Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Raw results for August 29, 2011

TULSA, Okla. ? As if Triple H isn?t busy enough. Not only did WWE?s Chief Operating Officer figure prominently throughout the first ever Raw SuperShow, combining Superstars from both Raw and SmackDown, he also informed one Superstar that he?ll be hanging up the suit and tie to square off in three weeks at Night of Champions.

Triple H informed CM Punk he will face him at Night of Champions (WATCH)
If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. WWE COO Triple H informed CM Punk at the end of the night that he had spoken with WWE?s Board of Directors ? CM Punk?s match against Kevin Nash at Night of Champions had been canceled. Instead, Punk will be facing a different opponent, Triple H himself!

John Cena & Sheamus def. Christian & Mark Henry (WATCH | PHOTOS)
In an unprecedented pairing, John Cena teamed up with Sheamus to take on Christian & Mark Henry in the night?s main event. Mr. John Laurinaitis thought he'd arranged the match, but he was sternly reminded by WWE COO Triple H that not only had he already arranged the match, he is also still the boss. Nonetheless, with four of WWE?s most potent Superstars clashing inside the ring, the bout rocked the BOK Center to its foundation. With The World?s Strongest (and possibly scariest) Man inducting more Superstars in his ?Hall of Pain,? punishment was sure to be doled out. ?Although Henry did not disappoint, his overwhelming strength would not be enough. Cena managed to lead his team across the finish line by pinning former World Heavyweight Champion Christian.

Brie Bella def. WWE Divas Champion Kelly Kelly (WATCH | PHOTOS)
Brie Bella ? so beautiful, so talented, so completely devious. As her sister Nikki hovered ringside, the Bella twin battled WWE Divas Champion Kelly Kelly, who was cheered on by Eve. In the non-title bout, Brie and her sister used Twin Magic to fool the referee and score a cheap victory.

1134789371001|04:12WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne def. David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty (WATCH)
Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne are for real. The new WWE Tag Team Champions ? officially named Air Boom, thanks to suggestions from the WWE Universe ? were forced to defend their championships against David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty in a title rematch. Air Boom rained down their aerial assault on the former champions and managed to retain in their first-ever title defense.

After the match, Otunga took issue with announcer Jerry Lawler, ripping off his headphones, after the WWE Hall of Famer had mocked the losing team as "boring."

Sin Cara def. Jack Swagger (WATCH | PHOTOS)
Jealousy once again reared its ugly head ? and took a bite out of Jack Swagger. In his ongoing attempt to woo Vickie Guerrero to manage him, Swagger took on Sin Cara. As Vickie observed from ringside, her current associate, U.S. Champion Dolph Ziggler berated her and belittled her new potential client. Ziggler even went so far as to distract The All-American American. The interruption allowed Sin Cara to capitalize for an easy victory.

1134760139001|04:28CM Punk def. The Miz by Disqualification (WATCH | PHOTOS)
The downside of speaking your mind is that you make a lot of enemies. CM Punk learned that the hard way when he battled The Miz. The blunt Superstar admirably kept pace with his opponent until R-Truth tipped the scales. Miz?s co-conspiracy theorist attacked The Second City Saint in an effort to make a statement and allowing Punk the win by disqualification. As if that weren?t enough abuse, Kevin Nash joined the party and rendered his tormentor motionless with a powerbomb in the center of the ring.

John Cena called out WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio; SmackDown Superstars interrupted (WATCH | PHOTOS)
Integrating SmackDown Superstars on Raw is a boon for the WWE Universe. For John Cena, though? Not so much. The Cenation Commander-in-Chief demanded that WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio face him after Del Rio?s cowardly ambush the week before. Instead, Mark Henry emerged and threatened to add Cena to his ?Hall of Pain.? Then it was Christian?s turn. Captain Charisma took the mic to discuss how he will soon be the new face of the WWE after he overcomes World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton tomorrow night in a Steel Cage Title Match on SuperSmackDown.

Just as he and Henry began to size up Cena as a punching bag, Sheamus flew into the ring to thwart his SmackDown adversaries, who reluctantly fled the squared circle.

1134760104001|04:07World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton def. US Champion Dolph Ziggler (WATCH | PHOTOS)
As part of Monday night?s groundbreaking Raw Supershow, a new initiative combining Superstars from Raw and SmackDown, World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton clashed with U.S. Champion Dolph Ziggler in a non-title match. The SmackDown Superstar appeared surprisingly evenly matched against his Raw counterpart as Ziggler?s outspoken manager, Vickie Guerrero, looked on. Although the U.S. Champion failed to best The Viper, one Raw Superstar looked pleased ? Vickie?s potential new client, Jack Swagger, who watched the bout from a monitor in the locker room area. (Prior to the bout, Orton RKO?d Zack Ryder, as seen in this Exclusive)

Triple H announced the Raw SuperShow; arranged CM Punk vs. Kevin Nash at Night of Champions (WATCH | PHOTOS)
Friendship can be a lot of work, especially if you?re friends with Kevin Nash. After making a major announcement that moving forward the Superstars of both Raw and SmackDown will appear on Monday Night Raw, WWE COO Triple H demanded that his longtime pal offer him an apology in front of the WWE Universe for lying to him last week. The former WWE Champion emerged and admitted that, yes, he had his driver tell Mr. John Laurinitais he?d been in a car accident to get Triple H out of the arena. He did so, he said, in order to payback CM Punk for embarrassing him earlier in the night. Although Nash confessed to the deception, he continued to maintain that he did not know who had sent him a text message instructing him to attack Punk two weeks earlier.

For his part, The Second City Saint wasn?t biting. Instead, he accused The Game and Nash of being in cahoots. Despite their fervent differences, however, Punk and Nash did agree on one thing. Both were exceedingly in favor of the WWE COO arranging a match between them at Night of Champions. After giving the proposal some thought, Triple H agreed and arranged for the two to face off in three weeks.


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Business Consulting ? Indebtedness along with Bankruptcy ...

There are 2 varieties of insolvency. The very first is termed ?money flow insolvency? for the reason that there is not as much as important earnings coming in advance of happening any presented time together with the purpose of kind out payments previously mentioned debts. Companies during this kind of insolvency preserve from time to time conserve swiftly if their transform movement condition improvements. Firms by ?balance sheet insolvency? may well grasp a better than tricky time beside recovery. This clause usually signifies that there are ?negative equity,? concept you can find no riches offered using the goal of conduct vital payments.

If this construct of economic problems takes place created for a time frame, actions will grasp together with the aim of be taken. Based terminated the amount of debt also the present situation in the firm, debt negotiation or else bankruptcy may be essential.

Debt negotiations could generate by ?import turnaround? or else ?buying recovery.? Such kind of are terms related inside a export with the goal of is able together with the intention of successfully get over their personal troubles afterward organize payments although staying away from bankruptcy. However, in help of far more corporations, bankruptcy is sooner than far the best alternative. A great number of organizations will quit on or just after bankruptcy up coming as soon as a time frame, they might see their wholesale blooming made use of for collapsing.

In the laws pertaining to debt negotiation along with bankruptcy are sophisticated, it truly is considerable to facilitate converse beside a seasoned legal professional along with the intention of ascertain what the top choices are pro your enterprise.

For far more pointers much larger than insolvency furthermore gaining from debt, pay a visit to the website with the Milwaukee bankruptcy attorneys of the DeLadurantey Law Company, LLC, for concluded tips.


This article was written by: Live Money from

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Graphene finding could lead to super-fast Internet (Reuters)

LONDON (Reuters) ? British scientists have devised a way of using graphene, the thinnest material in the world, to capture and convert more light than previously, paving the way for advances in high-speed Internet and other optical communications.

In a study in the journal Nature Communication, the team -- which included last year's Nobel Prize-winning scientists Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov -- found that by combining graphene with metallic nanostructures, there was a 20-fold enhancement in the amount of light the graphene could harvest and convert into electrical power.

Graphene is a form of carbon just one atom thick and yet 100 times stronger than steel.

"Many leading electronics companies consider graphene for the next generation of devices. This work certainly boosts graphene's chances even further," said Novoselov, a Russian-born scientist who with Geim won the 2010 Nobel Prize for physics for research work on graphene.

Previous research has shown that electrical power can be generated by putting two closely-spaced metallic wires on top of graphene and shining light on the whole structure, effectively making a simple solar cell.

The researchers explained that due to the particularly high mobility and velocity of the electrons in graphene, such graphene cell devices can be incredibly fast -- tens or potentially hundreds of times faster than communication rates in the fastest Internet cables currently in use.

The main stumbling block to practical applications has so far been the cell devices' low efficiency, the researchers said. The problem is that graphene absorbs little light -- only around 3 percent -- with the rest going through without contributing to the electrical power.

In a collaboration between the Universities of Manchester and Cambridge, Novoselov's team found they could solve this problem by combining graphene with tiny metallic structures known as plasmonic nanostructures, which are specially arranged on top of graphene.

By using the plasmonic enhancement, the light-harvesting performance of graphene was boosted by 20 times without sacrificing any of its speed, they wrote in their study. Future efficiency could be improved even more, they said.

"We expected that plasmonic nanostructures could improve the efficiency of graphene-based devices but it has come as a pleasant surprise that the improvements can be so dramatic," said Alexander Grigorenko, an expert in plasmonics and a leading member of the team. "Graphene seems a natural companion for plasmonics."

Andrea Ferrari of Cambridge University's engineering department, who also worked on the team, said the findings show graphene's great potential in photonics and in developing electronic devices that channel and control light. He said the combination of its special optical and electronic properties with plasmonic nanostructures could be fully exploited.

(Reporting by Kate Kelland; Editing by Roger Atwood)


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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Angelina Jolie Denies Wedding Rumor ... and Pregnancy Rumors ... and Adoption Rumors!

Angelina Jolie wants to clear up a few rumors about herself. Or all of them.

"I'm not pregnant. I'm not adopting a child at the moment," the actress tells Vanity Fair in its October issue, adding that there is no "secret wedding" either.


We kid, mostly, but with her upcoming film, In the Land of Blood and Honey, which she wrote and directed, she's got a lot going on these days.

Angelina Jolie Vanity Fair Cover

Without her six kids to keep her occupied, the first-time director says she penned the script to avoid going stir-crazy while battling the flu.

"I had to be quarantined from the children for two days," Jolie says. "I was in the attic of a house in France. I was isolated, pacing. I don't watch TV and I wasn't reading. So I started writing. I went from the beginning to the end."

Pitt has been "so supportive" throughout the project.

"Like any woman, I would listen to most of it and fight a few things," she says of her partner's constructive criticism. "It's hard to separate the person that loves you from the critic, so I don't think he's a fair judge."

So much for rumors that he's blowing her off and they're hardly speaking these days. Sounds like the couple is happy and normal ... shocker.

Brad does apparently have one concern, though.

"Brad thinks I'm going to be a nightmare," she says, regarding her return to acting after her stint as a director. "I had such a good experience he thinks I'm going to be impatient with directors, which I already am."


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Cleaning Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids - Simple Stop Health Blog

August 28th, 2011 . by admin

This video is a step by step instruction for cleaning and trouble-shooting a behind-the-ear hearing aid.


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Carnival of Value Investing #11 ? The Finality ? Value Stock Guide

Welcome to the August 27, 2011 edition of Carnival of Value Investing.

I say finality because I have decided that this will be the last edition of this Carnival. While the carnival continues to attract submissions, it seems to me that value investing is a topic that is not very popular among the finance/investing bloggers. Which is just as well. If every one got interested in value investing, there will be a paucity of undervalued stocks in the market :-)

The market volatility has inspired many bloggers to write about the best ways to react. There is definitely a theme of contrarianism running through these posts. When emotions take over, it is the worst time to make major investment changes. Most investors are better off to sit tight and ride the volatility off.

Crystal presents Dividend Yielding Stocks ? I Learn Something New Every Day posted at Budgeting In The Fun Stuff, saying, "You will get the most bang for your investing buck if you check out what dividend yielding equities have to offer."

Darwin presents You Should NOT Be Losing Sleep Over This Market Crash posted at Darwin?s Money, saying, "Aside from selling low and buying high, the tax implications of trading in and out of the market during crashes like this are killing retail investors. Here?s how to stay focused."

Dough Roller presents Is Dividend Investing a Smart Alternative to Savings Accounts posted at Dough Roller, saying, "If you can find a quality stock that pays quality dividends, you may consider replacing your dwindling online savings account rate with more dividend stocks."

Flexo presents High-Yield Investing In a Low-Yield Environment posted at Consumerism Commentary, saying, "Even with a down economy, there are ways to maximize the amount of money you invest."

Jacob @ My Personal Finance Journey presents Investment Ideas posted at My Personal Finance Journey, saying, "Today, there exists a seemingly overwhelming amount of investment options. This posts tries to dissect two types of investments in particular ? gold and individual stocks ? are currently low enough in price to present themselves as good value investments."

Paula presents What To Do When The Market Is In Free Fall posted at, saying, "What should you do when the market has a pullback?"

Staff presents How Useful are PE Ratios Really for Analyzing Stocks? posted at Outlaw Finance, saying, "For many investors, the PE ratio (price to earnings) is the holy grail for analyzing stocks. However, it may be frequently overused. "

Tushar presents Are Bonds at Risk of Default ? posted at Everything Finance, saying, "While the risk of ?default? in the U.S. or even most of the corporations is still very low, the risk of devaluation is high. When interest rates rise, the value of the bond goes down. If you can hold the bond to term and the municipality or corporation pays back the principal, then you?re going to be fine."

Alexander presents Best Investments For Steady Income posted at Dividend Stocks, saying, "The best investment is a diversified portfolio of stocks, funds and trusts that increase in value while paying steady income."

My Journey presents Stock Investing Will Have its Up and Downs posted at My Journey to Millions, saying, "You should know and understand your risk tolerance, and be involved in equities with the knowledge that down turns and periods of stagnant growth are not only known risks but actually expected from time to time."

Investor Junkie presents Stock Market Down: What To Do Next? posted at Investor Junkie, saying, "there is really no where to hide when the stock market takes a plunge. Unless of course you have cash, cash like investments, and defensive investments like gold. The time to prepare for any emergency is BEFORE it occurs, not after."?

NetWorthProtect presents Why Believes We are Entering ?Buying Opportunity? Territory in the U.S. Equity Markets posted at, saying, "Why Believes We are Entering ?Buying Opportunity? Territory in the U.S. Equity Markets"

MoneyCone presents Market Meltdown, What Should You Do? posted at Money Cone, saying, "What should the U.S. investor do now that the market has taken its worst tumble in two years? Here are some options."

That concludes this edition. Past posts can be found on our Carnival of Value Investing index page.

Value Stock Investing

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Texas Workers Compensation Insurance, A General Review | Prism Project

What does the term compensation mean? Compensation is a service given to someone for the damage or loss of something. For businesses and the corporate world, compensation is provided to workers who get injured while on the premises and they’re still on the clock. This type of compensation is known as workers compensation insurance . It’s important for most, if not all, workers to have their own health or life insurance policy. But, workers compensation works like an additional policy to keep you covered while you are on the job. So, what all does the workers compensation insurance policy cover? This type of policy is an agreement between the workers and the company they provide service for. It’s a commitment toward the workers stating that they are safe in their working environment during their working hours. This covers accidental hazards, injuries and even death. It’s a known fact that workers can become disabled or loses their life because of a hazard that took place at work during company hours. That is why the government put this required law into effect for businesses to have this policy. It provides financial safety to the employee while they work. The advantages of workers compensation insurance Texas: Advantages of workers compensation insurance can help the worker feel secure and safe while working for the company. This feeling of security creates trust for the employer thus making the employee a happy worker. When a person feels like their job cares about them, it can make them want to work with even more effort and quality. This is a major plus for companies to invest in this type of coverage for their workers. The employer benefits in several ways. One is by winning the trust of their workers. The other is quality word of mouth publicity, which is always excellent for a company, to potential workers. Employees are satisfied with their jobs when workers compensation insurance is in effect. In the event they become injured and are unable to show up for work. They are then compensated monthly or bi-weekly for missed days. Also, it works for the worker’s family as well. Should the worker die during business hours on the company’s premises, the worker’s family is compensated for the loss. Businesses that have high risk hazards or work with hazardous machinery are ideal candidates to be carrying workers insurance. This way, a large suit can possibly be avoided and large amounts money will be saved rather than lost in a suit.


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Personal Injury Attorney ? All You Need To Know | Personal Injury ...

The term ?personal injury? is utilised in legal affairs when an individual faces a mishap due to the negligence of yet another entity. A personal injury attorney is a legal representative who is nicely trained in the field of individual injury accidents and mishaps.

Medical mishaps ? This falls under the category of personal injury circumstances in which an individual is exposed to medical mistreatment, negligence and offensive actions. In hospitals and nursing houses, slackness can result in severe repercussions to a individual who is already in the middle of a medical treatment. Even a easy inattentive action can lead to hazardous consequences. Malnutrition, sexual abuse, slip, dehydration, bed sores and wrongful deaths fall under the category of medical accidents.

Vehicle accidents ? Typically, road accidents involving automobiles like vehicle, truck, and bike indicate the fault of one party. Reckless and careless driving is a common reason behind such accidents. The injured party has the proper to blame the wrong doer. It is imperative to behave in a legally sensible way, under such conditions. Injuries like brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputation, and paralysis can make a personal injury case very tricky to deal with. Employing an attorney is the only way out in such cases.

Construction accidents ? Mishaps at construction internet sites are pretty frequent these days. Workers and laborers work under precarious working conditions and they typically face grave accidents. It is extremely substantial to defend the workers? appropriate in all such circumstances. Mishaps like scaffolding accidents, trench collapse or a slip from a height ? all fall under this category. Such injuries can trigger permanent disability in crucial parts of a body. Victims of such accidents deserve full reimbursement and that is where the necessity for legal action comes into scene. In such situations, victims require to seek advice from a capable attorney.

Individual injury cases involve someone?s correct to compensation. You ought to make certain that your lawyer whom you hire is capable to deal with your case. it is better not to take any risk in choosing the right lawyer. While looking for attorneys, look for their qualifications and amount of expertise they hold. Also, contact your nearby bar association to verify the license of your lawyer.



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Personal Development And The Lie Of Self Improvement ...

Copyright (c) 2010 Willie Horton

From the beginning we are programmed to believe that we need to improve. When we grew up in the Christian tradition, have learned to turn back damaged goods must be ? that is, in fact, the center of the Christian message ? in fact, actually says that we are children of God. Partly because of the need for the society that we are made, we will encourage better have a good education. Yes, there is nothing wrong with the right equipment, the roles we want, need or are forced to follow in life (but to what extent the normal curriculum, we prepare?), But as a result so we are constantly subliminal Embassy fed that we improve our imperfect.

Enter the "improvement" ? a whole industry devoted to helping people better ? build better self-esteem, personality, confidence, find their true identity. All that is laudable (I worked with clients in this field for over 14 years), the problem is the premise of the whole process begins ? the need to improve themselves. It's you! Instead, you have to unlearn the mountain of programming, or baggage that has accumulated in your formative years. In those formative years when young and easy to impress, were that you feel like that's how feel-brands. As an adult now believes wholeheartedly in his perception of failures, shortcomings and inadequacies.

I use the "perception" word, because that's all, their belief ? perception. Psychology tells us that during our formative years, when our young minds are open sponge, we have found our beliefs of "snapshots" of events that make an impression on us old enough. These training courses are large enough for our little minds to get our attention, and we pursue later in life. The events tend to beliefs that a great impression of how we feel have made if the original event or a chain of events. Have

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These "snapshots" are stored unconsciously (we are aware that they play an important role in our daily life for adults) is required and if necessary, by our behavior or self-image as adults dictate. And unfortunately, research shows they are much more negative rather than positive immediate certification.
For example, recently spent two days with a client who told me I had a mental block when it had something to do with numbers ? and it was a great disadvantage in his career. But after some discussion, the following story. He said:

"I see it now as it was yesterday. Maybe it's only five or six years. And Christmas in the afternoon on Christmas day, and I, my father, my sister and my brother are all sitting in the dining room table Ludo game (board game ). I throw the dice, I have quit five and to count the squares to move my feet. clips from my father through his ear and asked me to count because they are so slow, I do not know if they are five, I spent the next corner on the table! That was the end of Ludo, I was sent to my room to cry, c It was the end of Christmas, so I was worried. "

He could still "see", because your subconscious mind as a "snapshot" stored ? and because he is wrong in his subconscious, it led to the erroneous assumption that as an adult, has been slow with numbers. This is a classic example, but not only that we are all our photos, we share snapshots of companies that they are in the need for self-improvement say faulty.

Like I said, it is necessary to improve ourselves, we have that as many psychologists have pointed to unlearn. In fact, we really can not forget all the nonsense that we go out of our minds and the best of us here today, several years later. But what we can do to stop, our mental energy to these programs are unnecessary and even destructive. At the time, like a normal adult, most of their mental energy is "Family Album" and give his attention focused on the unconscious, these snapshots give his paper, an automatic behavior, reactive. In fact, studies show that probably only the payment of 1% or 2% on the reality of today.

Conversely, to "unlearn" the situation to begin, you must learn again to pay increasing attention to in the here and now ? you may end up paying less attention to old programs and will be published ? free, the best thing to being here and now, today. We must take care that the practice of their five senses actually tell you now ? if it's hot or cold when the sky is clear or cloudy (and can be all different colors in the clouds), when the birds sing or the machine down when cooking or the smell of coffee in the nose when it's a little "stale cigarettes and toothpaste in your mouth. This is the essence of one of the easiest ways to their attention away from the nonsense that his life is ruined break It is easy, but it is natural for the average adult -. You need to spend a few minutes per day, the focus is really on a time and place ? now.

Begins to increase traffic now that the submission of articles to us, click here to get started. To enjoy this article? Click here to view it on your website or blog, is free and easy to Willie Horton View ? About the Author!

Willie Horton enables its customers to live their dreams ? because he's famous personal development seminars started in 1996. Its customers include major companies: Pfizer, Deloitte, Nestle, Wyeth, KPMG, G4S and Allergan. An Irishman who lives in the French Alps and travels the world as a sought-after speaker and mentor. It was launched in 2008 at his home for personal development seminars Gurdy.Net to life, change your life and stress is no longer

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Bridging Loans for Residential Property | Student Loans Without ...

Perhaps you have actually been stuck in in-between a new home and also the outdated a single, paying both equally mortgages? Bridge loans supply a remedy if you are stuck in between your present household advertising as well as your subsequent household acquire, permitting you fiscal funding to protect the loans. Paying two mortgages might be challenging, in particular when it?s not planned. Luckily, bridging finance ended up being developed by lending establishments that can help solve this monetary problem.

Bridge loans are short time period loans that help to bridge this timeframe in between the closing in the existing property as well as the invest in from the new residence. Despite the fact that this isn?t widespread, below a some circumstances there is often a more time time-frame than was originally anticipated. The bridge loan assists the asset purchaser to control their dual mortgage funds, using the resources through the bridge mortgage becoming also utilized in the direction of the down fee about the new home when it has closed.

The Bridge Loan Approach

As with all the same course of action to get a property mortgage, the potential buyers must undergo underwriting for approval for a bridge bank loan. Each bank will usually have their very own underwriting procedure that has to be adhered to so as towards the customer to qualify for the bridge financial loan. And, these tips are typically far more versatile than traditional dwelling financing when it comes to credit card debt to earnings ratios, that means that these ratios can be increased than with standard property finance loans.

The purpose that there are different needs connected using a bridge financial loan is always that they can be brief term and purely developed to aid asset manager in transferring from their present house into their new household. And, the cash in the bridge loan are virtually generally applied towards the new house mortgage loan if they may be not utilized throughout the waiting interval prior to closing for the new asset.

The Positive aspects when Getting A house

You?ll find a quantity of positive aspects on the house buyer of bridge financial, which include:

? It permits the asset manager to place their residence onto the marketplace easily and frequently with fewer restrictions than if they didn?t have the extra monetary cushion.

? Quite a few bridge loans don?t call for month to month financial loan or mortgage obligations, allowing some financial aid to the present home operator.

? The bridge loan can offer the house proprietor some flexibility with restrictions on their home sale made, permitting them to turn away presents that happen to be not favourable without economic fear of spending two loans from the circumstance that their new home closes as anticipated.

The Downside of the Bridge Loan when Getting A home

While you will discover many advantages to working with a bridge loan, you?ll find also several disadvantages when offering or getting qualities, which include:

? The expenses related to bridge loans are normally greater than conventional home finance loan loans and even house equity loans.

? Some house property house owners may not qualify for the bridge home loan because of towards the lending demands

? Though the bridge home loan assists the residence proprietor in covering property finance loan charges during the transition time in between properties, they must however compensate for both equally loans plus the fascination that may be accruing within the bridge home financial loan.

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Night ? 7:00 PM ? Men?s & Women?s 1st Round
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Night ? 7:00 PM ? Men?s 2nd Round/Women?s 2nd Round
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Night ? 7:00 PM ? Men?s 2nd Round/Women?s 3rd Round
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Night ? 7:00 PM ? Men?s 3rd Round/Women?s 3rd Round
Sunday 4-Sep
Day ? 11:00 AM ? Men?s 3rd Round/Women?s 4th Round
Night ? 7:00 PM ? Men?s 3rd Round/Women?s 4th Round
Monday 5-Sep
Day ? 11:00 AM ? Men?s 4th Round/Women?s 4th Round
Night ? 7:00 PM ? Men?s 4th Round/Women?s 4th Round
Tuesday 6-Sep
Day ? 11:00 AM ? Men?s 4th Round/Women?s Quarterfinals
Night ? 7:00 PM ? Men?s Fourth Round/Women?s Quarterfinals
Wednesday 7-Sep
Day ? 11:00 AM ? Men?s Quarterfinals/Women?s Quarterfinals
Night ? 7:00 PM ? Men?s Quarterfinals/Women?s Quarterfinals
Thursday 8-Sep
Day ? 11:00 AM ? Men?s Quarterfinals
Night ? 7:00 PM ? Men?s Quarterfinals
Friday 9-Sep
Day ? 11:00 AM ? Women?s Semifinals
Saturday 10-Sep
Day ? 11:00 AM ? Men?s Semifinals
Night ? 7:00 PM ? Women?s Singles Final
Sunday 11-Sep
Day ? 12:00 PM ? Men?s Singles Final


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Experiment provides unprecedented insight into cloud formation

ScienceDaily (Aug. 25, 2011) ? In a paper published in the journal Nature, the CLOUD experiment at CERN has reported its first results. The CLOUD experiment has been designed to study the effect of cosmic rays on the formation of atmospheric aerosols -- tiny liquid or solid particles suspended in the atmosphere -- under controlled laboratory conditions. Atmospheric aerosols are thought to be responsible for a large fraction of the seeds that form cloud droplets. Understanding the process of aerosol formation is therefore important for understanding the climate.

The CLOUD results show that trace vapours assumed until now to account for aerosol formation in the lower atmosphere can explain only a tiny fraction of the observed atmospheric aerosol production. The results also show that ionisation from cosmic rays significantly enhances aerosol formation. Precise measurements such as these are important in achieving a quantitative understanding of cloud formation, and will contribute to a better assessment of the effects of clouds in climate models.

"These new results from CLOUD are important because we've made a number of first observations of some very important atmospheric processes," said the experiment's spokesperson, Jasper Kirkby. "We've found that cosmic rays significantly enhance the formation of aerosol particles in the mid troposphere and above. These aerosols can eventually grow into the seeds for clouds. However, we've found that the vapours previously thought to account for all aerosol formation in the lower atmosphere can only account for a small fraction of the observations -- even with the enhancement of cosmic rays."

Atmospheric aerosols play an important role in the climate. Aerosols reflect sunlight and produce cloud droplets. Additional aerosols would therefore brighten clouds and extend their lifetime. By current estimates, about half of all cloud droplets begin with the clustering of molecules that are present in the atmosphere only in minute amounts. Some of these embryonic clusters eventually grow large enough to become the seeds for cloud droplets. Trace sulphuric acid and ammonia vapours are thought to be important, and are used in all atmospheric models, but the mechanism and rate by which they form clusters together with water molecules have remained poorly understood until now.

The CLOUD results show that a few kilometres up in the atmosphere sulphuric acid and water vapour can rapidly form clusters, and that cosmic rays enhance the formation rate by up to ten-fold or more. However, in the lowest layer of the atmosphere, within about a kilometre of Earth's surface, the CLOUD results show that additional vapours such as ammonia are required. Crucially, however, the CLOUD results show that sulphuric acid, water and ammonia alone -- even with the enhancement of cosmic rays -- are not sufficient to explain atmospheric observations of aerosol formation. Additional vapours must therefore be involved, and finding out their identity will be the next step for CLOUD.

"It was a big surprise to find that aerosol formation in the lower atmosphere isn't due to sulphuric acid, water and ammonia alone," said Kirkby. "Now it's vitally important to discover which additional vapours are involved, whether they are largely natural or of human origin, and how they influence clouds. This will be our next job."

The CLOUD experiment consists of a state-of-the-art chamber in which atmospheric conditions can be simulated with high control and precision, including the concentrations of trace vapours that drive aerosol formation. A beam of particles from CERN's Proton Synchrotron accelerator provides an artificial and adjustable source of cosmic radiation.

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The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by CERN.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jasper Kirkby, Joachim Curtius, Jo?o Almeida, Eimear Dunne, Jonathan Duplissy, Sebastian Ehrhart, Alessandro Franchin, St?phanie Gagn?, Luisa Ickes, Andreas K?rten, Agnieszka Kupc, Axel Metzger, Francesco Riccobono, Linda Rondo, Siegfried Schobesberger, Georgios Tsagkogeorgas, Daniela Wimmer, Antonio Amorim, Federico Bianchi, Martin Breitenlechner, Andr? David, Josef Dommen, Andrew Downard, Mikael Ehn, Richard C. Flagan, Stefan Haider, Armin Hansel, Daniel Hauser, Werner Jud, Heikki Junninen, Fabian Kreissl, Alexander Kvashin, Ari Laaksonen, Katrianne Lehtipalo, Jorge Lima, Edward R. Lovejoy, Vladimir Makhmutov, Serge Mathot, Jyri Mikkil?, Pierre Minginette, Sandra Mogo, Tuomo Nieminen, Antti Onnela, Paulo Pereira, Tuukka Pet?j?, Ralf Schnitzhofer, John H. Seinfeld, Mikko Sipil?, Yuri Stozhkov, Frank Stratmann, Antonio Tom?, Joonas Vanhanen, Yrjo Viisanen, Aron Vrtala, Paul E. Wagner, Hansueli Walther, Ernest Weingartner, Heike Wex, Paul M. Winkler, Kenneth S. Carslaw, Douglas R. Worsnop, Urs Baltensperger, Markku Kulmala. Role of sulphuric acid, ammonia and galactic cosmic rays in atmospheric aerosol nucleation. Nature, 2011; 476 (7361): 429 DOI: 10.1038/nature10343

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Daily Tips for Business: Architecture-and-Interior-Design | bukurigala

When it comes to remodeling your house, there is no compromise. You spend too much money in finding the best architect in town to make your house the perfect dream design house. In this article we will explain to you how to get your house designed up to your level without contacting an architect. Yes, it is done through house designing software, and many such software are absolutely free.


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Charleston Business Directory ? Blog Archive ? Business Consulting ...

Beginning a brand-new business generally is a terrifying challenge. Not solely will it consider time, even so it is going to have an effect on us emotionally. There are several items that we now have a tendency to can do to make issues less complicated and ensure a greater accomplishment price. here I have outlined three necessary errors that folks create time and time once again. for each error, I describe how I have realized above the several years to error-proof my efforts.

Click link below to read full and original article

Charleston Business Directory ? Blog Archive ? Business Consulting ??? three Mistakes Solo Professionals Make When Starting a Business

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Expired Listing Letter and Real Estate Marketing Tips | Daily Rosetta ...

 Expired Listing Letter and Real Estate Marketing Tips

The expired listing letter is a valuable asset for real estate marketing plans. Expired realty listings refer to contracts that have expired between homeowners and their agent. Realtor contracts generally last between six and twelve months. If the listed property is not sold during the contract period, sellers can enter into a new listing agreement with their current realtor, hire a new agent, list the property as for sale by owner, or take the home off the market.

Investors use the expired listing letter to solicit business from the seller by offering to buy their home or help them sell it. in order to find expired property listings, investors must subscribe to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) database; a service that provides lists of nationwide properties for sale to realtors.

Investors who have never used expired listing letters can easily locate sample templates online. Investors will need to adapt marketing letters to suit sellers? circumstances. A good place to learn and share expired listing marketing ideas is by participating in real estate forums or networking groups.

In addition to using expired listing letters, investors will need to develop a marketing plan and follow-up strategies. Most investors incorporate multiple marketing tools such as postcard marketing, direct mail, referral marketing, realtor flyers or brochures, and cold calling.

The expired listing letter is generally used to solicit sellers, but some investors use these letters to solicit realtors. Working directly with real estate agents can be a profitable niche for investors willing to develop close working relationships. Realtors do the majority of legwork while investors earn profit by closing the deal.

Investors who are unfamiliar with marketing strategies should consider hiring a marketing specialist and copywriter to create expired listing letters and brochures. Real estate investors often use a variety of prospecting tools.

They might start with an introduction letter, followed by a postcard and a phone call. Or they might start with a phone call and send a folder filled with a marketing letter, client testimonials, and a list of successful real estate closings. regardless of the marketing strategy, the primary goal is to locate motivated sellers, purchase properties below market value, and earn profit on each expired listing transaction.

In today?s competitive market investors must stay on top of changing trends and create marketing campaigns that make them stand out from the crowd. Sellers often receive dozens of expired listing letters once their real estate contract expires. this is where creating unique marketing strategies can really pay off.

Private investors who dedicate their time to locating expired real estate listings often work with sellers that are frustrated their home did not sell during the listing period. The last thing these people want to hear is empty promises. They want to sell their property. Investors who focus on solving this problem can earn the seller?s business by focusing on their needs and explaining how they can help sellers accomplish their goals.

Real estate investing is a competitive industry. in order to become successful in this arena, investors must be committed to finding solutions for sellers. this can be accomplished by building a strong network of realty experts, developing a strong marketing plan, and utilizing strategies that will attract motivated buyers and quickly close real estate deals.


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In the UK, and even in other parts of the world, you may see a lot of badminton rackets sold in online stores and even in physical sports stores. You?ll notice that they may have different brands and manufacturers, one racket weighing heavier than the other. These specifications commonly serve as a basis when it comes to choosing the right badminton racket. Apacs Badminton Rackets is a brand that is amongst the most popular manufacturers in the market, most especially in the UK. A lot of well-known professional badminton players have been using the brand, simply because it has been tagged as one of the best badminton rackets during the entire year, and counting.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Grandparents play a bigger role in child-rearing (AP) | Stock ...

WASHINGTON ? America is swiftly becoming a granny state. Less frail and more involved, today?s grandparents are shunning retirement homes and stepping in more than ever to raise grandchildren while young adults struggle in the poor economy.

The newer grandparents are mainly baby boomers who are still working, with greater disposable income. Now making up 1 in 4 adults, grandparents are growing at twice the rate of the overall population and sticking close to family ? if their grandkids aren?t already living with them.

Grandparents in recent decades have often filled in for absent parents who were ill or battled addiction, or were sent to prison. The latest trend of grandparent involvement, reflected in census figures released Thursday, is now being driven also by the economy and the graying U.S. population, including the 78 million boomers born between 1946 and 1964 who began turning 65 this year.

?We help out in terms of running errands, babysitting, taking the grandkids to doctors? appointments, and for back-to-school shopping,? said Doug Flockhart of Exeter, N.H., listing some of the activities that he and his wife, Eileen, do for their five kids and seven grandchildren. But that?s just the start.

They also pitch in with health care payments for family members due to insurance gaps, and their pace of activity has picked up substantially since their daughter, who lives three blocks away, gave birth to her first child this month. Flockhart, a retired architect, likes the family time even if he and his wife worry about their grandkids? futures. Their oldest grandchild is 16.

?It?s not so much the day in and day out, it?s the big picture as to how these young kids will grow up and pay for a college education and buy a house,? he said. ?The middle class is so much less well-off than it used to be. We?ve put aside some savings for them, but with seven grandchildren it can only go so far.?

Flockhart?s situation is increasingly common, demographers say.

?Grandparents have become the family safety net, and I don?t see that changing any time soon,? said Amy Goyer, a family expert at AARP. ?While they will continue to enjoy their traditional roles, including spending on gifts for grandchildren, I see them increasingly paying for the extras that parents are struggling to keep up with ? sports, camps, tutoring or other educational needs, such as music lessons.?

The latest numbers are based partly on separate analyses by Goyer and Peter Francese, founder of American Demographics magazine who is now a population analyst for the MetLife Mature Market Institute. Their data were supplemented with the latest 2010 census figures as well as interviews with Census Bureau and other experts.

Currently about 5.8 million children, or nearly 8 percent of all children, are living with grandparents identified as the head of household, according to 50-state census data released Thursday. That?s up from 4.5 million, or 6.3 percent, who lived in such households in 2000.

Much of the increase in grandparent caregivers occurred later in the decade after the recession eliminated jobs for many younger people, surveys indicate. The 8 percent share of children now living with grandparents is the largest in at least 40 years ? and it is believed to be the largest share ever, the population experts say.

In all, there are 62.8 million grandparents in the U.S., the most ever. They are projected to make up roughly 1 in 3 adults by 2020.

Nearly half the states had increases of 40 percent or more over the last decade in the number of grandchildren living with grandparents. They were led by states such as Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Arizona and Kentucky, which had influxes of young families or suffered higher rates of poverty.

On the other end of the scale, New Jersey, New York, Michigan and Louisiana saw the smallest increases, less than 10 percent. Each of those states saw slower population growth overall since 2000, particularly among young people.

The District of Columbia posted a decline of more than 20 percent in grandchildren living with grandparents, a sign of growing gentrification in the nation?s capital in which smaller-sized white families are replacing black families with grandparent caregivers, who are moving to suburban areas.

Francese says the stereotype of grandparents who are frail, receding and dependent is changing. He noted that unemployment among workers ages 25 to 34 last year was double that of Americans aged 55 to 64. U.S. households headed by baby boomers also commanded almost half of the nation?s total household income, and are more likely to be college graduates than grandparents in previous generations.

These grandparents reject living in senior communities in favor of ?aging in place? in their own homes, near family. In 2009, households ages 55 or older spent billions of dollars on infant food, clothes, toys, games, tuition and supplies for grandchildren, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

?Grandparents are supposed to be old, gray-haired people tottering around, but the vast majority are actually in the work force,? said Francese, who released a paper on the topic last month. ?There is not much doubt that the recent recession has brought grandparents and grandchildren together.?

The government figures come as a congressional supercommittee considers possible reductions to Medicare and Social Security to achieve $1.5 trillion in federal spending cuts under the terms of the debt ceiling agreement. Up until now, lawmakers? proposals to cut the entitlement programs have met resistance from older Americans, including those 45 and older, who now make up a majority of the voting-age population.

The committee must issue its recommendations by late November, with action by Congress before year?s end, or various parts of government will face automatic spending cuts.

Estella Hyde, 65, who lives near Erie, Pa., said additional government aid ? not spending cuts ? would go a long way for grandparents. She and her husband have raised their granddaughter, now 18, off and on since she was a year old, when Hyde?s daughter-in-law at the time said she didn?t want the burden.

Eventually the Hydes were able to adopt their granddaughter legally, which allowed her to have coverage under their health plan, but only after the couple fought through red tape and paid $10,000 in adoption fees. After a difficult childhood, her granddaughter will attend college this fall.

?It never happens in a happy situation where a son or daughter comes and says, `I need you to raise a child for me,?? said Hyde, a nursing professor who is now retired. ?We were very lucky, we were able to financially take care of her and support her. But many grandparent caregivers need other sources of assistance.?

In all, the states with the highest shares of children living in households headed by grandparents are in the South and West. They include Hawaii, Mississippi, Louisiana, New Mexico, South Carolina and Texas, each with at least 1 in 10 children living in grandparent households.

Among the states with high concentrations of grandparents overall ? regardless of their living arrangement ? are Maine, West Virginia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Iowa and New Hampshire, according to some estimates.



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? You think you finally have a buyer for your home, but then at the last minute she demands that you pay for new landscaping of the yard?or no deal. There are plenty of other properties for sale, and she says she?ll walk.
? Your son is having trouble in school, and you have to think about how to deal with his ?my way or the highway? teacher.

When confronted with these?and innumerable other?day-to-day negotiating challenges at work and in your personal life, most people start to guess about how much they should give up in compromise to make the other side happy (?I?ll just meet them halfway, and we can put this problem to bed?).

Jim Camp has a better way for you to negotiate:


Saying ?no? is not about being hard-nosed or intransigent. Rather, it stops everyone in their tracks, clears the air, and allows you to get at what the real issues are. It is a proven and an amazingly effective system that avoids unwarranted assumptions, needless compromises, and wild guesses, showing:

? How to stop being needy, banishing emotional responses such as ?I must keep this customer?s business? or ?I have to sell this house now,? and start focusing on what you can control?yourself
? Why in a negotiation the two worst things to hear are ?yes? and ?maybe?
? How to get to the heart of the issue through the art and science of asking great questions
? How to find out who the real ?decider? is and stop negotiating with the unqualified

We live in a compromise- and assumption-based world, but Jim Camp flips conventional wisdom on its head and in the process makes you a more effective negotiator with clients, customers, spouses, kids, neighbors, and coworkers. Through Camp?s system you?ll find that ?no? is just the start of the negotiation, not the end of it. With it, you?ll get everything you want and you?ll build solid relationships with those you negotiate with.

Your Price: $11.71 ? No: The Only Negotiating System You Need for Work and Home

Tags: Art And Science, Challenges, Coach, Compromise, Compromises, Control, Effective System, Emotional Pressure, Emotional Responses, Giveaways, Heart, Last Minute, Negotiation, New Landscaping, Out Of The Blue, Personal Life, Proven System, Trouble In School, Unwarranted Assumptions, Work At Home Business


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