Friday, February 15, 2013

Jewish Professor of Linguistics support of David Ward MP's criticism of Israel

10:58 am, Sun 10 Feb 2013

Noam Chomsky

World-renowned Professor of Linguistics, Noam Chomsky, has come out supporting David Ward?s comments. He has said:

?I agree that there's nothing remotely anti-Semitic in his remarks, which are in fact familiar in Israeli discussions.?

Zionists have continued to hound David Ward and the Lib Dems to take action, inflating the issue to much more than what it is. This is, of course, the job of the Zionists, even if it works against the party?s interest. In this case, it certainly does. In reality, it is much to do about nothing.

Chomsky?s comments, however, must be illuminating to the Owen Jones & Mehdi Hasan, who had commented that Ward?s comments were anti-Semitic. Would they argue with a man who understands a thing or two about language?

David Ward has clarified numerous times what he was saying and if that is still not enough, he clarified once more:

"The intention behind my comments was to start a genuine discussion about Israel's treatment of Palestinians and how the Israeli government seemingly acts with impunity for its actions in Gaza and the West Bank.?

Mr Jones & Mr Hasan already know that Zionists rampantly overplay the anti-Semitic card to shut down any attempt to bring Israel?s crimes to public scrutiny. By reacting to the Zionists narrative in the way they did, they have effectively squashed David Ward?s attempt to have a real debate about Israel impunity for its actions as they are some of the few voices of reason left who talk about issues that Zionists would rather not have discussed. They are no doubt very pro-Palestinian and we hope that they will come out in support of the MP as it is widely understood that he was not demonising an entire community.

We cannot allow Zionists to dictate the narrative of his comments as he is trying to get a real discussion on an issue that is dear to us all.


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