Thursday, October 11, 2012

Helps in Fostering Eye Level Communication - Catholic American ...

Walking the night streets? of Seoul up until a few years ago, women had little? to fear, today even men walking in some of the alleys have need to be concerned.? Writing in the Kyeongyang magazine a professor emeritus feels it is a breakdown of communication, no community. TV, the internet the social network has taken its place, and we have become hermits. The extended family has disappeared, and we are living isolated from others, satisfied to communicate by machines in the privacy of our rooms. And crime, he wants us to ponder, the kind that is even difficult to speak about is one of? the fall-outs from the breakdown? of communication.?

In the West, the individual is center stage while in East Asia, it is the "we" that is important: relationships and community. These are values from our culture. Our relationship and communication are not vertical but horizontal. Plurality, differences, tolerance, embracing, understanding, coexistence, win-win,? concern, these are our cultural? values. The problems that we are facing in society can be seen as this failure in? communication.

Because one has lived longer,? or has a better education,? or has more of this world's goods does? not give them the right to? lead? and? attempt to change things to meet their own expectations. This is not what we mean by communication. This kind of vertical? relationship strictly speaking? is using force and commands ? to communicate. What we need is eye level communication not enlightening communication.

The writer introduces us to Cardinal Kim as an example of a communicator for our times. He wanted to be food? and a fool and a vessel for others. In talking to others, he lowered himself to the lowest possible level to initiate his relationship with the other. There are three words that the professor uses to describe the Cardinals approach to others: food, being a fool and a container.?

In Korean when? a person is beneath taking notice the expression, he or she is our food can be heard. The Cardinal had this idea of being food for others. A container does carry food but also can be a receptacle? for night soil.? When speaking to another if we do not have an authenticity on both sides with? eye level communication where words and? thinking are? the same we will not have heart to heart dialogue.?

Without conversation, it? is impossible? to live. In the family without dialog, we have a rupture. This is true for the teacher and student, priest and Christians,? politicians and people. Without dialogue, it is impossible? for a society to subsist.

?In conclusion, the professor reminds us of the words of the Cardinal not to blame the darkness but to be a light to the world. If we are the first to light the candle, then others will join us one by one until we have thousands doing the same. This will gradually permeate society, and we will be on the way to? realize our dreams.?????



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