Monday, August 5, 2013

Partially assembled iPad 5 and iPhone 5C leaked on video

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Source: --- Monday, August 05, 2013
We?ve been flocked with rumors of an IPad 5 and an iPhone 5C in photos recently, and even though we?re mostly sold with the idea of the IPad 5, since it?s only natural that Apple retains the same design elements of the IPad mini in their future generation tablet, it?s hard to grasp the concept of the iPhone 5C, and specially when the housing of the phone looks like a gigantic iPhone 5 case. Still, we continue to see leaks on these products, and this time we find them both on video, which just makes the claims a bit more credible. These videos don?t vary in ... Continue reading ? The post Partially assembled IPad 5 and iPhone 5C leaked on video appeared first on Pocketnow . ...


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Fast android emulator using Virtualbox

When developing Android applications, you have to keep in mind all the different Android OS versions and various screen sizes and resolutions. The main objective before releasing an application is to find bugs and design imperfections.

Default Android emulator

The great thing about using an emulator for development is that it gives you an opportunity to develop applications without having a real Android device. The default Android emulator comes together with the Android SDK and can be found in the "tools" folder.

So far so good, we have our cake, but can we eat it? The answer comes about 5 minutes after we hit the "Launch" button. Go grab a coffee. Have breakfast. Come back. Wait another 5 minutes. Maybe even more.

Finally - the emulator launches, only to show how slow it actually is.

Boot animation

All these performance problems stem from the fact that it emulates an ARM processor so it can run the actual code of your application. It accomplishes that by providing dynamic binary translation of the device machine code to the OS and processor architecture of your development machine.

Basically, it does a lot of mumbo-jumbo to pretend it's an ARM processor - when actually it isn't.

OK, it's slow. So what can we do about it?

  • Well, first, we can help our CPU out by delegating the rendering process to the GPU by checking "Use Host GPU" checkbox in AVD's edit window. The screen should now look better and be more responsive. That's because the CPU is not dealing with the tedious work of doing rendering anymore. But, that's still not fast enough.

Host GPU

  • We can download Intel Atom (x86) images and, while we're at it, download Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM, for Mac and Windows only). This will enable virtual machine acceleration capabilities of the Intel CPU (for more information check this link).

Now we're getting somewhere, once this baby starts up, it should run fast and smooth.

x86 and HAXM

You could say that this level of speed should be sufficient. That may be true, but an issue with the Intel x86 images is that you don't get Google Apps, they only come with ARM images. This is important if you're testing an app that uses GMaps, or Google Play Services.

So, as we've seen, ARM images aren't fast enough even with hardware acceleration. And emulators don't have the Play Store. What now?

Genymotion by Genymobile

Genymotion is a new, fast Android emulator developed by the French company Genymobile. It's based on the open-source project AndroVM, and the first beta version was released back in June.

It runs on all major platforms (Mac, Windows, Linux). For now it's freely available, but there is also going to be a paid version.

According to AndroVM blog, the free version will be feature-rich, and the paid version will be intended for large companies needing a higher level of collaboration on Genymotion.

How to use it?

Genymotion relies on Oracle VirtualBox to work (version 4.1 or above). So...

  1. Download and install VirtualBox. For Windows users it's not necessary to install VirtualBox separately, because it is available from the Genymotion site, bundled with the Genymotion emulator.

  2. Go to Genymotion website and sign up. You'll receive a validation mail, so just click on the validation link to proceed.

  3. Download and install the Genymotion emulator (the current version is 1.1.0).

  4. Start Genymotion. You might need to configure path to your Android SDK location in Genymotion settings (probably if you've installed SDK in a non default location). Since this is a first start, there are no devices. Click on "Add" and download new device. To see available devices, write your credentials in the pop-up dialog and click "Connect".

  5. Select the device and click "Start".

It starts quickly and is insanely fast! It's a little awkward to start the emulator separately, but Genymotion provides Eclipse and Android Studio integration through plugins, also available on Genymotion website. To use the plugin, you have to provide a path to Genymotion installation and Android SDK, as well.

Eclipse plugin

OK, it's fast. Is that it?

Well, for me, the sheer speed of Genymotion is what got me using it in the first place. Which is kind of funny, because in the first version you couldn't even rotate the device.

But, alongside the speed bump, it also provides GPS, compass and battery control via some good-looking widgets.


Battery control widget


The GPS widget even provides GMaps for selecting mock locations, which is really nice for testing location based apps.

Device angle control and Play Store

Through the Genymotion shell it's also possible to control the device's angle (accelerometer), but it would be cool to control it using a widget, something like the Windows phone emulator does.


Genymotion devices with Google Apps also come with the Play Store preinstalled. This comes in handy if you want to test an app from the Play Store quickly.

Multiple screen sizes

Multiple screen sizes are one of Android developer's worst nightmares. There is a huge number of different screen configurations of Android devices.

Android multiple screen sizes

Genymotion, as well as the default emulator, offers custom configuration of device's screen. In the list of available devices, select the device for which you want to change screen configuration and click on the monitor icon on the right side. Then simply select one of the predefined screen resolutions or create your own.

Screen configuration

Final result

Be careful when choosing resolution, because you may end up with something rather strange?

Where it comes short

The main setback of Genymotion is that it only provides devices with API version 16, 17 and a preview version of Android 4.3 (API 18). If we take a look at Google Dashboard, we'll see that Gingerbread still holds about 33% of all devices (API 10).

So, for testing on that platform you still need either a default emulator or real device, which kind of defeats the purpose of Genymotion as a testing platform.

And there is no camera, which I don't miss, but could be really useful.

In the future, we can expect even more features, like taking screenshots or video screen capturing (which would be great for making demonstration videos). An accelerometer widget would be cool, and even a camera would be nice, but we can only wait and see.

Final thoughts

Well, you can never really get rid of real devices, because you'll always want to test an app on a real device before releasing it. But during development I recommend using a Genymotion emulator. Even though it doesn't cover all major Android OS versions. It's fast, stable, the GPS sensor manipulation is awesome and with the device rotation feature added to the 1.1.0 version - it's truly the way to go.

Also, deploying apps is almost instant and that can save you a lot of time when you're doing small changes to the app. But you have to watch out since the Genymotion emulator runs faster than real devices themselves, giving you a false impression of the performance of the app.

Always test on a real device!


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EasyGroup to launch budget supermarket in Britain

(Reuters) - EasyGroup Chairman Stelios Haji-Ioannou said on Sunday he planned to open a low-cost food retail business in Britain, easyFoodstore, aimed at undercutting prices at German discount grocers Aldi and Lidl.

The founder of budget carrier easyJet said the project was a "low risk experiment" to be run out of a pilot store in south London.

"There is a gap in the food retail market - a niche below some of the current budget operators such as Aldi and Lidl," he said in a statement.

Set to offer basic, no-brand-name, packet and tinned foods at lower prices, easyFoodstore could be rolled out on a wider basis from 2014 onwards, Stelios said.

EasyGroup, Stelios' private investment vehicle, operates its "easy" brand in several sectors including travel, leisure and hospitality.

Listed by Forbes as the third most wealthy Cypriot billionaire, Stelios is easyJet's largest single shareholder despite being at odds with the airline since he quit its board in 2010.

(Reporting by Richa Naidu in Bangalore; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)


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New US penalties will greet Iran's new leader

WASHINGTON (AP) ? As Iran's new president takes over, new U.S. penalties against the country appear a done deal.

In a letter to President Barack Obama, 76 senators are demanding tougher punishment on Iran's economy until the Islamic republic scales back its nuclear program. It also urges Obama to consider military options while keeping the door open to diplomacy.

The Senate letter, a copy of which was obtained Saturday by The Associated Press, comes just days after the House overwhelmingly passed new restrictions on Iran's oil sector and its mining and construction industries. Senators are expected to take up the same package in September.

"Until we see a significant slowdown of Iran's nuclear activities, we believe our nation must toughen sanctions and reinforce the credibility of our option to use military force at the same time as we fully explore a diplomatic solution to our dispute with Iran," says the letter, which will be delivered Monday.

The Obama administration is concerned Congress' effort could undercut Iran's relatively moderate President-elect Hasan Rouhani, who was formally endorsed by Iran's ayatollah on Saturday and takes the oath of office Sunday. Rouhani has pledged to follow a "path of moderation" and promised greater openness over Iran's nuclear program.

Obama wants to give Rouhani a chance to prove his seriousness.

The U.S. believes Iran has been working for years to develop nuclear weapons. Iran insists its program is for peaceful energy and research purposes.

Rouhani's victory signaled Iran's clear dissatisfaction, the senators said. But they noted that all final decisions on nuclear matters rest with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and said Iran must not be allowed to use any new nuclear negotiations with world powers to stall for time.

"Iran today continues its large-scale installation of advanced centrifuges," their letter said. "This will soon put it in the position to be able to rapidly produce weapons-grade uranium, bringing Tehran to the brink of a nuclear weapons capability."

"We need to understand quickly whether Tehran is at last ready to negotiate seriously," it added. "Iran needs to understand that the time for diplomacy is nearing its end."

Obama prefers diplomacy. He has given Iran until sometime next spring to prove to the world that its program is peaceful.

If Iran fails to do so, the stage may be set for military intervention from the U.S. or Israel, which sees Iranian nuclear weapons capacity as an existential threat and has warned of taking action according to its own timeline.


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Travel Tips: How To Take Your Dog, Cat, Pet To The Vet Easy ...

(PET CARE) Do you struggle with taking your pet to the vet? Want to you make your next visit stress-free? Read on for seven tips on how to make a trip to the vet easier for both you and your pet. ? Global Animal

Bring along treats to make your pet?s trip to the vet more enjoyable. Photo credit: Earthworm, Flick

Paw Nation

Want to make your pet?s trip to the veterinarian easier on you, your pet and the entire staff of the veterinary hospital? My advice for you is simple: Relax.

Though there are a lot of other things you can do, I find that a change of attitude can have the most dramatic effect. If that surprises you, it shouldn?t. Our pets are incredibly attuned to our moods, and if you?re acting as if a veterinary visit is a bad thing, your dog or cat is more likely to feel that way, too. A cheerful, optimistic outlook is contagious, not only by animals but also by the folks at the veterinary hospital. Of all the things that can be spread at a medical facility, a positive outlook is the one I hope goes viral. It just makes things so much easier for everyone.

Adopting a more relaxed attitude may be the easiest thing you can do, but it?s not the only strategy to help get your pet through a veterinary visit with minimal anxiety. Here are more techniques.

Car Tripping
For many pets, especially cats, car trips seem to end poorly (in the pet?s opinion). If the only time you got in a car you were going to get a shot or have a stranger poke a thermometer somewhere you?d rather he didn?t, you?d have a bad attitude about travel, too. Mix it up. Take your pet for rides he?ll enjoy. For dogs, head for a place to hike or to a store where pets are welcome. Though your cat likely won?t enjoy visiting, just getting out for a ride with treats and praise can help make him less nervous about future journeys.

Carrier Comfort
Like the car, for many animals a carrier means a trip to the veterinarian because that?s the only time they?re in one. That?s why many pets make themselves scarce the moment the carrier comes up from the basement or down from the garage rafters. Change the script: Make the carrier part of the household furnishings. Though you may not want it as part of your formal living room, make space for it in an area your pet sees daily, such as the laundry room. Pets who are familiar with their carriers are more comfortable in them when it comes time to get on the road.

Good Scents
Synthetic pheromones mimic scents animals create to calm themselves and others. They?re available for both dogs and cats, and in many cases they can help calm an anxious pet. Spritz some on the cushion or towel inside the carrier, and spray even more on a towel to put over the carrier. This will turn the carrier into the cat equivalent of a cozy den with the smell of cookies coming from the kitchen.

Hungry Is Better
And speaking of cookies, take treats but make sure your pet is hungry enough to want them. It won?t kill your pet to skip the meal before a veterinary visit, but it will make the treats you?ll have at the hospital seem even more delicious. Bring on the really yummy, juicy, meaty treats, such as baby-food meat sticks, deli turkey or bonita flakes for cats.

Crowd Sourcing
My longtime friend and fellow Vetstreet pet expert Arden Moore gave me this tip, and I love it! If you have more than one pet, take them all in when you visit the vet. Let them all get treats and praise. It will teach them that the vet?s office is a fun place to be. Only one gets the ?real? veterinary visit, but they all get a good experience. Or if you?re a single-pet person, arrange to take your pet into the vet?s office for a visit and treats when there?s nothing wrong. The results will be the same.

Chemical Crutches
Some pets really need a little more help than a loving owner can provide. If your pet is one of these, ask your veterinarian to prescribe a mild antianxiety medication for your next visit.

Obviously, you?ll need to work out the details with your veterinarian before you put some of these strategies into place, but I doubt you?ll have any problem doing so. We veterinarians love animals, and we don?t like seeing them scared of us. Anything that can change a scaredy cat into a happy pet is something we can get behind ? so much so that you shouldn?t be at all surprised to see your veterinarian also working to make visits more pleasant for all.

More Paw Nation:

More Resources For Going To The Vet:

How To Contain Pet Care Costs

Pet Health: Advances In Veterinary Medicine


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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Iran's new president takes oath of office

TEHRAN, Iran --?

Hasan Rouhani has taken his oath of office, the final step in his inauguration as Iran's new president.

Rouhani, who replaces Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was sworn in during an open session of parliament on Sunday. State TV broadcast the ceremony live.

Iran's media and officials have treated Rouhani as president since Saturday, when he was endorsed by the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Leaders and other representatives from more than 50 countries, mostly from the region, attended the ceremony.

It was the first time since Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution that foreign dignitaries attended the swearing-in ceremony of an Iranian president, underscoring Rouhani's stated commitment to improving the country's foreign ties.

Rouhani won a landslide victory in June 14 presidential elections.


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Casta?eda: Adult Basic Education crucial to Texas' economic success

SAN ANTONIO, August 1 - The Texas Border Coalition has reiterated its strong support for the move of Adult Basic Education from the Texas Education Agency to the Texas Workforce Commission.

Legislation to make the switch was authored by state Sen. Joan Huffman of Houston and sponsored by state Rep. Ryan Guillen of Rio Grande City during this year?s regular legislative session. The legislation, Senate Bill 307, passed and Gov. Rick Perry is set to ceremonially sign it into law in South Texas in the coming weeks.

The legislation carries out a key recommendation made by the Sunset Commission during the interim that ABE be moved from TEA to TWC. The legislation requires TWC to provide adequate staffing, including the hiring of a director, to ?develop, administer, and support a comprehensive statewide adult education program and coordinate related federal and state programs for the education and training of adults.?

The Texas Border Coalition represents cities, counties and economic development groups from Brownsville to El Paso. It has made Adult Basic Education one of its top legislative priorities for many years. On Wednesday, Blas Casta?eda, chair of the TBC?s workforce development committee, testified in favor of ABE?s move to TWC at a TWC Stakeholder's meeting in San Antonio. The meeting was held in conjunction with the Tex-BEST Summit being held at the Grand Hyatt hotel.

Casta?eda is a former external affairs/economic development officer at Laredo Community College. He now consults on workforce training and economic development. He has chaired the TBC's workforce development committee for many years.

?We worked intensively to get this major change during the regular session since we need this type of delivery process for our higher education institutions to deliver critical and wide open access to the folks that are looking to us for such services. They want to get back into the workforce,? Casta?eda said.

?Business and industry is in dire need of a trained workforce and having this process within the workforce system facilitates a major opportunity for both participants and the industry employers in Texas.?

Casta?eda said TBC must work hand in hand with border communities and the industries that provide the economic impacts for all of our cities and counties in Texas. ?The result is the creation of competitive business developments and the state with the highest job creation in the country. Our Texas is on roll,? Casta?eda said.

Here, in full, is the letter Casta?eda delivered to the TWC Stakeholder meeting in San Antonio:

I am proud to testify today on behalf of the Texas Border Coalition (TBC) in support of transferring the Adult Basic Education (ABE) program from the Texas Education Agency to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).

The Texas Border Coalition (TBC) is a collective voice of border mayors, county judges, economic development commissions focused on issues that affect more than 2.5 million people along the Texas-Mexico border region and economically disadvantaged counties from El Paso to Brownsville.

As Chair of TBC?s Workforce Development Committee, and during my 37 years at Laredo Community College, I have had the opportunity to work closely with state and local organizations that are dedicated to providing adults with the basic reading, writing and math skills they need to participate in our state?s 21st Century economy and provide for their families. The adult education program is absolutely crucial to decreasing unemployment, increasing literacy and putting Texas on a path to continued economic success in the 21st Century.

TBC strongly supports this move, and believes that ABE aligns well with TWC?s mission to develop our state?s workforce. TBC believes that TWC will provide good direction to make the ABE program even more impactful for Texans who need basic skills to enter the workforce and contribute to our state?s economy. TBC is excited to work with the Workforce Commission members and staff to make the ABE transition smooth and effective.

TBC strongly supported SB 307 by Senator Huffman and Rep. Guillen, which mandates this move. In 2012, TBC testified in support of the Sunset Advisory Commission recommendation to transfer the adult education programs from the TEA (Texas Education Agency) to the Workforce Commission and create an Adult Education and Literacy Advisory Committee.

TBC supported this move with the understanding that the current funding and resources for the program stay intact and are allocated to the areas of greatest need. In particular, TBC would like to draw the Commission?s attention to several points that TBC believes are crucial for ABE?s success in its new home at the Workforce Commission:

? All funds under the current ABE program should be transferred as well for program activities at TWC;

? A state ABE program director should be created and assigned at the TWC to administer, manage and oversee all daily activities of the ABE program. The Skills Development Fund (SDF) at TWC provides an excellent model for this program;

? TWC must maintain transparent decision-making in the allocation of ABE funding;

? All ABE funding should be allocated by county, so that all communities have a fair and equitable opportunity to access funding. Again, the SDF provides a well-functioning model;

? All ABE funds should be allocated in accordance with US Department of Education?s formula, which is based on the latest U.S. Census count of the individuals by county who are 16 and older, not enrolled in school and lack a high school diploma or GED; and

? TBC looks forward to working with TWC and other stakeholders to develop ABE plans with involvement from local employers, workforce boards, community colleges and other stakeholders to maximize industry involvement and participation.

On behalf of the members of the Texas Border Coalition, I offer our support to TWC as it takes over the ABE program. We have enjoyed working with the Workforce Commission members and staff on other issues that affect the workforce in the border region, and we look forward to working with the Commission and staff to carry forward the great work of the Adult Basic Education program as it moves to TWC.

Thank you for considering our views on this important subject. I am happy to answer questions or assist the Commission members and staff in any way possible.


Blas Casta?eda

Chair, TBC Workforce Development Committee


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