Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Character Information (Reading Required)

Elemental Connections Saga

16 College students find out they're not human, are soul mates to on another, and must save two worlds.


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Elemental Connections Saga?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Here's all the information you need to know about the characters. Read the Information about the chars you want to pick and apply them to their skeleton as needed.

Species and Elements: (Note: It should be noted that those who have animal forms do have human forms as well like the dragon and unicorn.)
1. Fire Element- Dragon- Either dragon can be European or Chinese in origin, although I do prefer European since the Chinese one is more associated with water than fire. Also try to keep their body colors close to reds, oranges, and yellows. No cool colors. Here are the specifics for what I want for the two Dragon chars.
a. Male- Current student who?s a senior about to get his Bachelor?s. (I?ll let you decide everything else, must this must be in his profile.)
b. Female- New Student, recent Junior who?s transferring from another college or university.

2. Water Element- Waterfolk- This is a species I created. Waterfolk look like humans only their skin is blue, they have fins on their legs and arms, gills on their back, and ears are fins too. Their legs can turn into a tail. They can regulate their temperature too. This is due to the changing temperatures of the sea. So they can heat their bodies up in cold places or vice versa in warm temperature, however they do have a limit. They also have hair too and their skin isn?t scaly. So yes for your image you can use a mermaid picture.
a. Male- New Student- He?s a new Grad student starting his first semester.
b. Female- Current Student- She?s an Upperclassman (either Junior or Senior).

3. Earth Element- Elf- Magic abilities here can range from flowers to trees to rock. This also includes crystals. Also in this RPG, elves are taller than humans, not shorter.
a. Male- Current Student- Undergrad student (preferably Sophomore, but any classification is okay).
b. Female- New Student- Freshman entering her first semester of college. This char must be 18 years old.

4. Air Element- Faerie- Faeries can change sizes from human size to sprite size. They also have either golden or silver tint to their skin.
a. Male- New Student- Undergrad International student (preferably from Europe) studying abroad for one year. Must be sophomore or Junior.
b. Female- Current student- freshman or sophomore student.

5. Lightning Element- Thunderbird- This creature comes from Native American culture and is a prominent totem in the Pacific Northwest. In fact, I want the chars of this species to be of Native American decent.
a. Male- New Student- Transfer student who just became a junior. (Taken)
b. Female- Current Student- just became a junior.

6. Metal Element- Griffin- Magic abilities can relate to any type of metal, including precious metals, i.e. gold and silver.
a. Male Student- Current Student- New grad student (He took all his undergrad work at the same university).
b. Female- New Student- International student, who?s also a new grad student too. Plans on staying here for entire grad school.

7. Dark Element- Vampire- In this RPG, vampires doesn?t kill their victims by drinking their blood and while they are night creatures, they can walk out in the sun. Garlic has no effect either.
a. Male- New Student- Transferred and is from out of state. Must be sophomore at least.
b. Female- Current Student- Freshman, 2nd semester of college.

8. Light Element- Unicorn- A unicorn is NOT a horse with a horn. Its body is smaller and more deer-like. Hooves are cloven and they can produce wings. In fact, the wings are signs of hierarchy and the max a unicorn can have is 8 wings. 3 pairs are on the back and 1 pair is located on their hind legs. For the unicorn pair here, both are white (except for eye color) and eventually will have all 8 wings.
a. Male- Current Student- Senior
b. Female- New Student- Transfer student, is a junior. (Taken)

[img](Human%20image)[/img]- Anime preferred, but not required
[img](Species%20image)[/img]- I?ll allow any type here
1. Earth Name- Current name
2. Original Name- This is their True name from their first life.
3. Gender- Male or Female
4. Species- Dragon, Griffin, Elf, etc.
5. Age- Basic human years please (18- 28 years) (Also, the males should be older than their female soul mates. Keep in mind of their class rank listed next.)
6. Class Rank- Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Grad student
7. Personality- please give me a good description here. It doesn?t have to be big, but decent. No Gary Stu?s or Mary Sue?s.
8. Symbol Position- Where on the body is it. (First soul mate char up decides where the position goes. 2nd Soul Mate?s player can change it to that spot if need be. Also, not even the soul mate can see it right away. This will happen around the time when they are able to use magic. It?s invisible to others.)
9. Magic Abilities- (Keep in mind that they won?t have these abilities until after midway through the 1st plotline after an ?incident?. Make sure your magic abilities have something to do with your element and species.)
10. Psychic Abilities- (They have at least one at the beginning of the RPG. The following are accepted, if you have another one, run it by me, Zodia195, first and I?ll let you know if it?s acceptable: Empathy, Clairvoyance, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Aura Reading, Automatic Writing, Medium or Channeling, Precognition [this is different from Clairvoyance because that has to do with ?seeing?, this has to do with ?knowing?]. Also all characters will gain the ability to dream of their soul mate even before meeting the person. Also, they don?t have to know they have the abilities at first, even though they have them.)
11. History- For now just describe current history. Will add past history later. No char will have any past life memory until he or she meets his or her soul mate. Also, here include if they?re a current or new student and the other little notes from the species and elements section. Again can you please be descriptive.

If you have any other questions feel free to contact me.

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Member for 1 years

I'd like to reserve a female faerie please.

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Okay that's fine with me. I'll accept one char for now, but don't forget to read the Rules on the intro.

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I do think that having fun is the most important rule, that is why I would love to take on the female water folk, as this made up species intrigues me. I am very committed, and have been looking for a RP that doesn't die after 20 posts. I will have the char up soon. If I don't have it up within two days, would you mind PMing me, as I have sometimes lost the link to role-plays and feel horrible that I can never find them again. Thanks!

Edit: I will also take up any male spot next taken, but I will wait until others fill in/reserve. I don't want to take something somebody wants. I'll just take whatever is left, if any.

Real knowledge
is to know the extent
of one's ignorance.

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Okay that is fine with me Haas. Reminder: I won't start the RPG until I have 1 co-gm.

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I'd like to reserve the female elf please. I'm definitely willing to be committed and post literately. I've actually been searching for a long RP. XD

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