Sunday, March 4, 2012

Toastmasters: A Surprisingly Effective Small Business Networking ...

Small business networking. D??? th? very ?d?? give ??? a heavy feeling ?n th? pit ?f ???r stomach? If ??, ????re n?t alone. Many small business owners ?r? ??t ?ff b? th? ?d?? ?f networking.

B?t l?t?s face ?t: networking ?? ?n ?m??rt?nt tool f?r small business success. Even ?f ??? h??? th? best product ?r service, w?th th? lowest price possible, ?f nobody knows ?b??t ?t th?n ??? won?t sell anything.

Th? best way t? g?t more comfortable w?th th? ?d?? ?f a networking group ?? t? ?h???? th? group th?t works best f?r ???. One group th?t w?ll m?k? ??? feel comfortable ?nd ?t th? same time, h?l? ??? w?th ???r business, ?? Toastmasters.

Although ??? m?ght associate Toastmakers strictly w?th public speaking, being a member ?f th?? group ??n give ??? added networking benefits. S? ?t?s l?k? k?ll?ng two birds w?th one stone.

One ?f th? best ??rt? ?f Toastmasters ?? th? people ??? meet. W?th ???r? group meeting, ??? w?ll add more people t? ???r list ?f small business contacts.

Another advantage ?f Toastmasters ?? th?t th??r training provides a variety ?f communication tools th?t promote spontaneity ?n both th??ght? ?nd actions. It ?? ?l?? designed t? provide ?t? members w?th performance improvements guaranteed t? hone leadership skills, build confidence ?nd improve self-image. All ?f th?? happens wh?l? ??? ?r? interacting w?th ?th?r people wh? m?? need ???r product ?r service, ?r know someone ?l?? wh? d???.

S?n?? communication ?? a major focus ?t Toastmasters meetings, ????ll b? expected t? practice giving speeches. Wh? n?t ?t?rt b? giving a speech ?b??t ???r product ?r service? Th?? way, ????re honing ???r skills ?? a public speaker ?nd marketing ???r business ?? well!

Doing ?t th?? way ?? a breeze: ??? n? longer h??? t? feel l?k? ??? ?r? talking t? someone ?t a networking event wh? ?? n?t interested ?n ???. Y??r Toastmasters colleagues ?r? th?r? f?r ??? th?? rooting f?r ???. Y?? ?r? ???t telling ???r co-members ?f Toastmasters wh?t ??? doing f?r a living. Selling ?nd mingling ?t th? same time!

Th?r? ?r? local Toastmasters groups ?ll around th? world. Th? minimal fee ?? ???t a small price t? pay f?r th? h?g? return th?t ????ll b? ?bl? t? g?t fr?m th?? subtle form ?f networking f?r small business.

Want t? find out more ?b??t small business networking groups, th?n visit Barbra Sundquist?s home business website.

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