public as well as the legal system and established itself as a legitimate MLM business.

Q: But I hear numerous stories of people failing at Network Marketing?

A: Sure you do, as do you hear stories of numerous people failing in all other types of business.? Signing up is not a guarantee of success.? But a burning desire to become financially independent and to earn what you are worth will ensure that you work hard and learn to work smart in order to achieve success.

Although it is possible to engage in a home based network marketing business all alone and enjoy tremendous success, most people have trouble succeeding without the backing and support of a great team.

Teams of independent business owners (or IBOs) form within most of these organisations to provide support and training for all the people in their group.? The secret is to find a multi level marketing team with the interests of the team at heart.? There should be no pressure to perform, access to the website should cost very little and most of the coaching and support provided should be free.

If you are someone who wants to make a difference in your life and that of others then come and join us, www.make-a-difference.biz/Join_Us.php or call us at 619-246-4553.

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