Saturday, March 24, 2012

5 Essential Social Apps for Business Productivity: From ...

FF3300 > FF3300, Input, Output, Pensatoio

non inventiamo solo soluzioni, inventiamo anche gli strumenti che ci servono, per confezionare quelle soluzioni.

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Keywords: via facebook

March 23, 2012

FF3300 > FF3300, Input, Output, Pensatoio

come corrompo un file .pdf o .jpg (o un altro formato immagine), alterandone il contenuto, ma riusciendo comunque, dopo, ad aprirlo con un visualizzatore (tipo acrobat, o un programma qualsiasi)?

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Keywords: via facebook

March 23, 2012

FF3300 > FF3300, Input, Output, Pensatoio

Combattere, fino alla fine.

Kaos One ? Fine
Testo: [citazione da sev7n] Vanno tra messe nere e tra processi tipo Salem stanno solo a guardare come eunuchi dentro un harem sanno pure incastrare 4 rime v?

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Keywords: via facebook

March 23, 2012

FF3300 > FF3300, Input, Output, Pensatoio

Intervista ad Italo Calvino: il rapporto tra vecchi e giovani ? Scuola online e lezioni ? Oilproject
Riflessione di Italo Calvino sul rapporto tra vecchi e giovani: le esperienze, gli errori, i valori da trasmettere e la gestione del potere. La positivit? ?

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Keywords: via facebook

March 23, 2012

FF3300 > FF3300, Input, Output, Pensatoio

bravo Emilio.

Un libro per resistere. Intervista a Emilio Macchia.
Emilio Macchia ? nato a Ravenna nel 1982. Vive e lavora tra Rotterdam e Maastricht. Diplomato all?ISIA di Urbino, ? ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Design alla Jan van Eyck Academie d?

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Keywords: via facebook

March 23, 2012

Mac Ocampo SQB > Input

As brands embrace social business strategies, some are still occupied with the notion that for a product to fly, an endorser or influencer must pave the way to make it trend in social networks. However, there is a meager of data to prove that influencer marketing has direct impact on Social ROI.

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March 23, 2012

FF3300 > FF3300, Input, Output, Pensatoio

Pirati del nostro tempo

Rivelazioni dal mondo Hackers.
Documentario: National Geographic ha realizzato questo interessante video documentario sugli hacker: stili di vita, tecniche e retroscena di alcuni dei pi? f?

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Keywords: via facebook

March 23, 2012

information aesthetics > Input

6,000 Pages Tell the World?s History [] by Fathom Information Design aims to convey the dynamic and rich history of GE between the years 1892 and 2011.

The interactive graph basically acts as an interface to a predefined collection of keywords that have been listed under 5 distinct topical categorizations, which are ?GE?, ?Moving?, ?Powering?, ?Curing? and ?Building?. One can explore the historical frequency of specific topics by selecting one of the keywords, or click one of the little multiples to get direct access to the corresponding page of annual report in which the keyword appeared.

Via FlowingData.

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Keywords: Infographic

March 23, 2012

jeremy > Input

Oh sweet irony ? it?s a printed magazine about web development and design. The cleverly titled Offscreen unashamedly meets the irony head on, editor Kai Brach explaining in his introduction to the issue that the magazine is the result of his desire to have a more ?palpable interation with content?. He describes his fellow digital specialists as having lost touch with the human side of digital. What better way to get back in touch with that than print?

The following 116 pages combine interviews, questionaires and insight to make a magazine that opens up its singular subject in the way only smaller independent magazines seem capable of. Kai is deeply involved in this international community of web folk. He knows about it, loves it, and that shines through every page. Whether it?s one of the several? ?Studio Culture??like photo stories about the working environment within major agencies (above), the more tangential set of views from agency windows (below) or the written profiles of leading figures from the industry, his passion for the subject is evident.

It does get techy at points but largely the focus is on the people and their day-to-day lives. It?s a subject that can be drawn together from various blogs and social networks but as far as I?m aware hasn?t been examined in more concrete form. Who are these people? What are their influences?

Offscreen has a simple, clean design aesthetic that suits its subject matter, has a familiar uncoated paper stock that soaks in the ink to add to the sensual experience of reading, and is altogether a very welcome addition to the independent scene.

Kai has a detailed post about the making of Offscreen here that is recommended to anyone thinking of starting a magazine.

We?ll be selling this launch issue in the magCulture shop from next week.



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Keywords: Magazine of the week, New magazines

March 23, 2012

LINK Magazine > Input

Tutti?a?parlare?della social tv, secondo alcuni la next big thing (di parte) del settore televisivo.
Il commento in diretta sui social network, la creazione di discorso, discussione e reputation, la naturale prosecuzione live?della chiacchiera con i colleghi davanti alla macchinetta del caff?, la mattina dopo. Tra trending topic di Twitter, migliaia di fan su Facebook, e (per i pi? raffinati) i check-in di Miso e GetGlue.

Nella foga, si rischiano per? di perdere le reali dimensioni del fenomeno. Che in Italia ? ancora tutto sommato marginale, e spesso riservato ai due gruppi spesso non comunicanti degli opinion leader e dei ?nativi digitali?. Ma che in altri mercati pi? evoluti (anche per infrastrutture e banda) quali gli Stati Uniti sta raggiungendo grandezze ragguardevoli.?

A mettere in fila qualche dato, pur frammentario, ci aiuta The?Hollywood Reporter, che in uno slideshow?(che alterna momenti di maggiore interesse strategico ad altri pi? curiosi) sintetizza i risultati di una ricerca originale di?THR e Penn Schoen Berland: da Facebook a YouTube, dalle star ai generi televisivi di cui si parla di pi? in rete, che succede alla tv nei discorsi online?? Forse?in questi dati?c?? un po? di sopravvalutazione (soprattutto sul dichiarato degli spettatori), e stiamo pur sempre parlando di un mercato americano che i semi di questa ?televisione convergente? li ha piantati anni fa.?

Meglio non abbassare la guardia, e prestarci attenzione.

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March 23, 2012

manystuff > Input

Institutions by Artists is a three day, international event that evaluates and activates the performance and promise of contemporary artist-run centres and initiatives.

Convening a world congress of artists, curators, critics, and academics, Institutions by Artists will deliberate, explore, and advance the common interests of artist-run centres, collectives, and cultures, creating a catalyst for new as well as divergent assessments and perspectives on such phenomena today. Using experimental formats, performative frameworks, and participatory vehicles, the three day series of events is designed to challenge and generate new thinking about artist-run initiatives globally, examining many dimensions whether urban or rural, fixed or mobile, and local or regional, among others. Inspired by the many artists wrestling creatively with building, using, shaping, and deploying institutions by artists, we will explore economies of exchange and knowledge; institutional time and space; as well as intimate and professional networks, among other critical interrogations.

Throughout the Institutions by Artists week, artist-run centres will present special projects that link to the themes of the Convention. From internet art pioneers, to grassroots cinema collectives, to media pirates and institutional revisionists, this series of presentations will invite and engage the public to meet visiting artists, and to examine the many phenomena impacting and defining artist-run institutions globally?

October 12 ? 14, 2012
Goldcorp Centre for the Arts, Vancouver

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March 23, 2012


shirataki noodles john kerry prince fielder state of the union address 2012 obama state of the union 2012 2012 state of the union address state of the union

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