Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pay Per Click Strategies That Boost Advertising ROI

If you run any sort of online business then I am sure you have attempted or at least heard of Pay Per Click advertising also known as PPC advertising. Many people who attempt this have tried and failed and the worst part about it is that they had to pay money for the failure. Pay Per Click advertising is exactly what it sounds like. You pay for an ad on a search engine and every time somebody clicks on your ad you have to pay the amount you bid. Being part of a Scottsdale web design team I have noticed that many people think that paying for advertising guarantees you sales and this is not the case. In fact you still need to know what your doing because this can be very critical to the success of your business and the information you will receive from a Pay Per Click campaign is extremely beneficial. So how can you improve your already failed experience with Pay Per Click?

  1. Use the Correct Landing Page ? ?Many people just create one landing page for all their ads and this can be a huge mistake. You want to create a landing page that gives the visitor the content of what they were looking for. You knows this because of the keywords that your ad is showing for. For example if I was running an ad for Scottsdale web design I wouldn?t want to have a landing page talking about SEO. They aren?t looking for SEO they are looking for Scottsdale web design and that is what my landing page would need to be.
  2. Track ? Tracking conversions are key. You must know if your Pay Per Click campaign is paying off or not. You don?t want to be paying for visitors that aren?t converting this can end up costing you a lot of money.
  3. Quality Score ? Because Google wants all searched content to be relevant to what the individual is searching for they have developed algorithms to do this and that is no different with paid ads. There are many things that go into a quality score but you always should be working to improve this.
  4. Re-Marketing -?Re-Marketing is a feature that allows you to only market ads to people who have visited your site in the past. This cuts down on Pay Per Click costs as well as improve the quality of your leads.
  5. Search Engines ? Try using different search engines and see which search engines gives you and your business the best ROI which means return on investment.

There are many ways that you can improve your PPC campaign these are just a couple. HireAWiz is an elite Scottsdale web design company that would be happy to help you with all your marketing needs whether it be Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, or Pay Per Click we will work to help you grow your business we we will grow ours. Contact us today to find out about our money back guarantee.

October 31, 2012

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

island life- in a monastery: MORE SAINTS & NATIVE AMERICANS

ST. ROSE PHILIPPINE DUCHESENE was born in Grenoble, France in 1769 and died in St. Charles, Missouri in 1852. ?
She was the daughter of Pierre-Francois Duchesne, a prominent lawyer, and her mother was an ancestor of Casimir-Perier, President of France. From the age of eight she had a desire to evangelize in the Americas, sparked by hearing a Jesuit missionary speak of his work there.

St. Rose Philippine received a basic education at home from tutors, and religious education from her mother. Educated from age 12 at the convent of the Visitation nuns in Grenoble, she joined them in 1788 at age 19 without the permission or knowledge of her family. Initially they were violently opposed to her choice, but finally gave in.

Religious communities were outlawed during the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution, and her convent was closed in 1792. She spent the next ten years living as a laywoman, but still maintained her religious life. She established a school for poor children, provided care for the sick, and hid priests from Revolutionaries. When the Terror ended, she reclaimed her convent and tried to reestablish it with a group of sisters she had maintained in Grenoble.

However, most were long gone, and in 1804 the group was incorporated into the Society of the Sacred Heart under St. Madeline Sophie Barat.

They then reopened the convent of Sainte-Marie-d'en-Haut as the second house of Sacred Heart nuns. Rose became a postulant in December 1804, and made her final vows in 1805.

In 1818, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne headed to America with a few other members of the Society. She arrived in New Orleans, and traveled the Louisiana territory and ended up in St. Charles, Missouri near St Louis. Here she created a new house of the Sacred Heart Society in a log cabin. This was the first house ever built outside of France.

This new Community faced many struggles including lack of funds and very cold weather. Another major problem was that the saint struggled to learn English. She and four other members of her Society continued to create schools in America. By the year 1828, six houses had been added in America.

"Poverty and Christian heroism are here," she wrote, "and trials are the riches of priests in this land." Other schools in the area were founded and while she enjoyed her work with these students, she truly desired to work with Native Americans.

?In 1841, when Philippine was 71 years old and in poor health, a Jesuit missionary named Pierre De Smet * proposed that the sisters start a school among the Potawatomi. From France, Mother Barat wrote to include St. Rose Philippine in the mission. "Remember that in leaving for America, good Mother Duchesne had only this work in view," she wrote. "It was for the sake of the Indians that she felt inspired to establish the order in America.?

When the other sisters questioned the prudence of? including the saint, Fr. Peter Verhaegen insisted: "If we have to carry her all the way on our shoulders, she is coming with us. She may not be able to do much work, but she will assure success to the mission by praying for us." When the group arrived in Sugar Creek, Kansas, 500 braves rode out in gala dress to welcome them!

At this new house, she spent her time taking care of sick Native Americans but later weak and ailing, St. Rose Philippine could not take up the demands of? teaching or master the Potawatomi language.? She did however spend long hours before the Blessed Sacrament. As she knelt before the tabernacle, lost in prayer, many of the Indians would come into the church to watch her. Noiselessly they would approach her, kneel and kiss the hem of her worn habit. They were also deeply touched by her kindness as she sat with the dying to comfort them. The Indians had the greatest admiration for her and called her Quah-Kah-Ka-num-ad, ?Woman-who-prays-always.?

On November 18, 1852, at the age of 83, Mother Duchesne died at St. Charles. On May 12, 1940, she was beatified by Pope Pius XII. She was canonized by the church in July of 1988 by Pope Paul II.

She is a good example to all who labor on later in life. She did not make her final profession of vows until age 37. Not until she was 49 was she able to leave her native France for America (not old by today's standards), and not until she was 72 was she able to establish a school for Native American girls in Kansas (most are retired by this age today).

Her feast is celebrated on November 18. Her remains rest in the chapel dedicated to her on the campus of the Academy of the Sacred Heart in St. Charles. The State of Missouri named her first among the women on its Pioneer Roll of Fame. The inscription on the plaque reads: ? ?Some names must not wither.? And among the Potawatomi, Quah-Kah-Ka-num-ad is still remembered with great fondness and reverence.?

* Years ago we read Paths to the Northwest : A Jesuit History of the Oregon Province by? Wilfred P Schoenberg, SJ, which is a fascinating account of the Jesuits of our area, most especially the adventures of? Father Pierre de Smet.

In 1838, Fr. De Smet made the first of many overland journeys to establish missions among the Indians. The first mission was at Council Bluffs, Iowa, among the Potawatomie tribe. In 1842, Fr. De Smet became the first Jesuit missionary to travel to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest.

Fr. De Smet was able to win the confidence of both the Indians and the white settlers. The Indians called him "Blackrobe" and held him in high regard. In 1868, Fr. De Smet visited the camp of Sitting Bull in the Big Horn Valley of Montana, although this chief had vowed to kill any white man to show himself there. Sitting Bull welcomed him and agreed to a conference which eventually ended hostilities. De Smet was called upon regularly to arbitrate treaty conditions during the latter years of the 19th century.

Fr. De Smet traveled more than a quarter of a million miles over the Western Plains and across the Atlantic to Europe in the service of the American Indian Tribes. He died on Ascension Thursday, 1873, at the age of 72 and was buried at Florissant, Missouri, where he had completed his novitiate 50 years before.

It would not be surprising to one day have this remarkable man on the roster of? SAINTS IN AMERICA!

Father de Smet with the Flatheads (Montana)


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What Is A Bridging Loan? - How Important Is Your Finance


A bridging loan is a short term loan. It?s a stop-gap or loan to tide you over till you can get a longer-term, more favourable arrangement set up.

Bridging loans are commonly used when the cash from the sale of an asset is expected, but won?t be available till after financing is needed for something else. When you sell your house, you might not receive the cash for a few weeks, but may have already completed on your new home and have to pay for this before you get the money from your sale. A bridging loan can cover the gap.

Usually a lot more expensive than conventional loans, bridging loans normally charge a lot more interest and can have other costs associated with getting them set up. However, they can be set up at relatively short notice and can be very useful especially when perhaps there is the need for finance immediately, and alternative funding will take a bit longer to arrange.

When to use a bridging loan

Often a bridging loan is useful when purchasing property if you need to act fast in order not to miss out. For example if you are purchasing land or property from foreclosure or the seller is in a hurry to sell.

In these cases, the bridging loan would be repaid on sale of the property and then refinanced with a conventional lender like a building society. This might be also when the credit-worthiness of the buyer improves, or maybe improvements to the property mean that it can be re-mortgaged to pay off the bridging loan.?

Used primarily when financing property, a bridging loan might be used by developers who want to start work on a project while permission is being processed. This is risky, as there is no guarantee that the project will go ahead so the loan will be a high rate of interest, usually from a specialised lender that is prepared to take a gamble. Usually once the necessary permission has been forthcoming, then the project will become eligible for loans from more conventional and cheaper lenders.

A home owner who is buying a new house and wants to make a down payment based on the proceeds of the home that is being sold can take out a bridging loan. Equity can then be taken from the current home to be used for the purchase of the new place. There is an expectation that the sale will go through within a short time and the bridging loan repaid.

Commercial uses of bridging loans

Commercially, bridging loans can be useful as a stop gap in a business when perhaps a partner decides to leave, while another wants to continue running it. The loan might be then based on the value of the company?s premises until funds can be raised from other sources like a management buy-in.

Sometimes property can go at a discount if the purchaser can complete quickly. Often in auctions, completion needs to be within two to four weeks. This may not be enough time to set up long term lending, so a bridging loan can buy that extra time needed.

Corporate financiers use bridging loans for a number of purposes. Sometimes capital is needed for a company to keep going between successive private equity financings. A company that is in trouble might take out a bridging loan while it looks for an investor or someone to take it over. Sometimes a bridging loan might be needed as a final piece of debt financing to continue business in the period just before a public offering of shares or a takeover.

Expect higher interest charges

Bridging loan interest rates are usually considerably higher than normal building society and bank rates for mortgages. Terms typically go up to 12 months, might be fixed to a predetermined time frame or can be open, with repayment usually required by a certain date.

Similar to a loan, it is short term and non-standard but loans can come from a variety of sources, whereas a bridging loan refers to the duration of the loan and is normally arranged through a bank that is in the business of making high risk decisions and providing high interest loans.

Bridging loans are quick and easy to set up, but are a short term measure. Expensive, they are useful to bridge the gap between getting something more cost effective, but which usually takes longer to arrange.

Though more commonly used for purchasing property and commercial reasons, bridging loans can also be used when you have any temporary problem with your cash-flow, whether it?s to finance unexpected tax payments, upgrade your home or offices, to buy property to rent out or for holiday accommodation abroad. In fact they can come in handy for any of those big expenses like a new car or a holiday of a lifetime when you know you can pay off the loan in the not too distant future.?

Marianne Heredge is a keen financial writer, click here to find out more about Bridging loans.

Image credits: Wikipedia 1 & 2



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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Alex Rodriguez benched: Will that help Yankees in decisive Game 5?

In explaining his decision to bench Alex Rodriguez, Yankees manager Joe Girardi said the slugger has struggled against right-handed pitchers in this series. The Orioles' starting pitcher, Jason Hammel, is right-handed.

By Ron Scherer,?Staff writer / October 12, 2012

Baltimore Orioles' J.J. Hardy hits a double, scoring Manny Machado in the 13th inning in Game 4 of the American League division baseball series against the New York Yankees on Thursday, Oct. 11, in New York.

Peter Morgan/AP


For the pin-striped New York Yankees and feisty Baltimore Orioles, the season comes down to one game late Friday afternoon ? and the starting players won't include Yankees star Alex Rodriguez.

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The winner goes on to play Detroit Saturday; the loser gets to think about it until next spring.

Yankees manager Joe Girardi, in explaining his decision to bench Rodriguez, noted that the slugger has struggled against right-handed pitchers in this series. The Orioles starting pitcher, Jason Hammel, is right-handed.?

The Orioles got to a decisive fifth game by beating the Yankees 2-1 in 13 innings Thursday night (as well as early Friday morning) in Game 4 of the American League Division Series. It was a classic Orioles victory: keep the other team from scoring and then win in extra innings.

So does the Baltimore win give it an advantage on Friday, or are the Yankees the favorite? How will the absence of Rodriguez factor in?

David Pinto, author of the blog Baseball Musings, gives a small edge to New York, in part because it has the home-field advantage and it has its ace, CC Sabathia, on the mound.

?If you look at the season and the talent, then New York should have the advantage,? he says. ?But if you look at the Orioles? history this year and if you believe their record is structural ? that is, the result of good decisions made by the manager and a good team ? then the Orioles hang in there better than you think.?

In fact, if the Orioles can keep the game close, Mr. Pinto says, they have the advantage since they have won so many close games this season. ?If it?s a tight game, Baltimore finds a way to win,? he says.

One of the Orioles? advantages, he says, is that manager Buck Showalter is prepared for almost any situation. ?He is very detail-oriented,? says Pinto.

For example, in the Orioles? Game 4 win, Showalter made certain he had the right pitcher on the mound, especially in the late innings. ?Buck is very good at getting the best matchups, he can. He is very good at putting his players in situations where they can succeed,? Pinto says.

On Thursday night, he brought in right-handed, sidearm-throwing Darren O?Day to face Rodriguez. Rodriguez struck out on four pitches with runners on second and third bases and only one out.

?His at bat against O?Day was terrible,? says Pinto. ?A-Rod looks lost at the plate.?

The next batter, Nick Swisher, a switch-hitter, did not do much better. He sent an ordinary fly ball to right field.

?You could see what great movement O?Day had on the ball: The pitches would come up and then dip down over the plate,? says Pinto. ?I?m not sure anyone could have done anything against him.?

Rodriguez has had high-profile struggles in the postseason, but he's not the only Yankee who is ?scuffling,? to use Girardi?s term.

In their two postseason games at Yankee Stadium, the Bombers are only hitting .169. For the series as a whole, the team is hitting .216. Swisher (.133), Curtis Granderson (.063), and Robinson Cano (.111) are in slumps. The Yankees? best hitters are Derek Jeter (.421), Mark Teixeira (.333), and Raul Ibanez (.500), who hit two pivotal home runs in Game 3, including the walk-off home in the 12th inning.

Still, the key advantage for the Yankees in Game 5 is their pitcher Sabathia, Pinto says.

In his last regular-season starts, he showed good control and pitched deep into the game. In Game 1 against the Orioles ? won by the Yankees ? he gave up only one run and pitched into the eighth inning. ?He did a great job against the Orioles,? says Pinto.

The Baltimore pitcher, Hammel, did well in Game 1 but did not figure in the result. Hammel, who was acquired from the Colorado Rockies, has had control problems this year.

?He has put a lot of people on base. It?s surprising his earned run average is not higher,? Pinto says. Hammel?s ERA is 3.18 for the division series and 5.79 for his career in Major League Baseball.

The Yankees? record in five-game series that go the distance is only so-so. They have won two and lost three. The Orioles have not been in the fifth game of a division series.

[Editor's note: This story was updated at 5 p.m. on Oct. 12 with the news about Alex Rodriguez.]


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    Friday, October 12, 2012

    US report highlights unease about Chinese firms

    In this Monday, Oct. 8, 2012 photo, a man walks near a logo at a R&D center of Huawei Technologies Inc. in Wuhan, in central China's Hubei province. Eager to expand in the United States, China?s biggest technology companies face American anxiety about security and rising Chinese competition. (AP Photo) CHINA OUT

    In this Monday, Oct. 8, 2012 photo, a man walks near a logo at a R&D center of Huawei Technologies Inc. in Wuhan, in central China's Hubei province. Eager to expand in the United States, China?s biggest technology companies face American anxiety about security and rising Chinese competition. (AP Photo) CHINA OUT

    In this Monday, Oct. 8, 2012 photo, a salesperson stands at counters selling mobile phones produced by ZTE Corp. at an appliance store in Wuhan, in central China's Hubei province. Eager to expand in the United States, China's biggest technology companies face American anxiety about security and rising Chinese competition. (AP Photo) CHINA OUT

    In this Monday, Oct. 8, 2012 photo, an employee works at a reception counter of a R&D center of Huawei Technologies Inc. in Wuhan, in central China's Hubei province. Eager to expand in the United States, China's biggest technology companies face American anxiety about security and rising Chinese competition.(AP Photo) CHINA OUT

    In this Monday, Oct. 8, 2012 photo, a man walks near company logos at a R&D center of Huawei Technologies Inc. in Wuhan, in central China's Hubei province. Eager to expand in the United States, China?s biggest technology companies face American anxiety about security and rising Chinese competition. (AP Photo) CHINA OUT

    (AP) ? Eager to expand in the United States, China's biggest technology companies face an America anxious about threats to jobs and national security.

    The latest blow: A U.S. report that says telecom equipment makers Huawei Technologies Inc. and ZTE Corp. are potential security threats that Americans should avoid doing business with.

    The report, coming amid an American presidential race in which trade tensions with Beijing are a prominent issue, highlights conflicting U.S. sentiments toward China, an important trading partner but a potential strategic rival. U.S. companies see China as both a crucial growth market and a source of competition and industrial spying.

    "A lot of people in America are worried about a diminishing role in the world and China being the prime beneficiary and potentially one day moving into that top slot," said Charles Maynard, senior managing director of Business Development Asia, which advises companies on acquisitions.

    Legislators are "playing to a lot of voters at home who are very concerned about that issue," he said.

    The report Monday by the House Intelligence Committee said U.S. companies should avoid doing business with Huawei and ZTE and recommended regulators block them from buying U.S. companies. It said government computer systems should not include components from them because they might pose an espionage risk.

    China's government rejected the report as false and an effort to block Chinese companies from the U.S. market.

    "The Chinese side expresses its serious concerns and strong opposition," Commerce Ministry spokesman Shen Danyang said in a statement Tuesday. He called on the United States to "abandon the practice of discrimination against Chinese companies."

    The report has no official force but could discourage American telephone carriers from dealing with Huawei and ZTE, especially when it comes to the big-ticket network technology the Chinese companies are eager to sell.

    Huawei and ZTE, both based in Shenzhen in southern China, near Hong Kong, rejected the accusation and complained the committee failed to provide evidence to back it up.

    The report "employs many rumors and speculations to prove non-existent accusations," said a Huawei spokesman, Scott Sykes, in an e-mail.

    "We have to suspect that the only purpose of such a report is to impede competition and obstruct Chinese ICT companies from entering the US market," Sykes said.

    ZTE said the investigation should be extended to Western suppliers because their equipment is manufactured in or uses components from China.

    The United States and other governments welcome the small but growing flow of Chinese investment. Most deals abroad go through with little trouble. But companies from China's government-dominated economy carry unusual political baggage that has stymied transactions in sensitive areas such as energy and telecommunications.

    Last year, Huawei was forced to rescind its purchase of a small California computer company, 3Leaf Systems, after a U.S. government security panel rejected the deal.

    Huawei, founded in 1987 by a former Chinese military engineer, has grown into the world's biggest supplier of network gear, competing with Nokia Siemens Networks and Sweden's Ericsson AB.

    "They are the first Chinese company to present a viable, sustainable competitive threat to what has long been perceived as America's core competitive advantage, which is innovation and high technology," said David Wolf, a technology marketing consultant in Beijing. "No matter what firm stepped into that, it would be caught in the barbed wire."

    Huawei, with 140,000 employees, says it made two-thirds of its 204 billion yuan ($32 billion) in sales last year outside China. The smaller state-owned ZTE says it made just over half its revenues abroad. Huawei says it is employee-owned and has denied suggestions it is controlled by the ruling Communist Party or is a front for the military.

    Both companies are well-established suppliers to other developing countries and want to expand in lucrative U.S. and European markets. Huawei sells smartphones in the United States under its own brand.

    Other governments also have questioned Huawei's suitability. Australia's government disclosed in March that Huawei was banned from bidding to help build a nationwide high-speed Internet network due to concern about cyber-attacks traced to China.

    Huawei has been hurt by its reluctance to release details of who controls the company. Such secretiveness is common among major Chinese companies but unusual in Western markets. In contrast to American CEOs who are expected to act as their companies' public face, Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei never talks to reporters and rarely appears in public.

    Huawei has tried to ease U.S. concerns by hiring American executives and spokespeople. It has taken reporters on tours of its sprawling, leafy campus in Shenzhen. In the congressional investigation, it handed over information about members of its board of directors and names of employee shareholders.

    In Britain, Huawei has set up a testing center where government technicians can examine its equipment.

    "They are going to have to move more quickly," said Wolf. "They need to put their most senior executives in front of the American public."

    In other industries, Chinese executives are reluctant to pursue deals in the United States if they think they might be subjected to the unfamiliar and uncomfortable scrutiny of a government security review, Maynard said. He said those might apply even to such acquisitions as an auto parts producer that makes a small portion of its sales to the U.S. military.

    Last month, President Barack Obama blocked Chinese-owned Ralls Corp. from owning four wind farm projects in Oregon near a Navy base where the U.S. military flies unmanned drones. Obama acted after the same government review panel that rejected Huawei's acquisition of 3Leaf said there was no way to address possible security risks.

    "This has the potential to cut both ways," said Maynard. "If you want American companies to be welcome in China, you need to be making them welcome in the U.S."


    Huawei Technologies Ltd.:' target(equals)'_blank'"

    ZTE Corp.:' target(equals)'_blank'"

    Associated Press


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    Copyright Information ? Blog Archive ? HathiTrust Decision Summary

    Posted on Thursday, October 11th, 2012 @ 2:24 PM by Dr. K. Matthew Dames

    In September 2011, the Authors Guild, various international authors? rights organizations and one dozen individual authors sued HathiTrust, Cornell, and the presidents of the universities of Michigan, California, Wisconsin and Indiana, claiming that HathiTrust?s online storage, searchability and public availability of a digital corpus developed as part of the Google Books scanning project constituted?copyright infringement.?More than three-quarters of the books that Google scanned as part of the Books project remain subject to?copyright protection.

    In June 2011, Michigan announced it would share with the public ?orphan works? ? works to presumed to be subject to copyright protection, but for whom a copyright owner cannot be found.

    On October 10, 2012, Judge Harold Baer issued a 23-page decision that held, among other things, that HathiTrust?s activities are consistent with the fair use provisions of the?Copyright Act of 1976.

    The remainder of this post summarizes the key holdings from the decision.

    Court Refuses to Rule on Legality of Michigan?s Orphan Works Project

    The plaintiffs sought a ruling and an injunction from the court that?the distribution and display of copyrighted works through the HathiTrust Orphan Works Project would constitute copyright infringement?(?Absent an injunction, Defendants will proceed with the OWP and infringe the copyrights of Plaintiffs, the Associational Plaintiffs? members and other unsuspecting authors and rights holders.?). Judge Baer declined to provide the plaintiffs such a ruling on the grounds that the legal issues are not ready for a court to decide them. ?Were I to enjoin the OWP, I would do so in the absence of crucial information about what that program will look like should it come to pass and whom it will impact. ? Judge Baer wrote. ?In addition, Plaintiffs suffer no hardship from litigation of this claim after Defendants release the details of their new OWP and a revised list of Orphan Work Candidates.?

    ?The ?mere possibility? that one of Plaintiffs? works might be included on a future list of orphan works or made available is not enough,? concluded Judge Baer.

    Court Rules Section 108 Limitations Do Not Preclude Fair Use Analysis

    The plaintiffs argued that if the defendant universities claimed that HathiTrust?s activities constituted fair use, the universities could not also claim that, alternatively, the storage and availability of HathiTrust?s corpus alternative was allowed under Section 108, the limitation that allows libraries and archives reproduce protected works in certain contexts related to teaching, research and preservation.

    Noting that the plaintiffs provided no case law for this argument and devoted but one paragraph to it, Judge Baer rejected this proposition. ?The briefs submitted by Defendant Intervenors and the Library Amici, to whom I granted leave to file a memorandum as amici curiae, further convince me that fair use is available as a defense for the Defendants, and nothing Plaintiffs submitted convinces me that fair use is unavailable as a defense, or that the manner of reproduction is prohibited simply because it does not fall within Section 108,? wrote Judge Baer.

    Court Rules HathiTrust?s Use of Publishers Works Constitutes a Fair Use

    In order to prove?copyright infringement, a plaintiff must prove that he (or it)?(1) owns the?copyright; and (2) the defendant has copied original elements of the work. If the plaintiff proves this, then the defendant bears the evidentiary burden of proving defenses or an applicable limitation. Fair use is one such defense to a plaintiff?s case of copyright infringement.

    ?The fair use provision of the?Copyright Act of 1976 reads as follows:

    Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include?

    (1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
    (2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
    (3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
    (4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

    The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

    A court will weigh each of the four factors, which constitute the core of the fair use, to?determine whether the defense applies. A defendant does NOT need to prevail on all four factors in order for the court to find a fair use defense.

    The court analyzed each of the four factors, ruling as follows:

    (1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes ?

    The [Mass Digitization Project, or MDP]?was undertaken with several goals in mind. The MDP allows scholars to identify relevant works far more efficiently. ? In addition, the program helps Defendants preserve their collections in the face of normal deterioration during circulation, natural disasters, or other catastrophes that decimate library collections, as well as loss due to theft or misplacement. ? The program provides print-disabled individuals with ?access to the wealth of information within library collections.? ? Where the purpose of the use is for scholarship and research?uses explicitly mentioned in the preamble to Section 107?the Second Circuit has concluded that the first factor ?tilt[s] in the defendants? favor.? ?

    Transformative uses are likely to satisfy the first factor. ? A transformative use may be one that actually changes the original work. However, a transformative use can also be one that serves an entirely different purpose. ? The use to which the works in the [HathiTrust Digitial Library, or HDL] are put is transformative because the copies serve an entirely different purpose than the original works: the purpose is superior search capabilities rather than actual access to copyrighted material. The search capabilities of the HDL have already given rise to new methods of academic inquiry such as text mining.

    Plaintiffs? argument that the use is not transformative merely because defendants have not added anything ?new? misses the point. ? Plaintiffs also argue that Defendants are not shielded from charges of copyright infringement by virtue of their status as educational non-profits. The cases they cite in support of this claim are cases where the use being made by the non-profit was not transformative, as it is here. ? Likewise, Plaintiffs? argument that Defendants had a primarily ?commercial? purpose when they allowed Google to digitize their libraries is without merit. Although Plaintiffs quote A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc. ? for the point that Defendants cannot make ?unauthorized copies of copyrighted works . . . to save the expense of purchasing authorized copies,? this argument too is off the mark as to what Defendants use the copies for. While additional copies might have sufficed were Defendants? goal solely preservation, the purchase of additional paper copies, or even electronic copies, would not have allowed Defendants to create a searchable inventory of their works or provide access to print-disabled individuals on an equal footing with sighted individuals. Defendants satisfy the first factor not?merely because they are non-profit institutions, but because the use to which the copies have been put is transformative.

    (2) the nature of the copyrighted work ?

    ? Copying factual works is more likely fair use than copying creative works. ? However, where a use is transformative, the nature of the copyrighted works is not likely to ?separate the fair use sheep from the infringing goats.? ? Here, Plaintiffs identify 116 works that they allege were unlawfully digitized by Defendants as part of the MDP. ? Approximately 76 percent of the identified works are fiction. ? In the HDL as a whole, approximately 9 percent consists of prose fiction, poetry, and drama. ? Because the use is transformative, intended to facilitate key-word searches or access for print-disabled individuals, the second factor is not dispositive.

    (3)?the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole ?

    ?[T]he extent of permissible copying varies with the purpose and character of the use.? [quoting a Supreme Court case]. The question is whether ?no more was taken than necessary.? ? Sometimes it is necessary to copy entire works.??Intermediate? copies may not be infringing when?that copying is necessary for fair use.?Here, entire copies were necessary to fulfill Defendants? purposes of facilitation of searches and access for print-disabled individuals. ? Plaintiffs argue that Defendants did not need to retain copies to facilitate searches; however, the maintenance of an electronic copy was necessary to provide access for print-disabled individuals.

    (4)?the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

    The fourth factor examines ?whether the secondary use usurps the market of the original work.??Courts consider ?only those [markets] that the creators of original works would in general develop or license others to develop.? ? Where a use is noncommercial, as it is here, the plaintiff must show ?by a preponderance of the evidence that some meaningful likelihood of future harm exists?, ?, a test Plaintiffs fail at least on this fact pattern.

    Plaintiffs allege market harm on several distinct bases. First, they argue that ?[e]ach digital copy of a book that Defendants created . . . rather than [purchased] through lawful channels, represents a lost sale.? ? This argument ignores the fact that purchase of an additional copy would not have allowed either full-text searches or access for the print-disabled individuals, two transformative uses that are central to the MDP.

    Plaintiffs? second argument is that Defendants have ?expose[d] Plaintiffs? property to immense security risks that have the potential to cannibalize the book market through . . . widespread internet piracy.? ? However, the expert economist that Plaintiffs rely on in support of this argument admitted that he was unfamiliar with the security procedures in place at the Universities. Edelman Dep. at 248:11?12 (?I don?t know about all of the security systems that [the?Libraries] have.?). Defendants respond with a declaration from the individual in charge of security for the works in the HDL, who describes the security measures in place, ?, and notes that the Libraries have been certified as a trustworthy depository by the Center for Research Libraries. ? Plaintiffs? unsupported argument fails to demonstrate a meaningful likelihood of future harm.

    Finally, Plaintiffs argue that ?Defendants activities will harm Plaintiffs by undermining existing and emerging licensing opportunities? such as a ?collective management system [which would] permit certain of the activities of the Defendants in this case while providing compensation to copyright owners.? ? Plaintiffs admit that they cannot identify ?any specific, quantifiable past harm, or any documents relating to such past harm.? ? Plaintiffs? argument about a potential market is conjecture. ???Were a court automatically to conclude in every case that potential licensing revenues were impermissibly impaired simply because the secondary user did not pay a fee for the right to engage in the use, the fourth factor would always favor the copyright owner.? ??Because I conclude that at least two of the uses are transformative ?that is, the provision of search capabilities and access for print-disabled individuals ? any harm arises, if at all, to a ?transformative market.? ? A use that ?falls within a transformative market? does not cause the copyright holder to ?suffer market harm due to the loss of license fees.?

    Balancing the four factors

    The totality of the fair-use factors suggest that copyright law?s ?goal of promoting the Progress of Science . . . would be better served by allowing the use than by preventing it.? ? The enhanced search capabilities that reveal no in-copyright material, the protection of Defendants? fragile books, and, perhaps most importantly, the unprecedented ability of print-disabled individuals to have an equal opportunity to compete with their sighted peers in the ways imagined by the ADA protect the copies made by Defendants as fair use to the extent that Plaintiffs have established a prima facie case of infringement. In addition to the briefs submitted by the parties, the two memoranda filed by amici further confirm that the underlying rationale of copyright law is enhanced by the HDL.

    Court Rules Americans With Disabilities Act Allows Libraries to Make Copies to Serve Persons With Disabilities

    Section 121?of the Copyright Act allows an ?authorized entity? to reproduce or distribute copies of certain protected works in specialized formats so those with vision or other impairments can use them. The Act defines an ?authorized entity? as?a nonprofit organization or governmental agency ?that has a primary mission to provide specialized services relating to training, education, or adaptive reading or information access needs of blind or other persons with disabilities.?

    There has been a longstanding question whether college and university libraries qualify as an ?authorized entity? pursuant to the definition in Section 121. The Court resolved this question, answering affirmatively. ?The ADA requires that libraries of educational institutions have a primary mission to reproduce and distribute?their collections to print-disabled individuals, making each library a potential ?authorized entity? under [Section 121],? wrote Judge Baer. ?The provision of access to previously published non-dramatic literary works within the HDL fits squarely within [Section 121], although Defendants may certainly rely on fair use, as explained above, to justify copies made outside of these categories or in the event that they are not authorized entities.?


    Tags: Copyright, Digitization, HathiTrust, Judge Harold Baer, K. Matthew Dames, Libraries.


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    Thursday, October 11, 2012

    CCAJ is on the Launch Pad this Morning... we anticipate - Thursday ...

    [1] NEWSLETTER CCAJ is on the Launch Pad this Morning... we anticipate `Concrete` Gains Today! Symbol: [2]CCAJ Current PPS: $0.0042

    The Full Report on CCAJ Coastal Capital Acquisition Corp. (CCAJ) is a Savannah, Georgia based company who is engaging in the $36-49 billion U.S Green Building Market via CCAJs new wholly owned subsidiary, Earth Surfaces of America Inc.

    By utilizing the green building industrys most efficient methods, CCAJ is taking raw stone and producing environmental friendly recycled terrazzo concrete products, along with an extensive line of high end paver products and polished concrete solid surfaces with availability of various sizes, finishes, colors, shapes, thickness, and contents. With these creations, CCAJ is then capable of creating outdoor kitchens, bar tops, table tops, pool decks, steps and risers, driveways, fountains, pebble mosaics and many more projects. Taking it one step further, CCAJs products also have the ability to match the Benjamin Moore color chart, sandblast, hone or polish to meet additional custom needs CCAJs clients may have. As a result of all these options, CCAJ has created large commercial projects for multiple locations in Florida such as hotels, condominiums, banks, Botanical Gardens, Collins Park and airports including the Nassau Airport in Nassau, Bahamas and Fort Myers International Airport. CCAJs [4]most recent project completion [5]includes the[6] City of Hollywoods Community Redevelopment Agency Beach District Streetscape Beautification Project where CCAJ created unique pebble mosaics and decorative benches.

    CCAJs numerous eco-friendly terrazzo concrete products are currently available online through one of the nations largest home improvement chains, Home Depot, and is actively pursuing for in-store sales. In the meantime, CCAJ recently announced it has submitted an application for distribution through the Lowes Home Improvement chain which includes all of CCAJs terrazzo concrete products along with CCAJs countertop and paver products. Additionally, CCAJ has been [7]appointed to provide paver products for the 140,000 square feet Baywalk and Promenade project at the Miami Museum Park.

    Website(s): The U.S. Green Building Industry is currently estimated at $36-$49 billion, representing about 10%-12% of total construction dollars spent annually...

    Research done by [8]McGraw-Hill has concluded that the Green Building Market will grow to approximately $135 billion by 2015! CCAJ is making Big Moves with its [9]product distribution agreements with [10]Industry Giant[11]`s Home Depot and [12]Lowe`s Home Improvement Stores....

    CCAJ has also expanded its sales force to market CCAJs products to more clients and customers! The [13]Baywalk and Promenade Project at the 29-acre Museum Park overlooking Biscayne Bay will require over 140,000 square feet of paver products and bring in revenues of approximately $700,000. CCAJs contribution will also serve as a catalyst for the transformation of the district and is central to efforts to strengthen Greater Miami`s momentum as an emerging global capital...

    CCAJs products received acceptance at the [14]recent HD Boutique 2012 trade show at the Miami Beach Convention Center where CCAJ proudly displayed the architectural products that are now part of several hospitality centers such as the Naples Beach Hotel, SeaGate Hotel, and Naples Botanical Gardens; all located in Florida! Not only did CCAJs[15] recent showcase project in the City of Hollywood generate revenue of $277,000, but it also reflects the flexibility and distinctiveness of CCAJs product lines, as well as, their ability to successfully complete large projects! CCAJ is trading at the Subpenny-level at just $0.0042 and looking extremely underpriced/undervalued...

    Just about two-months ago, CCAJ was trading as High as $0.0096...

    With its [16]low float of 208m, we`ve put CCAJ up on the launching pad and we certainly expect a return run to that level or higher, which could put +128.57% or more profit in our members pockets! Make sure you check out CCAJ`s 1-year Chart below...

    Smart Penny Stock Traders may want to snatch up shares early in Today`s Session! CCAJ looks READY to ROCK!! Coastal Capital Acquisition Corp. Subsidiary Completes Streetscape Beautification Project 9:15a ET October 10, 2012 (Market Wire) Earth Surfaces of America, Inc. of Naples Florida, a wholly owned subsidiary of Coastal Capital Acquisition Corp. (PINKSHEETS: CCAJ), announced that it has successfully completed the City of Hollywood Community Redevelopment Agency Beach District Streetscape Beautification Project.

    "The products which Earth Surfaces provided were distinctive and the application of these products in decorative benches, pebble mosaics and specially designed shell and pebble pavers have contributed to a characteristic appearance which makes this project unique in its aesthetic," said Susan Goldberg, AIA, LEED GA, NCARB, Coast Project Manager, City of Hollywood Department of Public Works.

    "Tony DiNorcia and his staff were helpful in assisting with design and product development, meeting the City`s specifications and utilizing a high portion of recycled materials, supporting the City`s/CRA`s green initiatives. The products successfully met our needs and expectations." Tony DiNorcia, the CEO of CCAJ and Earth Surfaces, stated, "This showcase project, which generated revenue of $ 277,000, reflects the flexibility and distinctiveness of our product lines, as well as, our ability to successfully complete large projects. We appreciate the opportunity to work alongside Susan Goldberg and look forward to any and all future projects on which we can work together." Earth Surfaces of America, Inc. manufactures a full range of high-end eco-friendly terrazzo concrete architectural products for commercial and residential markets throughout the United States and the Caribbean. All of Earth Surfaces products are made in the USA from recycled material.

    Follow Earth Surfaces of America at Contact:

    Tony DiNorcia Chief Executive Officer Coastal Capital Acquisition Corp & Earth Surfaces of America T: 239-435-7875 Email: SOURCE: Coastal Capital Acquisition Corp. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- [17] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Follow SR&R on:

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    StockRockandRoll is compliant with the Can Spam Act of 2003. does not offer such advice or analysis, and further urges you to consult your own independent tax, business, financial and investment advisors. Investing in micro-cap and growth securities is highly speculative and carries and extremely high degree of risk.

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    Helps in Fostering Eye Level Communication - Catholic American ...

    Walking the night streets? of Seoul up until a few years ago, women had little? to fear, today even men walking in some of the alleys have need to be concerned.? Writing in the Kyeongyang magazine a professor emeritus feels it is a breakdown of communication, no community. TV, the internet the social network has taken its place, and we have become hermits. The extended family has disappeared, and we are living isolated from others, satisfied to communicate by machines in the privacy of our rooms. And crime, he wants us to ponder, the kind that is even difficult to speak about is one of? the fall-outs from the breakdown? of communication.?

    In the West, the individual is center stage while in East Asia, it is the "we" that is important: relationships and community. These are values from our culture. Our relationship and communication are not vertical but horizontal. Plurality, differences, tolerance, embracing, understanding, coexistence, win-win,? concern, these are our cultural? values. The problems that we are facing in society can be seen as this failure in? communication.

    Because one has lived longer,? or has a better education,? or has more of this world's goods does? not give them the right to? lead? and? attempt to change things to meet their own expectations. This is not what we mean by communication. This kind of vertical? relationship strictly speaking? is using force and commands ? to communicate. What we need is eye level communication not enlightening communication.

    The writer introduces us to Cardinal Kim as an example of a communicator for our times. He wanted to be food? and a fool and a vessel for others. In talking to others, he lowered himself to the lowest possible level to initiate his relationship with the other. There are three words that the professor uses to describe the Cardinals approach to others: food, being a fool and a container.?

    In Korean when? a person is beneath taking notice the expression, he or she is our food can be heard. The Cardinal had this idea of being food for others. A container does carry food but also can be a receptacle? for night soil.? When speaking to another if we do not have an authenticity on both sides with? eye level communication where words and? thinking are? the same we will not have heart to heart dialogue.?

    Without conversation, it? is impossible? to live. In the family without dialog, we have a rupture. This is true for the teacher and student, priest and Christians,? politicians and people. Without dialogue, it is impossible? for a society to subsist.

    ?In conclusion, the professor reminds us of the words of the Cardinal not to blame the darkness but to be a light to the world. If we are the first to light the candle, then others will join us one by one until we have thousands doing the same. This will gradually permeate society, and we will be on the way to? realize our dreams.?????



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    Business Circle Featuring Smobble | Peng Joon

    It has been estimated that there are 18.9 million internet users in Malaysia. 10.5 million from which have, in some way or another, purchased online.

    Is e-commerce booming in Malaysia? Where are the trends going and what innovations are changing the landscape of the sector?

    This interview features 2 Malaysian companies that are leveraging of the global online market and are leading the way in online marketing strategies.

    You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


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    Australian Wine & Food Degustation at Prince Albert @ ClickTheCity ...

    InterContinental Manila?s Prince Albert Rotisserie in collaboration with Ralph?s Wines & Spirits will hold a special wine and 5-course dinner degustation on Thursday, October 18, 2012, at 7 PM.
    Wine expert Ray Jose from Ralph?s Wines & Spirits will be present at the one-night-only event to speak about the best wines from Yalumba, the oldest family-owned winery in Australia.
    The wine pairing menu is at P 2,950++ per person. Slots will be limited to only fifty persons so it is best to reserve in advance. Interested parties may call (63 2)793-7000.


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    Valiant Comics launch 1st 'event' story line

    PHILADELPHIA (AP) ? Valiant Comics is promising an explosive new story in the pages of its flagship book, "X-O Manowar."

    It's not hyperbole, said writer Robert Venditti, who outlined details this week of a major story arc in the Valiant universe that will see Aric of Dacia, a 5th-century Visigoth now sporting sentient superpowered armor, have his revenge on the Vine, the space-faring race that kidnapped him from Earth.

    Turns out Aric is not exactly happy to find himself returned to Earth some 1,600 years later, his beloved dead, his people gone and his goal of sacking the city of Rome forever out of his reach.

    That's left him with some serious anger issues and it's the Vine home world that will bear the brunt of not just his resentment but the firepower of the X-O Manowar suit, too, that he wears.

    "Aric, he was taken captive and was aboard a slave ship for all these years and had this burning hatred for Rome," said Venditti, who has helmed the writing duties on the book since its launch earlier this year.

    Now, with Rome no longer the power it was and Aric adrift, he's seeking revenge on the Vine.

    "A lot of people might say, 'How does one person take on a planet?'" asked Venditti. "The armor yields so much power. And he's going to discover something about it that takes it beyond something that anyone could have conceived."

    The story begins in January with a two-issue prelude in issues 9 and 10 with art by Trevor Harisine that sees a figure from Aric's past show up on Earth with his own class of lesser, but still lethal armor, and under the control of the Vine.

    That prelude, in turn, will be followed by a four-part arc ? dubbed "Planet Death" ? that has Aric attacking the Vine home world in issue 11, which will be illustrated by Cary Nord.

    "He has this burning desire for vengeance," said Valiant executive editor Warren Simons. "The Vine will displace the Romans as his quest for vengeance continues."

    Simons says the arc is the first big event for Valiant, which relaunched this summer with four titles and is set to release its fifth, "Shadowman," next month, and one that will be felt among the "larger cosmology" of the publisher's characters.

    What those reverberations will be, Simons wouldn't say, only that it would "have repercussions for the Valiant universe.


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