Monday, September 3, 2012

DEMO Launches Angel Alley to Help Startups Get Funded

For new entrepreneurs and startups, securing that first bit of funding needed to really get your project off the ground can seem like an impossible task. Without the right connections and opportunities, lack of funding can ensure that a great idea never comes to fruition, particularly for those in the tech industry.

A new program is aiming to help these new ideas seek out the funding they need to get off the ground.

The DEMO Conference announced a new sponsor program for startups this week called ?Angel Alley.? The program is intended for startups without any professional angel investors who could use help gaining an audience with investors attracted by the DEMO Conference.

Interested entrepreneurs and startups must apply online by September 7, 2012 and then a team of judges will select 30 companies to deliver their pitches to a panel of startup founders and venture capitalists in mid September. Then the top ten companies selected will attend the DEMO Conference in October to participate in the Angel Alley program.

The ten winning companies will be given tables in the main pavilion at DEMO, where they can show off their ideas and hard work to potential investors and the rest of the attendees at the conference. One of the startups will even be selected to present an Alpha-Pitch. The audience at DEMO will choose the winning company.

Throughout the past 22 years, DEMO says that more than 1,500 companies and 20,000 technologies have launched. DEMO?s website has a long list of companies and products that were introduced at the DEMO conference and are now widely used, including Adobe Acrobat, TiVo, Leapfrog, and even Skype?s first implementation for mobile handsets.

DEMO will take place October 1-3, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency in Silicon Valley. The conference focuses on emerging technologies and new product innovations.

About Annie Pilon

Annie Pilon Annie Pilon is a freelance writer specializing inmarketing, social media, and creative topics. When she?s not writing for her various freelance projects or her personal blog Wattlebird, she can be found exploring all that her home state of Michigan has to offer.



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