Monday, August 15, 2011

Child Disciplining Now Finally Meals Without Fussy Eating

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Fussy eating is one of the child disciplining problems that is often just put up with. It can however be a major source of stress and unhappiness in a household. Parents can be under a lot of pressure and feel unable to control a fussy eater.

Parents often feel it?s their fault they have a fussy eater and some children can really take their food likes and dislikes to worrying extremes.

Instead of enduring a battle of wills at every meal here are 12 tips to help you win the fussy eating battle.

1. Accept it is normal for children to not be willing to try new foods. Your best attitude to this is not to try and force them. Be relaxed and offer it again sometime in a different way without any demands.

2. Let children be independent. Don?t spoon food into them, let them eat it and explore the food themselves. It may be messy with little ones but children respond well to a bit of independence.

3. Make meals a relaxing time and don?t put the attention on the fussy eater or the food they are or are not eating. You need to be a good role model and make eating a happy relaxed family time. Often when you ignore how much or what they are eating they will in fact get more involved with the meal and actually eat more.

4. If they are old enough let children choose their own portions. Cut things like meat up into bite sized pieces. Even if they take a small helping they may well come back for more.

5. Don?t pander to their demands or use food as a bargain or reward. Dessert isn?t a reward for eating the main course. If they refuse the main course don?t give them a substitute even if ice cream is the only thing they say they will eat. Without a fuss take away any uneaten food and if they are hungry later bring it out again.

6. You choose the menu but let them have a limited choice between two items. Don?t start having different foods for different family members. Plan that everyone regularly has a turn of their favorite dinner. Even young children need to learn ?we all eat the same thing?.

7 Hungry children will eat. So keep an eye on too many sugary drinks and snacks during the day.

8. Check that children are not too tired. They won?t eat well if they are. For young children you may need to eat earlier.

9. Remove distractions from meal times. Turn off the TV and keep toys away from the table. Meal times are for sitting eating together.

10. Children are more likely to eat food when it looks interesting. So make meals more appealing. Use plates, bowls and cutlery that are colorful. Be creative with the presentation. Cut food into interesting shapes, cookie cutters are ideal for this. Arrange food into fun shapes like smiley faces or animal shapes. Cook food in individual portions like small pies.

11. If they don?t like vegetables you can hide them. Blend vegetables and add them easily to pasta sauces, gravies, soups, casseroles and hidden in quiches, hamburger patties, fritters, muffins and pies.

12. Understand it?s normal for us all to have food likes and dislikes. While children often worry us with extremes of this, it is usually just a phase and it will pass and they will grow out of it. The less fuss and attention you give it the less power it has.

Child disciplining problems like defiance or fussy eating can easily be eliminated with new techniques of disciplining. Learn how you can change your child?s behavior by clicking here.


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