Monday, October 31, 2011

Why I Left the Catholic Church


I loved Catholicism.

I love the grandeur of the sanctuary with its carved wood, arched windows, and stained glass. I love the deep, resonate amalgam of voices confessing the Nicene Creed and the honesty and humility expressed in the kyrie: ?Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy.? I love memories of simple things, like braiding cruciform-shaped palm leaves for Easter.

Most of all, I loved our priest, Father Tom, who occasionally visited our home. His black clerical shirt with unfastened collarino (collar in which the white plastic insert fits) expressed the nature of his relationship to us. It said, ?I am here not only as your priest, but also as your friend,? like Bing Crosby?s character, Father O?Malley, in whose presence one gets the feeling that ?God is in his heaven; all is right with the world.?

But I had to leave.

My Problem with Catholicism

In short, I collapsed under the weight of religious guilt, the nagging fear that preoccupied my soul and questioned whether I was truly forgiven by God. I would often go to bed and wonder, ?Has my behavior been good enough to merit divine approval?? Like Martin Luther who attempted to find a gracious God, I never knew whether I was fully accepted.

Historian Martin Marty describes the religious journey of Martin Luther by saying, ?He makes most sense as a wrestler with God, indeed, as a God-obsessed seeker of certainty and assurance in a time of social trauma and of personal anxiety, beginning with his own.?[1] By observing a range of austere religious works, Luther sought to grow in holiness and thereby find himself pleasing to the Divine Judge. In his own words:

I greatly longed to understand Paul?s Epistle to the Romans and nothing stood in the way but that one expression, ?the justice whereby God is just and deals justly in punishing the unjust.? My situation was that, although an impeccable monk, I stood before God as a sinner troubled in conscience, and I had no confidence that my merit would assuage him.

Night and day I pondered until I saw the connection between the justice of God and the statement that ?the just shall live by his faith.? Then I grasped that the justice of God is that righteousness by which through grace and sheer mercy God justifies us through faith. Thereupon I felt myself to be reborn and to have gone through open doors into paradise. The whole of Scripture took on a new meaning, and whereas before the ?justice of God? had filled me with hate, now it became to me inexpressibly sweet in greater love. This passage of Paul became to me a gate to heaven. . . .[2]

Facing the Tiber

As a Catholic, I knew nothing about Protestantism and, quite frankly, I didn?t care to. Protestants, in my view, were an imitation of the one true Church. If you own a set of Big Bertha golf clubs, why be concerned with imitation knockoffs? But, on account of my Dad?s heart attack at age 21 and the myriad challenges that it provoked, my stress had grown to unmanageable proportions. Under this pressure I agreed to visit a friend?s evangelical church.

The parking lot of Faith Evangelical Church was packed. In amazement I looked around thinking, ?It?s a Wednesday night; these people must get a life!? With a mixture of humiliation and curiosity I entered the building and sat in the rear pew of their ?worship center.? Devoid of any wood carvings, arched windows, or stained glass, it was simply a large room with a stage. Worse than austere, it was ugly.

Occasionally, I looked through my peripheral vision at my friend, Jan. Her eyes remained closed as she sang. Oh, and did we sing! After forty minutes of choruses that seemed familiar to everyone but me, the senior pastor finally entered the pulpit. With a style combining Al Pacino and a young Billy Graham, he quoted John 15:5-6:

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned (ESV).

The preacher continued:

Humanity attempts to produce its own fruit. We run around exploring this and that religion, this and that philosophy, and by the end of the day, when we lay our heads down upon our pillows, our souls are still empty.

The Bible says in Psalm 121, ?I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.? And what do we find when we look up to the Lord? The Lord Jesus says, ?Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.?

In what are you resting? In what does your life find meaning and purpose? What will be there for you the second after you take your last breath and depart in death? Consider the Good News! Jesus the Messiah died for our sins, rose from the dead, reigns in eternal glory, and at this moment is calling you to repent and embrace him.

Everyone on earth faces the same fundamental choice. Will we continue to live independent of Christ, in restlessness of soul, eventually to be gathered like a useless branch into a pile to be burned? Or will we submit to his authority and abide in his peace? The former person dies in a never ending state of alienation; the latter enjoys God?s acceptance now and for eternity. What will it be?

New Life

I don?t know how to properly describe what came next. Anticipation surged through my veins and my mind swirled with questions. Then, suddenly, the eyes of my soul opened. They immediately blinked, again, and again, as though they were awoken from sleep by a flash of light. The object of my vision appeared so new and bright that my initial response was to retreat.

As my inner eyes tried to adjust, I sensed an imposing presence. I didn?t see the angelic host or hear them singing. Instead, I felt divine mercy closing in on me. After a moment, this grace reached out to grasp my guilt and shame?previously reasons for hopelessness?and it brought to mind three simple words: ?It is finished.?

In that moment I finally understood the meaning of Jesus? cross and resurrection. My search for hope had ended. The Lamb of God had died in my place, not simply as an offering for ?sin,? in a general sense, but for me personally. Not Christ accruing superabundant merits to be stored in a heavenly treasury and dispensed to me as I participated in religious rites, but the complete satisfaction of God?s wrath and forgiveness of my sins.

The joy of redemption became a reality. At once, I identified with the penitent thief on the cross who encountered the Lord?s promise, ?Today you will be with me in paradise? (Luke 23:43), the adopted orphan-turned-son (John 1:12-13), and the rescued rebel delivered from the domain of darkness (Col. 1:13). Why such a dramatic change? In Jesus? words: ?I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life? (John 5:24).

Similar to converts like Augustine, Pascal, Luther, Newton, and a host of others throughout history, I encountered God in such a profound way that my life was permanently changed. To this day, I don?t have a better way to describe it than with the words of Charles Wesley in his famous hymn ?And Can It Be That I Should Gain?:

Long my imprisoned spirit lay, fast bound in sin and nature?s night;

Thine eye diffused a quickening ray, I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;

My chains fell off, my heart was free;

I rose, went forth and followed Thee.

In retrospect, I believe this was the day when I ceased to be a Roman Catholic.

[1] Martin Marty, Martin Luther (New York: Viking Penguin, 2004), xii.

[2] Roland H. Bainton, Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther (Nashville: Abingdon, 1978), 49-50.


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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Video: Statue of Liberty turns 125

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Foot bridge collapses in India; 30 feared drowned

A foot bridge spanning a river in northeast India collapsed Saturday, and police said 30 people were feared drowned.

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Police and paramilitary forces rescued at least 28 villagers from the river, senior police officer Kyle Aya said. One later died in a hospital.

Many of the people crossing the bridge when it collapsed were women and children, Aya told The Associated Press.

The swift current was hindering rescue operations, the Press Trust of India quoted police as saying.

The bridge crosses the Kameng River in Arunachal Pradesh state. The region is nearly 370 miles (500 kilometers) north of Gauhati, the capital of Assam state.

It was the second bridge collapse in India within a week.

Last week, 31 people died when a wooden bridge collapsed in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal state. Villagers were hearing speeches from local officials on the bridge, which was built in 1942 and weakened by a September earthquake.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Company Offers $1M For Mold of Lindsay Lohan's Junk

Lindsay Lohan's vadge is reportedly worth nearly a million dollars to Playboy.

Now another company has offered a cool mill for her genitalia as well. Who knew LiLo's maligned baby factory could net her $2 million in a matter of weeks!

We don't think she'll jump at the second offer, in all seriousness. It's from an adult entertainment company called FleshLight, which contacted Lohan's reps.

Lindsay Lohan On Her Back

Lindsay Lohan: So erotic. So desperate?

The company's signature product looks like a flashlight, only you .... nevermind. They want to make a mold of LiLo's lady parts to do an "authentic" model.

Use your imagination if you haven't figured it out yet.

Shockingly, or perhaps not shockingly, the practice of genital molding is not uncommon in the world of adult entertainment. Loads of XXX stars have them.

Sources close to the star say she "would never accept such an offer for any amount." She likely said the same about going nude in Playboy before though.

Just saying. Girl is feeling the financial pain these days.


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Shorthanded Maryland basketball team a 'work in progress,' Coach Mark Turgeon says

Howard was quick to add that he suspected every college basketball team had an equally long to-do list at this point in the year. But there's no mistaking, as Coach Mark Turgeon told the few hundred fans on hand, that the Maryland men's basketball team ?
See all stories on this topic ?


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Saturday, October 29, 2011


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In Touch Exclusive: Housewives Star Jacqueline's Secret Past as a Vegas Stripper!

When Jacqueline Laurita was a no-show at the recent reunion special for The Real Housewives of New Jersey, fans were stumped about why the brunette ? who has boasted she never shies away from confrontation ? would skip an opportunity to ream out her new enemy Teresa Giudice. But In Touch can reveal that Jacqueline, 41, refused to attend because she was ?terrified? a shocking secret would come to light ? that she was once a Las Vegas stripper!

?She feared that [former castmate] Danielle Staub would make a surprise appearance and tell all about Jacqueline?s stripping past,? an insider tells In Touch. ?She didn?t want to face the truth.?

The truth is a far cry from the luxurious life she leads today. ?At the time, she was a single mom who needed to dance at a club in order to pay her bills,? an insider says, adding that she was saved from the seedy life of exotic dancing when her husband, Chris, met her at the club and they fell in love. Another source shares, ?She has confirmed her stripper past to multiple friends who are covering up for her ? she is telling everyone to deny it!?


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The King of Fighters XIII (PS3, Xbox 360)

Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
Action Games
ESRB Rating
T for Teen

SNK Playmore's long-running King of Fighters franchise sees its latest entry with King of Fighters III. The $49.99 follow up to the maglined King of Fighters XII features over 30 playable characters (including the return of fan favorites Mai Shiranui and Yuri Sakazaki) and beautifull high-definition, 2D sprites.

The King of Fighters is SNK's flagship fighting series that began in 1994. The fighting game served as SNK Playmore's platform to bring together many of its properties in one title. Characters from Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, Ikari Warriors, and more have competed in the three-on-three fisticuffs.

The King of Fighters XIII features optimized netcode to prevent lag when playing online, new Neo Max super special moves, faster gameplay, and a new in-game camera perspective. The branching story mode concludes Ash Crimson's story arc that began in King of Fighters 2003.?The game also includes multiple endings (depending on specific characters or forming specific teams), and unlockable customization options to make your fighter unique.?

Atlus, the company publishing the game in North America, includes a bonus item for those who pre-order the game at Gamestop: A limited edition 4-CD, 100-song soundtrack that covers the series' breadth. The pre-order incentive is in addition to the contents of the retail box, which include the game disc, a double sided A3 poster (artwork on one side, move list on the reverse), digital art disc, and reversible sleeves.

King of Fighters XIII will be available for purchase on November 22nd.

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Michael Myers: From 'Halloween' To MTV's Killer Halloween

Horror-movie icon ushered in the modern era of slasher films — but is he the best cinematic killer of all time?
By Kevin P. Sullivan

Michael Myers in "Halloween"
Photo: Dimension Films

We're just about halfway through MTV's Killer Halloween, and the competition is just heating up in the battle to find out which movie murderer tops them all.

So far, we've profiled Freddy, Jason, Leatherface, Chucky and Ghostface, but now we look at the man who ushered in the modern era of slashers.

Which horror-movie baddie has the best personality? Make your pick in our MTV Movies Blog poll!

Michael Myers
Occupation: Homicidal boy, homicidal adult

Weapons: Knife, inability to ever freaking die

Archenemy: His family, his psychiatrist, anyone who gets in the way of him killing his family and his psychiatrist

Profile: Michael Myers was a bit of a prodigy in the ways of serial killing, changing the game even as a young boy. Pre-teen Michael may have been the first to don a mask — a creepy clown one for his first murder — and go after the babysitter, his sister Judith. He spent the remainder of his youth in an institution for the mentally disturbed under the close observation of Dr. Sam Loomis. After Michael escaped, stealing a mask, jumpsuit and knife from a hardware store, movie serials have never been the same.

The target of most of Michael's deadly attention has been his surviving sister, Laurie, the lead played by Jamie Lee Curtis in the first two films and "Halloween: H20" and Scout Taylor-Compton in the Rob Zombie remakes. The early films simply focused on Michael's obsession with finding his long-lost baby sister, but later in the series, the true origin of Michael as an embodiment of pure evil added a supernatural element to the villain.

There has never been too much to Michael Myers' tactics. He stalks. He walks. He kills. His style of murder will be remembered for a number of reasons. His mask, an old William Shatner "Star Trek" mask painted white, has become a horror icon. His slow gait and silent disposition directly inspired dozens of imitators — Jason Voorhees, most famously. Modern slasher films owe a debt to Michael Myers and his creator John Carpenter, whose work has affected the genre for generations.

Where do you think Michael Myers falls in the scope of horror-movie psychopaths? Let us know in the comments!

Check out everything we've got on "Halloween."

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Some contraceptive pills more likely to cause blood clots, study confirms

ScienceDaily (Oct. 25, 2011) ? A study published online in the British Medical Journal confirms previous findings that certain oral contraceptive pills are more likely to cause serious blood clots (venous thromboembolism -- VTE ) than others.

The authors, led by Dr ?jvind Lidegaard from the University of Copenhagen, say that women on pills containing one of the newer types of progestogen hormone (drospirenone, desogestrel or gestodene) have double the risk of VTE than women on pills containing an older progestogen (levonorgestrel).

Previous studies have indicated that the new types of progestogen hormone might increase the risk of VTE. So Lidegaard and colleagues carried out a large-scale study to assess the risk of VTE for women using oral contraceptives with different progestogens.

The researchers reviewed data of the hormonal contraception patterns and first time VTE episodes for all Danish non-pregnant women between the ages of 15 and 49 from January 2001 until December 2009.

The participants had no previous record of either blood clots or cancer before the study began.

The research team assessed over eight million women years of observation and during this period there were 4,246 first episodes of VTE.

The relative risk of VTE whilst taking the oral contraceptive pill is still low, explain the authors. Compared with non-users of hormonal contraception, pills with levonorgestrel increase the risk of VTE threefold and pills with drospirenone, desogestrel or gestodene increase the risk sixfold.

In absolute terms, the risk of VTE in current users of newer pills is about 10 per 10,000 women years. This means that about 2,000 women should shift from using oral contraceptives with desogestrel, gestodene, or drospirenone to those with levonorgestrel to prevent one event of VTE in one year, say the authors.

The increased risk remained even after taking account of other possible causes for VTE, they conclude.

In an accompanying editorial, Dr Philip Hannaford from the University of Aberdeen says "it is difficult not to conclude that combined oral contraceptives with desogestrel, gestodene or drospirenone confer a higher risk of venous thromboembolism than those with levonorgestrel" and that "many clinicians will choose to minimize the risk by prescribing a combined oral contraceptive with levonorgestrel whenever possible."

Hannaford stresses however that it is crucial "not to exaggerate the risk -- oral contraceptives are remarkably safe and may confer important long term benefits in relations to cancer and mortality."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by BMJ-British Medical Journal.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal References:

  1. O. Lidegaard, L. H. Nielsen, C. W. Skovlund, F. E. Skjeldestad, E. Lokkegaard. Risk of venous thromboembolism from use of oral contraceptives containing different progestogens and oestrogen doses: Danish cohort study, 2001-9. BMJ, 2011; 343 (oct25 4): d6423 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.d6423
  2. P. C. Hannaford. The progestogen content of combined oral contraceptives and venous thromboembolic risk. BMJ, 2011; 343 (oct25 1): d6592 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.d6592

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Source found for immune system effects on learning, memory

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Immune system cells of the brain, which scavenge pathogens and damaged neurons, are also key players in memory and learning, according to new research by Duke neuroscientists.

Earlier studies by Staci Bilbo, an assistant professor in psychology & neuroscience, had shown that laboratory rats experiencing an infection at an early age have an aggressive immune response to subsequent infections, which also harms their learning and memory.

In a study published in the Oct. 26 Journal of Neuroscience, Bilbo's team identifies the source of the learning difficulties and traces it back to the immune system itself.

The researchers found that specialized immune system cells in the brain called microglia release a signaling molecule called Interleukin-1, or IL-1, in response to an infection. IL-1 is also crucial to normal learning and memory in the hippocampus region of the brain. But too much IL-1 can impair learning and memory in laboratory animals.

"These same molecules go up in response to any brain infection. I don't really understand why you would build a brain that way, except that there are clearly benefits in other aspects of immunity, outside the brain," Bilbo said.

In a series of experiments she has been conducting for nearly a decade, very young rats are exposed to infection and then challenged again later with a second infection consisting of only harmless, dead bacteria. The "second hit" has been shown to affect learning and memory while these rats mount a highly effective immune response.

"The microglia remember that infection and respond differently," she said. "The infection itself wasn't doing permanent damage. It was changing the immune system somehow."

The second infection doesn't even have to be directly involved with the brain. A bacterial lesion on a limb produces enough of a signal to make the glia in the brain pump out extra IL-1. "These rats handle peripheral infection really well, but at a cost to the brain," Bilbo said.

To find out what had changed in the brains of the infected rats, the team used techniques borrowed from immunology to sort out one specific cell type from brain tissue rapidly enough that they could see what the cells had been doing.

The work adds to an emerging picture of glial cells acting in the brain much the same way immune system macrophages operate elsewhere in the body ? gobbling up other cells and tearing them apart. The glia also perform a pruning function to streamline the brain's neural architecture as it matures. But some brain disorders appear to be a case of dysfunctional pruning, Bilbo said.

To test how the immune response affected memory, Bilbo's team placed all the rats in a novel environment and exposed them to a sound and a mild shock through their feet. A normal rat remembers the environment after one trial, freezing in place immediately when they enter the familiar setting a second time.

But rats exposed to infection, who tend to overproduce IL-1, stroll through the previously painful experience as if they've never seen it before, Bilbo said.

Even without experiencing the second immune challenge, the rats infected as youngsters also seem to show cognitive declines earlier than their normal control counterparts. "This is intriguingly similar to what you see in Alzheimer's. It's really kind of scary," Bilbo said.

"These findings could help us understand why some humans are more vulnerable than others to cognitive impairments from chronic infections, aging and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease," said Raz Yirmiya, a professor of psychobiology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who was not involved in the research. "This might also lead to new approaches toward diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic procedures for these conditions."

Any illness that triggers an immune response tends to slow a person's cognition down as their body enters a recovery mode, but these animals have some sort of permanent change in their immune response, Bilbo said. The newborn rats exposed to infections in these experiments are roughly equivalent to a third-trimester human fetus, but it would be too soon to say what parallels these findings may have in humans, she said.


Duke University:

Thanks to Duke University for this article.

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Bruce Willis, Emma Heming expecting baby (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? Hollywood star Bruce Willis and his wife, designer and model Emma Heming, are expecting their first child together, Willis' spokeswoman said on Wednesday.

"The couple ... are overjoyed with this news and they look forward to welcoming this newest addition into their family," the "Die Hard" star's representative said in a statement confirming Heming's pregnancy.

The baby, the couple's first child together, is due early in 2012.

Willis, 56, married Heming, 35, in 2009. He has three daughters with his ex-wife, actress Demi Moore, the youngest of whom is 17 years-old.

Willis shot to fame in the 1980s on the hit television series "Moonlighting," and went on to become a top box office star in such films as "Pulp Fiction," "The Sixth Sense" and "Armageddon," in addition to the "Die Hard" series.

(Reporting by Chris Michaud; editing by Bob Tourtellotte)


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Cain video ad blows smoke in unorthodox campaign (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? A campaign video showing Republican presidential front-runner Herman Cain's chief of staff blowing smoke from a cigarette at the camera drew heavy play on the Internet on Tuesday.

The video, which logged more than 100,000 views on Cain's YouTube website, kept up the former pizza executive's unpredictable playbook in a campaign for the presidential nomination that has soared in the last month.

In the video, his chief of staff Mark Block makes generic statements touting Cain's candidacy and then sucks on a cigarette and blows a little smoke into the camera.

"We've run a campaign like nobody's ever seen, but then America's never seen a candidate like Herman Cain," Block says.

As he inhales, a female vocalist sings: "I am America."

Cain, a former lobbyist, conservative radio talk show host and Baptist preacher who has never held public office, has jumped to the top of polls among Republican candidates vying for the nomination to try to unseat President Barack Obama, a Democrat, next year.

Supporters bill him as a blunt-speaking political outsider and alternative to fellow Republican front-runner Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor.

"It got watched, so it worked," said Mark McKinnon, a former communications strategist for George W. Bush, said of the Cain video. "The message: We are different and don't play by the rules," he said.

The video, which was posted days ago but gained Internet traction on Tuesday, was called "bizarre" and "strange" in some media reports. It also features a serious-looking Cain breaking into a grin in the last 10 seconds.

Cain, who is scrambling to assemble a team with just 10 weeks before the first crucial nominating contests in January, has said he would bring a sense of humor to the White House if elected president in 2012.

However, one former Cain activist in Iowa, who declined to be named, said: "Maybe he hasn't noticed, but smoking isn't the in vogue thing to do these days."

Block, who joined the campaign in January, stood by the advertisement, which he said was straightforward.

"You walk into a veterans' bar in Iowa and they're sitting around smoking, and yeah, we are resonating with them. I'm not the only one that smokes in America, for God's sake. It's a choice that I made, and was at the end of the ad," Block told Fox News.

(Reporting by Eric Johnson; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Peter Bohan)


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Second day of US-NKorea nuclear talks delayed (AP)

GENEVA ? The start of a second day of talks between U.S. and North Korean diplomats on Pyongyang's nuclear program was delayed without explanation Tuesday, a day after the top U.S. envoy reported some progress in narrowing differences between the two sides.

U.S. officials said North Korea had asked the American delegation to come to its U.N. mission in Geneva "for a working lunch and an afternoon session." The talks had been scheduled to start at 10 a.m. (0800 GMT; 4 a.m. EST).

North Korean officials couldn't be reached for comment.

In the closely watched meetings, the second direct encounter between the two parties in less than three months, diplomats from both sides are trying to determine whether the so-called six-party nuclear talks, which include China, Japan, Russia and South Korea in addition to North Korea and the United States, can resume.

The top U.S. envoy, Stephen Bosworth, said late Monday night that the discussions are also touching on other long-standing issues, such as urgently needed food aid for the North, families long separated on the Korean peninsula and the remains of troops missing in action. The U.S. and North Korea are still technically at war.

The U.N.'s top relief official, Valerie Amos, said Monday after visiting North Korea that it was "not appropriate" for the nuclear talks in Switzerland to extend to humanitarian assistance to the chronically hungry Asian country because that aid "must be kept separate from a political agenda." The U.N. is calling on countries to provide $218 million in emergency aid to North Korea.

The first day of talks was hosted by the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. The U.S. delegation was being hosted Tuesday at the North Koreans' U.N. mission, on the opposite side of Lake Geneva, where Bosworth's counterpart is First Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan. Bosworth is accompanied by Glyn Davies, the U.S. ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, who is taking over the negotiating brief in future talks.

At his hotel late Monday night, Bosworth told reporters he was "neither optimistic nor pessimistic" with one day left for discussions.

"I think we're moving in a positive direction. We have narrowed some differences, but we still have differences that we have to resolve," he said at the elegant lakeside hotel where both parties are staying.

"As you know, our goal is to try to find a solid foundation on which to launch a resumption of discussions both bilateral and multilateral, and we will continue to work hard to bring that about," Bosworth said. "We have made some progress, we have issues still to resolve and we will work hard to do that."

U.S. diplomats want North Korea to adhere to a 2005 agreement it reneged on requiring verifiable denuclearization in exchange for better relations with its Asian neighbors. China, North Korea's closest ally, has urged Pyongyang to improve its strained ties with the United States and South Korea.

Beijing wants to revive the stalled six-nation disarmament negotiations. North Korea walked out on the talks in 2009 ? and exploded a second nuclear-test device ? but now wants to re-engage. Last year, Pyongyang also was blamed for two military attacks on South Korea that heightened tensions on the peninsula.


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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Newt Gingrich Proposes Space Prizes to Return to the Moon (ContributorNetwork)

According to the Space Politics blog, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a candidate for president, had some things to say about current plans by NASA to send astronaut explorers beyond low Earth orbit.

To be it succinctly, Gingrich is opposed to those plans and, as president, would scrap them. Instead he proposes to "privatize" space flight and to institute a series of prize competitions to open up the high frontier of space. As an example, Gingrich made the claim that taking five to 10 percent of NASA's budget for the past 10 years and using it to finance a lunar prize would have placed 20 to 30 people going to or on the moon.

What are space prizes?

Space prize competitions allocates a certain sum of money to be awarded to a group that either demonstrates a desired technology or accomplishes a certain feat related to space travel. The most familiar example of this is the Ansari X Prize that awarded the Scaled Composites company for flying the first piloted space ship in successive sub orbital flights $10 million in 2004. This feat has sparked the development of suborbital space tourism which, while still in development, is scheduled to begin in a number of months.

Are there Other Space Prizes?

The big one currently going on is the Google Lunar X Prize that will award $30 million in prizes to the first privately funded teams to land a robot on the moon, have it traverse the lunar surface at least 500 meters, and send back video, images, and data to Earth. The deadline for the 26 teams participating is 2015.

Is NASA Currently Doing Prizes?

NASA has a small prize program called Centennial Challenges that awards cash to teams that demonstrate some form of space technology. Thus far competitions to demonstrate lunar regolith excavation, simulated lunar landers, a flexible astronaut glove, and extracting oxygen from lunar soil have been won. Current competitions include power beaming, tethers, a sample return rocket, nano satellites, and a rover capable to operating at night under stored power.

What about Gingrich and Space Prizes?

Gingrich is a long term advocate of space prizes. He is an author of the Mars Prize, which would award a private group $20 billion to send a human to Mars and return him or her safely to the Earth. Gingrich believes that prizes rather than the traditional Apollo project model favored by NASA is a better, more cost effective away to open up space. It is likely that his proposed lunar prize would be financed at several billions of dollars.

What are the Objections to Space Prizes?

Smaller space prizes, especially if privately finances, are not controversial. Prizes on the scale that Gingrich proposes are problematic. Multi-billion dollar prizes, barring the sudden generosity of a Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, would have to be financed by the United States government. It is difficult to see how Congress, especially in these difficult times, would appropriate upwards to $20 billion in one fell swoop and then just leave it in an escrow account for a prize winner to collect. Furthermore, competitors in a lunar or Mars prize would have to raise their funds in the private market. Even with a huge prize available (which might be taken away at any time as political whims change) this also may be problematic

Mark R. Whittington is the author of Children of Apollo and The Last Moonwalker. He has written on space subjects for a variety of periodicals, including The Houston Chronicle, The Washington Post, USA Today, the L.A. Times and The Weekly Standard.


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Flaming Lips to give musical tribute to Steve Jobs

(AP) ? Steve Jobs helped transform the way music is consumed, and now he's getting a musical tribute.

Rockers the Flaming Lips will honor the late Apple co-founder by performing a cover of the Beatles' "Revolution" at the O Music Awards 2 on Oct. 31. The performance will be recorded with an iPad and broadcast on, MTV announced Tuesday.

Electronic-dance singer Robyn will headline the award show, which will take place in Los Angeles. The special "celebrates the artists, innovators and fans impacting digital music culture."

Other performers and presenters include Kelly Clarkson, Demi Lovato, Travie McCoy and Tyler, the Creator.

Jobs died at age 56 on Oct. 5 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.



Associated Press


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Euro zone business activity shrinks further in Oct: PMI (Reuters)

LONDON (Reuters) ? The euro zone's private sector tipped further into decline in October, according to business surveys on Monday that showed the bloc's economy is in serious danger of lurching from stagnation into outright recession.

Shrinking order books and plummeting confidence sent euro zone factories into contraction for the third month in a row, and service sector companies for a second month.

The Flash Markit Eurozone Services Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI), which measures business activity at thousands of firms from banks to restaurants, sank to 47.2 this month from September's 48.8, well below a Reuters consensus of 48.5.

In fact, none of the 35 economists polled by Reuters thought this preliminary reading of the services index would fall so far below the 50 mark that divides growth and contraction.

With Europe's leaders laboring over effective means to fight a sovereign debt crisis that threatens to unleash a new global financial crisis, the PMIs showed little hope of cheerier days ahead soon.

"Most indicators seem to suggest it is going to get worse not better in the coming months. So there is a significant chance of a contraction in the fourth quarter," said Chris Williamson, chief economist at survey compiler Markit.

He said the current level of the indexes, which have a good record of tracking economic growth, could signal a quarterly rate of decline approaching half a percentage point.

The services new business sub-index fell to 46.2 in October from 47.1 in September, its lowest reading since July 2009 when the euro zone was still escaping the worst recession since World War II.

A Reuters poll conducted earlier this month showed a 40 percent chance the euro zone will slip back into recession, while economists now expect the European Central Bank to reverse some of its monetary policy tightening later this year.

German manufacturing contracted this month for the first time in two years, according to individual country PMIs released earlier on Monday. The service sector rebounded unexpectedly but that was perhaps the only bright spot among this month's surveys.


The euro zone's manufacturing PMI slipped to 47.3 in October from 48.5 last month, its lowest point since July 2009. The output index, which feeds into the broader composite survey that combines manufacturing and services, fell to 47.2 from 49.6 in September.

Like the service sector survey, manufacturers reported a steep fall in new business, with the index for that slipping to 43.7 from 45.2 the previous month -- its lowest reading since May 2009.

"There is little to see what will cause an improvement for the first quarter (next year) unless European leaders in the next few weeks manage to bring out a convincing package to restore confidence," said Markit's Williamson.

The composite PMI, a broader measure of private sector activity, also fell sharply, from 49.1 in September to 47.2 this month. Its employment index fell to 50.3 from 51.0, showing an effectively stagnant labor market. Worryingly, Markit suggested worse is on its way for euro zone workers.

Williamson pointed to this month's backlog of work index, which fell to its lowest level since August 2009, and tends to lead the employment index.

"We can expect to see some disappointing news on the labor market front and that is going to further hit consumer confidence."

(To see a program on the euro zone PMI on Reuters Insider Television, click on

(Editing by Susan Fenton)


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Red Hat Gluster, the cloud storage monster (InfoWorld)

San Francisco ? Earlier this month, Red Hat announced it had acquired Gluster, developer of the GlusterFS open source file system and the Gluster Storage Platform software stack. In so doing, Red Hat set itself up as a one-stop shop for those looking to deploy big data solutions such as Apache Hadoop. But it also bought a file system that has serious potential for cloud-based deployments. If you haven't heard of Gluster yet, here's a quick look at what makes it different than most other scale-out NAS solutions.

A quick tour of Gluster

In Gluster's own words, GlusterFS is "a scalable open source clustered file system that offers a global namespace, distributed front-end, and scales to hundreds of petabytes without difficulty." That's a big claim, but GlusterFS is built to solve big problems -- really big problems. In fact, Gluster's maximum capacity is somewhere in the neighborhood of 72 brontobytes (yeah, that's a real word).

To continue reading, register here to become an Insider. You'll get free access to premium content from CIO, Computerworld, CSO, InfoWorld, and Network World. See more Insider content or sign in.


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Fizzling at plate, Cardinals down 3-2 in Series


updated 12:04 a.m. ET Oct. 25, 2011

ARLINGTON, Texas - Tony La Russa lifted his hat right off his head, in amazement and frustration.

This wasn't what he meant before the game when he said he would tip his cap to the Texas Rangers if they proved to be the better team.

David Murphy's comebacker deflected off the knee of reliever Marc Rzepczynski and bounded toward second base, turning a potential inning-ending double play into an infield single that led to Mike Napoli's tiebreaking, two-run double.

In the Cardinals' dugout, La Russa picked up his blue cap and arched his eyebrows in disbelief.

But long before that, St. Louis had plenty of chances to take control.

The Cardinals could have blown open Game 5 early against C.J. Wilson, but instead find themselves heading home in a 3-2 World Series deficit following Monday night's 4-2 loss.

"If they beat us, I'm going to tip my cap," La Russa said before the game. "We did the best we could."

Maybe not, at least in the batter's box.

Yadier Molina and Skip Schumaker drove in second-inning runs against C.J. Wilson as St. Louis built a 2-0 lead for Chris Carpenter.

But the Cardinals finished 1 for 12 with runners in scoring position and stranded 12 overall, leaving the bases loaded in the fifth and seventh.

Wilson stranded a runner at third in the third when Matt Holliday grounded into an inning-ending double play, and the lefty got Holliday to ground out with the bases loaded and two outs in the fifth.

St. Louis left runners at second and third when Scott Feldman struck out Nick Punto to end the sixth. In the seventh, Albert Pujols was intentionally walked for the third time in the game ? this time with no one on. After a single by Holliday and an intentional walk to Lance Berkman, David Freese flied out on the next pitch.

Then, after Allen Craig was hit by Neftali Feliz's pitch leading off the ninth, Pujols struck out and Craig was caught stealing second by Napoli. Other than his 5-for-6, three-homer, six-RBI performance in Game 3, Pujols is 0 for 12 in the Series.

Carpenter gave up solo homers to Mitch Moreland in the third and Adrian Beltre in the sixth, starting the Texas comeback.

After beating Wilson in last week's opener, Carpenter allowed six hits in seven innings, struck out four and walked two.

It was 2-all when Texas put runners on first and second with one out in the eighth on Michael Young's leadoff double against loser Octavio Dotel and a one-out intentional walk to Nelson Cruz.

Murphy followed with a bouncer back to the mound, and the ball appeared to glance off Rzepczynski's knee and trickled away for a single that loaded the bases for Napoli, who drove the ball to the gap in right-center.

When the Series resumes Wednesday in St. Louis, Jaime Garcia starts for the Cardinals and Colby Lewis for the Rangers. The forecast calls for an 80 percent chance of rain.

Holliday and Berkman walked starting the second, and Freese flied to short right field, with the runners holding. Molina singled into left field to put the Cardinals ahead, and Berkman advanced to third when Murphy bobbled the ball for an error.

Schumaker, starting because Jon Jay was 0 for 14 in the Series, then grounded sharply to Moreland, who bobbled the ball at first and lost a chance for an inning-ending double play. Moreland recovered and stepped on the bag for the second out as Berkman scored.

Punto then sliced a liner into left field, and Murphy made a fine, diving backhand catch. Already at first base, Punto kneeled and softly whacked his right thigh with the bat, as if to break it in frustration.

Rafael Furcal bunted to start the third and Wilson slipped coming off the mound, then bounced a backhand flip past Moreland as Furcal took second on what was ruled a hit and the Rangers' sixth error of the Series. Craig sacrificed, Pujols was intentionally walked and Berkman grounded into a double play. Wilson led the majors by inducing 31 GIDPs.

NOTES: Former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach bounced the ceremonial first pitch. ... Furcal, who turned 34 on Monday, led off the game with a liner to Beltre at third, just as he did in Game 4. This was an easier play, with the third baseman not having to leap. Furcal turned and slashed his bat through the air in frustration.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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