Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pulmonary hypertension symptoms

Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension is a health condition that results from pressure exerted on the intracranial region of the brain. Though there is no tumor formation in or around the region, the symptoms are distinct. The term ?idiopathic? means ?existence without any underlying cause?. This is why the condition is diagnosed only in the absence of any alternative explanation for the manifestations or symptoms. The incidence and development of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension is determined by body weight and gender. Obesity commonly predisposes a person to the condition. There is no genetic cause for IIH yet established and the condition is observed in all ethnicities. The history of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension dates back to 1893. Heinrich Quincke, a German physician, documented his studies as observations of ?serous meningitis?. A compatriot, Max Nonne, coined the term ?pseudotumor cerebri? in 1904, for the same condition.

Diagnostic criteria for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension was defined by Walter Dandy, a Baltimore neurosurgeon, in 1937. Causes:The intracranial pressure could result from medication, such as reaction to vitamin A derivatives, tetracycline antibiotics and oral contraceptives. The secondary causes commonly observed are delayed treatment of sleep apnea, chronic kidney diseases and systemic lupus erythematosus. The resultant pressure within the skull is determined by the CSF or cerebrospinal fluid, brain tissue and blood within the skull. Any imbalance in the volume or production of any of these three cranium components results in the development of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension.The treatment options for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension aim at preventing complete visual impairment. The medication and procedures involve focus on quick symptom control. The administration of acetazolamide Diamox helps reduce the symptoms by inhibiting the carbonic anhydrase enzyme and reducing CSF production. However, this could trigger the onset of hypokalemia or lowered blood potassium levels, which result in muscle weakness. Furosemide, a diuretic is also sometimes considered in the treatment of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. The headache is usually controlled with analgesics and paracetamol agents. Depending on the psychosomatic triggers, anti-depressants and anti-convulsants are also administered. The treatment of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension also includes two surgical procedures, shunting and decompression of the optic nerve sheath. Decompression of the optic nerve sheath and fenestration is an ophthalmological process. The surgeon makes an incision in the optic nerve connective tissue to trigger CSF diversion into the orbit. Shunt surgery is a neurosurgeon supervised procedure where a conduit is created to direct the CSF into another body cavity. While initiating the lumboperitoneal shunt in the subarachnoid space, a pressure valve is included in the lumbar spine and peritoneal cavity circuit to prevent excessive drainage. In case of an obese patient, the doctor may suggest gastric bypass surgery. Hypertension or high blood pressure, is the most common cause of heart attacks, organ damage, kidney failure and retinopathy. When the blood pressure level of a person is consistently high, the condition is termed as hypertension. It affects a staggering 50 million people in the US alone. The worrying aspect of the disease is that most of the people are unaware of the health risk it poses. But on receiving proper medical care and implementing certain behavioral changes, a person can easily be cured and the health hazards can be avoided. There are several ways in which hypertension can be categorized. Based on the levels of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) readings, hypertension can be easily detected. There are certain levels of blood pressure categorized as different stages of healthy and abnormal levels of blood pressure by National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the US.Classification Accordingly, a SBP of little less than 120 and a DBP of less than 80 is considered the normal level of blood pressure. Pre-hypertension level sets in when the reading varies between 120-139 SBP and 80-89 DBP although, most experts still dispute its inclusion as a stage of hypertension and advocate its inclusion in the normal level. Stage 1 hypertension is associated with a reading of 140-150 systolic and 90-99 diastolic. It is a mild level of hypertension, and doesn?t pose any significant threat, if controlled at this stage itself. Three out of four individuals affected by hypertension, fall in this category. It can be easily controlled by the proper intake of diuretics and lifestyle modifications. Stage 2 is of 160-179 systolic and 100-109 diastolic. This is the moderate stage of hypertension, which needs to be addressed if present and brought down immediately to ensure a proper recovery. Stage 3 hypertension corresponds to a SBP of 180-209 and a DHP of 110-119. All readings which denote a level similar to this are a cause for serious concern. Usually, even a small amount of negligence towards the gravity of the situation may, in fact, prove fatal.
Another system of classification is the benign and malignant form of hypertension. In terms of the stages mentioned above, a benign level consists of stage 1 and 2, whereas stage 3 and 4 come under the malignant level. Malignant or stage 3 levels can have severe implications and demand immediate attention. Another way to classify hypertension, is primary and secondary hypertension, depending on the causes of high blood pressure. Primary level of hypertension is a result of by lifestyle factors like severe stress, alcohol addiction, smoking and drug abuse or the genetic makeup of individuals. Secondary hypertension is caused due to some disease or medical conditions inherent in a person such as renal diseases, pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives, thyroid level fluctuations.Hypertension should be detected early and promptly acted upon. A person with abnormal levels of blood pressure and under any form of medication, should regularly monitor blood pressure levels. The best way to treat it, is to inculcate a positive attitude towards life and following a healthy and balanced lifestyle. A properly guided diet, no smoking and dealing with excess or under weight body with the advice of an expert, along with some medications will definitely help in the treatment of hypertension. Exercise, meditation and yoga therapy are risk-free and the best ways to get rid of hypertension. Hypertension (also known as HTN or HTP) is a medical condition in which the blood pressure remains abnormally high. Hypertension is basically of two types: Primary or secondary hypertension. More than 9 in 10 people with high blood pressure have what?s called ?primary? or ?essential hypertension?. Around 1 in 20 people with high blood pressure have ?secondary hypertension?.Many prescriptions or overdose of drugs can lead to or exacerbate hypertension. For example, corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs increase blood pressure in most solid-organ transplant recipients. Medication taken for pain and inflammation such as anti-inflammatory drugs and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors may elevate blood pressure as their anti prostaglandin properties affect the kidneys.Sodium concentration or salt retention is another factor that leads to hypertension. All of us tend to retain salt in our bodies and it holds onto water by the osmotic effect, and therefore water is not excreted as much as it would be otherwise through the kidneys and into the urine. On an average, every person tends to eat about three times the actual amount, which has an unfavorable effect on our health, including raising blood pressure.Renin: Basically, Renin is an enzyme secreted by the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidney. In consequence, some hypertensive patients have been defined as having low-Renin and others as having essential hypertension. Low-Renin hypertension is more common in African Americans than white Americans.Lifestyle choices are also one of the primary reasons behind hypertension. More and more people today are dependent on cheeseburgers, fries, potato chips and other oily stuff for satisfying their appetites. However, these things are dangerous because they contain about 25% more salt than prescribed. Sodium sensitivity is one of the primary reasons behind hypertension.So, take a look at these causes and save yourself. After all, ?Health is wealth.? International News eauInternational News Bureau ? One stop resource for all US, world, political and sports news.It is the result of a sugar molecule, such as Glucose,Fructose or Galactose bonding to a protein or lipid molecule without enzymatic control.Dietary-Preformed Glycation products and Advanced Glycation End Products(AGEs):as an organic reaction AGEs can be and they are typically formed when sugars are heated(cooked) with proteins or fats. High temperature greatly accelerates the reactions, but lower temperature with larger cooking times also promote their formation.These compounds are absorbed by the body during digestion with about 30% efficiency .Sugars are added to products such as french fries and baked goods to enhance browning. Browning reactions are evidence of pre-formed Glycations.Many foods contain AGEs, like those with significant browning, or with directly added AGEs ( as flavors or colorants). Just to mention a fewof foods with very high exogenous AGEs:Donuts ? Barbecued meats -Cake ? Dark colored Soda pop.As we all know, the blood pressure refers to the force, needed to circulate blood to different parts of the body. This force is provided by the heart that pumps fresh oxygenated blood which is then circulated through blood vessels (arteries and veins). The heart pushes the blood and regulates blood flow, necessary for normal functioning of the body.What is High Blood PressureHigh blood pressure, also referred as hypertension is a commonly diagnosed medical problem. It occurs when the blood pressure is being pushed at a faster rate, consistently. High blood pressure produces damaging effects to the arteries, making them less elastic and flexible. This will eventually lead to heart problems.What is Benign Hypertension?The term ?benign? is generally associated with tumors and rarely do we hear hypertension being classified as benign. This is because benign hypertension goes unnoticed for years, as it does not show any symptoms. One can say benign hypertension is a mild version of high blood pressure, that does not give any indications about its arrival. Although, blood pressure in this condition, is higher than normal, it is not that high to bring noticeable ill-effects to the health. This happens because the blood pressure increases at a snail?s pace and continues for a long period of time (several years). That is why the term benign is used to describe this type of hypertension. Here ?benign? refers to the slow progressive nature of this condition. As a result, the body reacts, only when there is appreciable increase in blood pressure range.


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