Sunday, April 14, 2013

Home is Where the Heart Is; Male Roles Availiable


Twelve people, some strangers, some friends, some former lovers, somehow ended up in a late night flight to London. In the middle of the night, the plane shuddered and groaned. Before they knew it, the were on the ground knocked out. When they came to, the entire crew and the other passengers were gone. No bodies- nothing.


They had no idea what continent they were in. There was a huge forest around them, and no matter how far they walked it never seemed to end. After following a stream that ran through the forest, they decided it was useless; they weren't going to find civilization anytime soon. They set up camp on the edge of a large, open meadow with a stream about a mile off. They've been here for a month and a half now, and are forced to work together now. Some have grown to hate others, some have become friends, even love has ---.

Boy B | 21 | Confident, arrogant, jock | Charlie Mcdonnell | Open

GIRL A was the one who wanted to go off on her own. Somehow BOY B persuaded her to stay though. Since then she is constantly butting heads with BOY B, who is just as irrational and stubborn as she is. BOY B is a varsity football player, coming from an incredibly wealthy family. He's been doing nothing except for party for the past year, and finally decided he was going to head to London to blow some more of his parents money. Plus, he was dead-set on the European women and he needed a change of scenery. They constantly argue about everything they can, from who is going to gather water or who should take the first shift to keep the fire going. As the days wear on, their remarks become more and more rash until one day, GIRL A gets badly injured on a hunt for food and BOY B is the only one around. He helps her and shows her a more gentle side of him that she never thought existed. And BOY B notices a more vulnerable side he had been waiting to see. From then on, feelings grow..

Boy D | 25 | Sneaky, big headed, opinionated | Ryan Gosling | Open
Boy F | 26 | Reserved, honest, kind | Nico Tortorella

With all 4 of them being the best of friends, they have bonded since their freshman year of high school. The four have decided to take a trip to London to celebrate their long-term friendship. But what about what's really going on inside? It's worse than a love triangle, it's a damn square. GIRL C has always been the leader of the bunch, making the decisions and taking charge and occasionally butting heads with BOY D. What she doesn't know is that BOY D has always had a crush on her, loving that she challenges him. But all these years, GIRL C's affections lay with BOY F, whose modest and quiet nature won her over back in high school. BOY F loves GIRL C, but not in the way she wants him too, as he sees her as a sister and he believes that GIRL E is more on his level. She's incredibly similar to him in all aspects, including her naturally gentle nature. GIRL E, however, pegs for BOY D, and is infatuated with his confident ways. So when the four of them get stranded on this island, true feelings begin to show and conflict arises because of this.

Boy H | 20 | Loyal, romantic, confident | Harry Styles | Open

GIRL G could probably the most scared out of all the people on their the crash, but she shows it by being light-hearted and making friends with the others. After all, she's got an amazing sense of humor and her friends back home in London love her so much for that. But that's all she has ever known; laughing things off to keep people from knowing how hurt she is and keeping people from worrying about her. Back in London, about a year and a half ago, her boyfriend BOY H enlisted for the British Armed Forces and was sent away. They had been dating for years, and had been best friend since they were children. He had to enlist, because BOY H's parents had gone through a messy divorce, and all the financial fees left their family broke. This had marred his dreams of attending a prestigious university, but if he joined the Armed Forces, he would be offered free education to any institution. The two tried to make it work so hard, and even reconciled a few times when he came home on leave, but BOY H just couldn't keep leaving her, breaking her heart, and ended up ending it permanently. After his tours, he was finally able to pick what university he wanted to attend so he flew to America to find any potential schools. He couldn't go home, since he knew that everyone would shun him for what he did to his lifelong friend and lover. GIRL G ended up on the plane after a need for a change of scenery, and she knew that BOY H was in America, and part of her was hoping to run into him by chance. Now that the two are lost together, so GIRL G and BOY H don't really know what to do with each other. A part of her still loves him, but she isn't sure can't deal with what he did. BOY H, on the other hand, is trying his very hardest to win her heart back- now they can finally be together, and he never really stopped loving her. Will she take him back?

Guy J: 20 | Awkward, good natured, funny | Francisco Lachowski | Open

GIRL I has always been a little too trusting of people, and it's no wonder people constantly take advantage of her. She had just gone through a horrible break up with her verbally abusive boyfriend, so she's having an extra hard time on this island. She was on her way back to London to spend time with her family. She's been spending her days and nights weeping and moping, so when BOY J feels compassionate towards her, she takes his shoulder to cry on. Due to his over-overwhelmingly awkward nature around her, GIRL I assumes he's gay, and he does absolutely nothing to defer her from thinking this. After all, she's incredibly pretty and this provided an opportunity to get closer to her. So what if he pretended to be gay for a bit? But it feels wrong when GIRL I begins to do things like undress in front of him and cuddle with him under the stars. Will BOY J act on these feelings? Will he lead her on even further? How will GIRL I react when she finds out that he's not really gay? Will she forgive him?

Boy L: 24 | Spiteful, vengeful, materialistic | Grant Gustin | Open

GIRL K is most definitely the most easily satisfied on the island. She is very simply, not materialistic and easily pleased. She just wants to make sure everyone survives and gets what they need, and won't go out of her way to do anything over the top. Immediately, her good looks caught the eye of BOY L, a rich heir to a brewing company with factories all over the world. He is used to getting everything he wants simply because he has money. When his money is useless on this island, he's just used to flaunting it with his words now. He does everything he can to impress GIRL K but she is unfazed. BOY L is pretty useless when it comes to gathering resources and building things, always injuring himself when it's almost always avoidable. GIRL K constantly finds herself annoyed with having to come to his aid, and is beginning to think he's doing this all on purpose. BOY L isn't, though, and he is really trying his hardest. Now, the others have ordered GIRL K to show him how to do things properly around the island, much to her dismay, and they begin to grow closer.


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