Monday, August 29, 2011

Personal Development And The Lie Of Self Improvement ...

Copyright (c) 2010 Willie Horton

From the beginning we are programmed to believe that we need to improve. When we grew up in the Christian tradition, have learned to turn back damaged goods must be ? that is, in fact, the center of the Christian message ? in fact, actually says that we are children of God. Partly because of the need for the society that we are made, we will encourage better have a good education. Yes, there is nothing wrong with the right equipment, the roles we want, need or are forced to follow in life (but to what extent the normal curriculum, we prepare?), But as a result so we are constantly subliminal Embassy fed that we improve our imperfect.

Enter the "improvement" ? a whole industry devoted to helping people better ? build better self-esteem, personality, confidence, find their true identity. All that is laudable (I worked with clients in this field for over 14 years), the problem is the premise of the whole process begins ? the need to improve themselves. It's you! Instead, you have to unlearn the mountain of programming, or baggage that has accumulated in your formative years. In those formative years when young and easy to impress, were that you feel like that's how feel-brands. As an adult now believes wholeheartedly in his perception of failures, shortcomings and inadequacies.

I use the "perception" word, because that's all, their belief ? perception. Psychology tells us that during our formative years, when our young minds are open sponge, we have found our beliefs of "snapshots" of events that make an impression on us old enough. These training courses are large enough for our little minds to get our attention, and we pursue later in life. The events tend to beliefs that a great impression of how we feel have made if the original event or a chain of events. Have

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These "snapshots" are stored unconsciously (we are aware that they play an important role in our daily life for adults) is required and if necessary, by our behavior or self-image as adults dictate. And unfortunately, research shows they are much more negative rather than positive immediate certification.
For example, recently spent two days with a client who told me I had a mental block when it had something to do with numbers ? and it was a great disadvantage in his career. But after some discussion, the following story. He said:

"I see it now as it was yesterday. Maybe it's only five or six years. And Christmas in the afternoon on Christmas day, and I, my father, my sister and my brother are all sitting in the dining room table Ludo game (board game ). I throw the dice, I have quit five and to count the squares to move my feet. clips from my father through his ear and asked me to count because they are so slow, I do not know if they are five, I spent the next corner on the table! That was the end of Ludo, I was sent to my room to cry, c It was the end of Christmas, so I was worried. "

He could still "see", because your subconscious mind as a "snapshot" stored ? and because he is wrong in his subconscious, it led to the erroneous assumption that as an adult, has been slow with numbers. This is a classic example, but not only that we are all our photos, we share snapshots of companies that they are in the need for self-improvement say faulty.

Like I said, it is necessary to improve ourselves, we have that as many psychologists have pointed to unlearn. In fact, we really can not forget all the nonsense that we go out of our minds and the best of us here today, several years later. But what we can do to stop, our mental energy to these programs are unnecessary and even destructive. At the time, like a normal adult, most of their mental energy is "Family Album" and give his attention focused on the unconscious, these snapshots give his paper, an automatic behavior, reactive. In fact, studies show that probably only the payment of 1% or 2% on the reality of today.

Conversely, to "unlearn" the situation to begin, you must learn again to pay increasing attention to in the here and now ? you may end up paying less attention to old programs and will be published ? free, the best thing to being here and now, today. We must take care that the practice of their five senses actually tell you now ? if it's hot or cold when the sky is clear or cloudy (and can be all different colors in the clouds), when the birds sing or the machine down when cooking or the smell of coffee in the nose when it's a little "stale cigarettes and toothpaste in your mouth. This is the essence of one of the easiest ways to their attention away from the nonsense that his life is ruined break It is easy, but it is natural for the average adult -. You need to spend a few minutes per day, the focus is really on a time and place ? now.

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Willie Horton enables its customers to live their dreams ? because he's famous personal development seminars started in 1996. Its customers include major companies: Pfizer, Deloitte, Nestle, Wyeth, KPMG, G4S and Allergan. An Irishman who lives in the French Alps and travels the world as a sought-after speaker and mentor. It was launched in 2008 at his home for personal development seminars Gurdy.Net to life, change your life and stress is no longer

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By: Willie Hortonl Improvementl second car April 2011 Add Comment Your name: * Your E-mail:.

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